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Everything posted by EquinoxRC

  1. wow, Almost looks like a Tank. Those wheels look amazing, do you have a link for them?
  2. Hi! I've decided i will be buying a 1/8 scale by the end of the year, however i can't decide between Arrma Kraton and Axial Yeti XL. I would love to build a kit, but that option is more expensive than the RTR Arrma Kraton. I'm a hard basher and already own an E-FireStorm that can't take a serious beating. What would you guys choose?
  3. Too late. I bougth the normal turnbuckles. Still got plenty of rod ends too. I'm loving this truck even more with huge tires. However i striped my spur on a stupid jump that i was doing over and over again but what matters is that i did a double front flip on that same jump and landed! I recommend everyone to buy a set of these tires and run them on the e-firestorm. Spent a ton on ProLines but these hook much better on grass and dirt. https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/BS-S-New-4PCS-Plastic-Wheel-Rim-and-Rubber-Tires-For-HSP-1-10-Monster-Truck/32645476418.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.MVfjU9 You can get buy the shell from this link too. Wheels rub on the shell so the wheels need to be adjusted to point outwards. https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/1-10-RC-Car-Monster-Bigfoot-Truck-PVC-200MM-Raptor-Yellow-Blue-Red-Plastic-Car-shell/32753167040.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.lUVVaB
  4. I bent and broke a turnbuckle. Backflips are fun
  5. I've got one, but always forget it at home. I'm waiting on some cheap chinese monster truck tires with 120mm in diameter, so if the chassis still bottoms out with these i will be using them and lower the kv to 3000 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/BS-S-New-4PCS-Plastic-Wheel-Rim-and-Rubber-Tires-For-HSP-1-10-Monster-Truck/32645476418.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.SaqD3Z
  6. I've got one, but always forget it at home.
  7. Well. Don't tell anyone but when i did my diff i found that the seal was in two pieces, really bad shape and i used it anyways (gotta keep it running ) Thicker diff oil is better for traction? Just came back from an amazing bash and as always it did GOOD. Huge Jumps however with decent landings with almost no breakage, one body post broke, no biggie. Also changed my pinion to a small 16 and i sitll don't like the temps, its not burning my finger, but i don't trust it being so hot. Its been running fine for a few months like this, so i don't know if it is running to hot or not. I will probably change the 4000kv motor for a 3000kv that i have on another car.
  8. Should i be running thicker diff oil on the E-Firestorm or not? I'm running 300k CST atm. The truck seems to have trouble going straight without spinning out on loose dirt.
  9. I see that you're running only 4 shocks. My cousin took it out for a ride and while it was faster than my E-FireStorm on 3S it didnt last very long. He's new so he was crashing a bit too hard. Ended up with 3 wheels because the screws holding the steering hub couldn't take the hit and the wheel came off, bent shock shaft and lost a dog bone. But after seeing how it runs, i kinda want a 4wd now
  10. Have you guys ever own a Maverick branded RC? My cousin just purchased a Maverick MT Brushless and he paid the same i did for my brushed E-Firestorm. Since he has brushless power, 4WD, 8 shocks, what's the down side? How does the durability compare? Is the Maverick weaker? I know for sure the E-Firestorm can be abused with minor repairs.
  11. Just bougth the RadioLink RC4G with Gyro Receiver.
  12. Do you guys run with stock TX? I'm looking at the Flysky FS-GT3C, i like that it is digital and provides more fine adjustments, also ABS on the TX is nice.
  13. Shock Rod Ends stripping is the main problem on my RC. I bougth the RCBitz because of the better value for money. If i manage to go through 10 of them, Traxxas will be next.
  14. I found these too, they're a bit longer but come with metal balls. Hopefully they're good enough. Atleast its less expensive than the Kit from HPI that only comes with 4. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/122313562263?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  15. I took my E-Firestorm out to a new place. I broke it. Nothing Bad. IT CAN TAKE A BEATING! Its Amazing! Do you guys know if these will fit the Shafts on the Stock Shocks? Mine keep stripping and need a cheaper alternative. HPI's are too expensive. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Traxxas-Rod-Ends-GTR-Shocks-5469-/252693741751?hash=item3ad5b880b7:g:yuEAAOSwZQRYXQ0P
  16. Those tires look amazing. Mine is sitting on top of a shelf waiting for steering parts. Should be up and running on Friday, hopefully. Still need to decide my new color.
  17. lol what the hell. That truck looks new. How do you keep it that clean?
  18. Did you try changing the wheel base first?
  19. Friends. I just finished trimming my new Body. It was a first for me so its not perfect. Need to sand the lines a bit. What color should i go with? I'm thinking somekind of Blue or even Balls to the Wall Pink
  20. I mainly run on 3s. Will the motor take just one speed run without instant smoke? I'm tempted to try
  21. Good Looking and cheap. I might just get the clear one and paint it! Not even 20€. Do you guys know of any alternative to body clips? btw, i had a crazy ideia. How bad would it be to run a 1500mAh 4s LiPo on the E-FireStorm? 4000kv motor + SC8. Just for a quick speed run.
  22. Yeee.Mine gets hot on 3s with Stock Gearing, but not hot enough that it burns your hand. I took mine to a car park to do some speed runs, managed 82km/h! However it broke when it decided to fly due to some imperfection on the ground. This is the part i broke and HPI only sells the full ServoSaver Set, do any of you have a spare that i could buy?
  23. What's up with those extra shocks in the back.
  24. My Body is falling apart but still good enough to bash around. I striped another RodEnd on the Shocks but didn't loose the spring. AGAIN!!!
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