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Everything posted by stallion_explosion

  1. thanks for the hobbyking tip - looks like the pan is directly mounted on to the servo though which for this application is probably asking for trouble i reckon http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=11442 Needs to be quite robust. Interested in the tank but think I'd probably rather make something myself to be honest- is the turret a detachable unit? I've never had a look at an rc tank though I've always thought I'd love to have one (or actually 2 more to the point so I could have tank battles but hey) presumably the tank turret is turned by a motor rather than just pulled by a servo? Don't think I need 340 degree turn, just a reasonable arc forward i reckon
  2. I'm going to try and mount a potato cannon to my revo. It's going to be on a pan and tilt mount, rc controlled. The spud gun will be a pretty standard home-made pvc affair. I'm going to make it pretty small for obvious reasons. don't want it to be too heavy for the car also don't want it to be too powerful. I reckon the easiest way to do the mount is for it to be a self-contained rc unit with another operator (a gunner, if you will) with its own rx, batteries and servos. Needs to rotate and elevate, as well as fire. I've been trying to work out the best way of getting this to work - don't want to mount the thing directly on to servo horns, reckon that'll just break won't it. So need to either build a mount or adapt something else. At the moment I'm thinking the easiest thing might be to use a cheap, light camera tripod head, with servos pulling it as required. Ignition probably a bbq sparker pressed by channel 3 servo. I'll shove a gopro camera on top of the cannon. In an ideal world of course that would be fpv for the gunner but that's not going to happen for the time being. Whole assembly on a flat board, attached to the top of the revo. I'm going to use it to try to serve a picnic from a distance, one item at a time, to a couple in bike leathers and helmets. Should be fun. Fuel would normally be hairspray for this kind of launcher but I'm wondering if a drop or 2 of nitro would be more appropriate under the circumstances. Any thoughts? Any advice? One thing I didn't mention is I'm new to rc and have very little knowledge or skill!
  3. that looks fantastic! i've been down there most weekends since Jim got me in to all this malarkey, but couldn;t make the bash because I was floating down a river on a stag do in an inflatable dinghy. I'll def be there next time though. woo!
  4. yeah his approach is basically full throttle and waggle the steering, while laughing like a maniac.
  5. I've ended up letting my 4 year old use my revo 3.3 - with me crouched behind him doing the throttle! he mainly just steers it. i do let him have full control sometimes but i've always got my hand on the controller as it's only a matter of time before disaster would strike otherwise.
  6. thanks guys all really helpful. the pulse is a lot more expensive than a virus or hyper 7 isn;t it- as I'm basically without skill it's probably not worth me getting a particularly competitive buggy! by the way, i keep seeing people say the hong nor is great http://www.modelsport.co.uk/index.php?product_id=33428 but i assume it would be a pain to get spares? does that sound right? easy availability of cheap parts is going to be pretty important
  7. really? that's really surprising! it's a bit counter-intuitive to be honest, as i say i'm pretty new to rc so that is a real surprise- you reckon a .21 will outperform a .28? i am a bit of a sucker for big stuff basically, so i'd still like the bigger engine even if it dosn't really help! why would you take a hyper 7 over a virus 2? what are the pros and cons? i've been advised to get a virus 2 by a couple of friends but not sure i understand why they think it's better to be honest
  8. I'm pretty new to RC, got a revo 3.3 and a tomahawk bx 1:10 - but it's pretty clear to me from knocking about on the local track that to hammer round there i really want to have a 1:8 buggy. specifically i want to get one with a big eff-off engine! looking at the big block buggies around, it's basically virus 2 2.8, hyper 7 2.8 or thunder tiger 2.8 - reckon thunder tiger a bit difficult for spares so that narrows it down to the hyper 7 or virus 2. what do you reckon? is there a clear preference on either of those buggies? or is there another big block buggy which blows them both out of the water that I don't know about?
  9. My first post! Please be gentle! We just blinged up our revo 3.3, bought off a guy on this forum in fact. My boy LOVES it! When it had the old shell he was convinced it wasn't that fast, and now he thinks it is about 3 times faster than it was. The wing apparently makes a big difference to straight line speed if you've just turned 4. It's a Pro-Line VW Baja shell. Engine detail had to come off coz of the wing. Hand painted shell an arts and crafts project the kids could join in with, flame stickers on top. Got my wife involved as well. Lovely. By the way that's a go pro camera mount on the wing - it's the curved one as the flat one won't fit round the wing mount. it came straight off as it was only stuck on at the edges- anyone got any tips on mounting a gopro? or should i just take a saw to a flat mount?
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