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Everything posted by scatteh316

  1. scatteh316

    1/16 Nitro

    Cash waiting
  2. Jesus they are hard to find!!! Only place I could find them for an half decent price was Aliexpress for £30 shipped with the exchange rate but there's way more then you need. http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Area-RC-body-Washers-For-Losi-5ive-T/32301117796.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.2.hj6JSg&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_10,searchweb201602_1_10017_10005_10006_10034_10021_507_10022_10009_10020_10008_10018_10019,searchweb201603_9&btsid=2e98f9d7-6e85-4309-a3d7-ea1449a6bfdb
  3. I didn't even factor price into it, why would I? You're not in the UK so our prices are pointless.
  4. http://www.wheelspinmodels.co.uk/i/230610/
  5. It's your RC if it goes bang........ The biggest LiPo you can get in there without having to force anything in the over priced 5200mAh 2S LiPo the 5ive now ships with as stock.
  6. The tray is 26mm tall... Plus an extra 2mm from the lid and that only leave you with 3mm for the connections.... That isn't enough room for the plugs....
  7. You do know that the hard packed LiPo's are pretty much impossible to fit because of where the cables actually come out of the LiPo?
  8. And it's my fault how? I didn't give you the wrong sizes, I didn't make you order the LiPo, I didn't force you do to anything so please stop blaming others for your mistakes because you refuse to listen to people who know better
  9. I LOVE those wheels and tires!!
  10. It's good for the money and uses the 'better' FHSS modulation - http://www.wirelessmadness.com/etronix-pulse-ex3gpro-3-channel-24ghz-fhss-proportional-pistol-radio-system-et1115?language=en&currency=GBP&gclid=CjwKEAjw3fG4BRDsn9GAv7T2zEkSJACNJdjgG9GtzqwZUWLAhuYjmRYp0TUsSmurXMbLnYf6gwB1oBoCBWfw_wcB
  11. Removed from sale, can an admin please lock the thread. Thanks
  12. That's the original piston that came with the head kit.... More then enough people can attest to that. Guy the group has been running TR snapper on his ESP Championship ported 30.5cc since September last year and not a single running issue, he even stripped his engine down last month and posted pictures of it, very very little wear. Not a 'big bore' as such but he's given that thing hell for the last 6+ months it's been fitted. I can link you to his Facebook profile or add you to my bash group if you wish and you can speak to him directly where he'll back up what I'm saying. And not sure if the "Explain why engines run better then yours" was aimed at me or not, but they don't...
  13. Well as it's my engine and you don't know me and have never bashed with me I can tell you the engine has that many hours on it and you're wrong. I can even point you in the direction of several people on Facebook who I bash with pretty much every week who will tell you straight that engine has the amount of hours on it I said it has. You are more then welcome to contact any of them if you wish.
  14. And once again you've been given correct information by a member of this forum and you instantly argue and dismiss it..... Leo is actually correct.
  15. I think you'll find those aren't quite accurate
  16. Yes it's a G320... I did take some pictures of the bore but can't find them, could of swore I backed them up to Google Photo's...... I do have a picture of the engine and piston though that was taken mid February, the engine was bought in September last year and has been run every weekend except for 2 weeks over Xmas just gone. I'm running premium fuel with Putoline MX9 oil.
  17. You mean like you should of done before ordering that LiPo..
  18. You tell me..... As every time I tell you something you argue.... so pointless.... But yea.... good luck getting it in
  19. 1. The TR is proven to be a reliable clutch, sure there is bad examples around but every product has bad examples. 2. 20:1 is actually more oil then 25:1 so there's more then enough oil in his mixture..... 3. Loose retaining clips can and do happen from the factory, would you expect him to tear down every motor and physically check each engine? And they don't come loose when giving a few gentle pulls either as for the loading it up with wet stuff without a plug in? Never heard such rubbish. 4. My engine has over 30 hours and you should see how clean my piston looks, fuel and oil choice make a massive difference to the amount of carbon build up you get on a piston. Once again another post by you with nothing but rubbish, you really are coming a cross as a very inexperienced person when it comes to RC and 1/5th scales and I hope that someone as equally as inexperienced as you doesn't come on this forum, read the rubbish that comes from you and takes it as gospal.
  20. I just hope he's not expecting that to fit in his X2 battery box....
  21. Especially when you consider that all the chargers will have different voltage readings due to using different internals and circuits so one charger might read 4.2v and other might read a higher or lower voltage.
  22. Overheating is no good for an engine, I think everyone here will agree on that, except you seem to lack the understanding that these engines aren't being over heated. My engine runs at 150-160c, that's normal as G320's are known to run hot compared to other piston ports, so when I break an engine in and try to keep it around the 100c mark it's no where near close to cover heating. These engines are activity cooled and you would have to have a serious malfunction or a blocked fly wheel to get these things to over heat. 180c+ is getting to a scary point but anything less is acceptable. Once again your theory is awful and your logic is even worse..... Maybe go join an AUS based forum?
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