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Everything posted by barnestah

  1. Cool thanks man. Could tell me where you got the wrap from. was is the E of Bay? Only thought it might grab a bit as its essentially a big sticker isn't it.
  2. How? Is it easy enough to do? Looks really great but is it worth it? As in would it not be a bit grabby and not slide smoothly over obstacles? Also how will it look after some wear and tear?
  3. Hi all, What would a good motor replacement be for me. Nothing wrong as of yet with mine and not really sure what motor it is either? I was told it was a DHK 2200kv motor but the only one I can find that looks similar is this DHK 2260kv motor http://www.dhkhobby.com/ProductShow.asp?ID=18 running 3s and 4s. through a hobbyking 120a esc & said motor on a 14t. Seems pretty darn quick to me and temps seem fine but would I see much difference out of a different / better motor? would a sensored motor be better?
  4. Araldited up the holes and glued in some 3mm black plastic in the big ones on the bottom of my X1-CR-e. And won myself a scanner ssv-9864mg servo for a tenner on ebay Its goto be better than the futaba s3003 in there at the moment, it cant even turn the wheels at a stop.
  5. Ha HA HAHHAHAHA! that,s funny! but lets have some professionalism. Bargain at
  6. Well years back when I had my grass hopper. I used a tyre pen to do the white writing on my tyre's. Not sure where you can get it now but at the time most motor cycle shops seemed to stock it. Edit. Just looked, there is loads of it on ebay.
  7. Just a few updated pics of my X1-CR very slight trimming needed to body. But a much better fit than the hyper. New steering servo needed and new wheels and tyre's when cash allows
  8. Ahh there's a couple of good thoughts.. Cheer's chaps
  9. Hi all anyone got any good tips to fill / seal the now un-used holes in the my X1 - CR chassis? Would that liquid metal stuff be any good? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/993180-Loctite-Chemical-Metal-85g-Liquid-Metal-/350354116271?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item5192bb8eaf
  10. Two ways I know. Get half a hacksaw blade, I tend to tape up one end so as not to cut my hand to shreds. Very carefully cut into the head so as you can get a large flat head on it and carefully remove. Another way is if you can get an electric screw driver chuck over the end and tighten as far as you dare. Then it might give you enough purchase to remove the screw. Good luck
  11. Any one know of good places in or near to the Tunbridge Wells area?
  12. Cool, let me know how you get on & I will add it to my list of thing to buy. Of to give mine a first run to see how thing are as it has not rained for a good few hours.
  13. Don't think that last link worked properly. Try this. http://www.jemodels.com/nitro-models?product_id=1511&page=shop.product_details&category_id=1701&flypage=flypage.tpl
  14. Hey they look interesting and could save a lot of bother and also be more secure. I could not find exact dimensions. But here they do list the x1 cr/t http://www.jemodels.com/nitro-models? product_id=1511&page=shop.product_details&category_id=1701&flypage=flypage.tpl Nice find.
  15. Well had a bit of clean up and put on some shock socks, and new high force wing, got a new Abisma cr3p Rx / Tx. replaced some missing e- lips and tightened some loose hex bolts. and tried to strap some stuff down a bit better. Still waiting for new rear centre shaft so cant really test yet. Also not entirely happy with the left to right weight balance as the battery and esc side, just with a 3s lipo are quite off balance. I may think about moving the esc more to the centre just behind the diff. Also waiting for new body. also knocked up some home made rear stone guards.
  16. Yes I think your right, as I have been looking all over for Parts / upgrade parts. I thought the hyper ss looked very similar too in the chassis department also. But looking at it now and seeing the ss body on mine believe its a bit narrower at the rear though that could just be down to different sized plastic side panel's. I would like to replace my chassis but not sure if this would fit mine http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/370899507487?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2648
  17. would an LX 2E mount be better? I only ask as this is the one that came with the car. Also dose any one use or have any thoughts on these cvd boots or cvd boots in general ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fastrax-1-8-Scale-Silicone-CVD-Joint-Cover-FAST182-/370973651754?pt=UK_ToysGames_RadioControlled_JN
  18. Here is how it looked when I got it. Hyper ss body.. ok fit, but not great on the opposite side. 120a hobbywing sensorless/ sensored esc. DHK 2200kv brushless motor, 14t hardened steel pinion, hpi vorza fully adjustable motor mount, hpi vorza adjustable battery tray with straps, big bore shocks, brand new hyper 8 centre diff . futaba s3003 steering sevrvo. 40mhz raidio. Time for a bit of a clean up. And replace some parts.. Any hints or tips would be most welcome.
  19. Hi I have recently purchased a Hong nor x1 cr brushless conversion from ebay. It needs a bit of sorting as the rear center drive shaft was 4mm short. The odd loose screw here and there and an ill fitting body. But slowly getting parts and hope to be up and running soon. The shocks seem a bit soft to me but have not had a 1/8 buggy before so not sure what I should be looking at for good all round use. Thought I might replace the soft springs with med and replace the oil. Any recommendations ?
  20. Hi all, first post so Greetings all. Just purchased a 1/8 nitro brushless buggy conversion. Christmas present to self Have not had an RC car scince the Tamiya Hot shot 2 was new. Grass hopper & Falcon before that (guess rough age here....? Just wondered if anyone knows of good local area's to take my car when it stops raining so much. ive been looking about and so far have come up with Danorlan park looks ok, Grosvernor and Hilbert park. Or there is a bit of a bmx / rc track in Haysden park, also Tonbridge park looks ok too. any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sorry probably should have put this in the kent topic. But I am quite close to Sussex & it is my previous home county. .
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