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Everything posted by Tabbie

  1. Ordered a new spur gear from modelsport, I have a habit of stripping things down and then being clueless how they go back together. I shall ladel everything and take pictures as I go. I've hardly used the rival mt10 strangely the big rock gets a beating and nothing breaks.
  2. Thank you for your advice its appreciated. Looks like the spur gear is damaged, as a complete novice I can not find any info online on how to replace the spur gear. Am guessing the complete rear needs to be removed, am worried I'll mess it up big time. Even YouTube has let me down with no videos.
  3. Looks like I've just broke the rival mt10 its making a horrible grinding noise. Not sure what it is...maybe the diff as a newbie am trying to find info on where to start stripping it down? Nothing on YouTube sadly. 20210522_180218.mp4
  4. I find Aliexpress difficult to search unless it's just because am using a mobile, any links please?
  5. In my experience shipping time wasn't the issue the paddle boat they shipped it on was, banggood take awhile to deliver. Rc cars seem to be delivered quicker than general parts.
  6. I also fitted this to mine https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/293991313853 haven't done anything else as yet as the body I feel is very robust compared to my associated rival mt10 anyway.
  7. I started with the WLTOYS 124019 it was fun and got me into the hobby but I've had endless breakages and waiting for parts to be delivered from China is frustrating. I occasionally still use it in the back garden.
  8. We have 5 already, not bad in less than 6 months 🤣 I will now re-do the connectors on my lipos (carefully)
  9. *Update Got a new Weller soldering iron, flux and tried Ic5 connectors instead of Ec5 wow what a difference, effortless soldering. Thank you for all the advice, am looking forward to soldering more now.
  10. I had the same issue with my team associated rival mt10 I think it was throttle trim adjustment in the end.
  11. I've not touched our 124019 and 144001 for months I just got fed up with endless breakages, even the lipos they come with are junk. Not sure what to do with them, now we have afew other options to use.
  12. We still use acetone in work so it's definitely still available. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B086SJ19TT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_RQJ54KB437NNTGSNM9FX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  13. Would Amazon be ok to purchase solder from? I was thinking I might as well add solder to my list my old soldering iron will be gently placed in the bin.
  14. Wirral between Chester and Liverpool. Practice I guess is my only option with the help of a new soldering iron and a 3rd hand.
  15. Lots of advice here thank you I really appreciate it. I definitely need to practice with the advice in mind and new equipment.
  16. I basically need 2 pair of hands and skills I don't have. I load up the connector with solder and tin the wire but trying to get the wire to connect is a nightmare.
  17. You are right of course practice makes perfect but its difficult when you don't need to solder very often.
  18. I think my Dad's old soldering iron isn't helping and the fact the esc is still in the truck, but I genuinely find soldering difficult, I'd happily pay to have it done. Looks easy but it's certainly not.
  19. Like a fool I thought I'd change my Dean's connections over to Ec5 on my Rival mt10 and failed miserably. YouTube video's make soldering look so easy, now I've another Rc truck am unable to run. Plan 'A' find a electrical repair shop that might help. Plan 'B' purchase a cable with the Ec5 connector attached and join cable together https://www.switchelectronics.co.uk/prewired-female-ec5-connector-lead-10cm?gclid=CjwKCAjwpKCDBhBPEiwAFgBzjzg8X2-1F4wNi2JD0B7j7cPb2FYBk35BdY6wYIc1NtJDdmKDbE0f2BoChm4QAvD_BwE Plan 'C' buy another soldering iron and keep trying, until I loose my mind.
  20. Am new to the hobby and own a Rival mt10 and a Arrma Big Rock the Arrma does feel unbreakable compared to the Rival. I'd probably go for the Granite even tho I love the Rival mt10, but am certain you wouldn't be disappointed with either.
  21. Possibly I shall take a look asap it's all a learning exercise. Thank you!!
  22. Possibly I shall take a look asap it's all a learning exercise. Thank you!!
  23. There is definitely no corrosion on the transmitter battery terminals, I've tried dismantling the thing but no joy as yet, I suspect the on/off switch has failed. Am I correct in thinking the esc and receiver are the same thing on this model as with the WLTOYS models? Or it just hidden away? Kicking myself for buying 2nd hand now, constant issues are frustrating when it should be fun for a 6 yr old. I can get a friend to check if the transmitter/controller is toast. Thank you for all the advice and replies.
  24. I might as well get the screwdrivers out and check inside the transmitter/controller thank you for your help. As a beginner its definitely confusing.
  25. I've tried multiple batteries with no joy. The arrma Granite in question is a old model if that makes any difference. If I need a new controller would I need a receiver also? Yep am clueless but learning as I go.
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