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Everything posted by Contagion

  1. Hyper Mini ST.................anyone..............
  2. its getting better................now it just stalls on acceleration..... Hopefully it will get better as it starts to get broken in. thanks for the help
  3. Hello to all .... Joined yesterday and already have a problem.........why does a new nitro car accelerate away when started,i have tried putting the throttle in reverse but that doesnt help.??
  4. Anyone know the settings for a Hyper Mini ST ??????
  5. Ok,I have reversed the servo,but it still accelerates on it's own.Does this mean that the needles are set wrongly.Anyone know the correct settings? thanks for the help as this is driving me nuts.
  6. Yes it has seen fuel,but as I am new to this and can't get much help it is just easier to sell it and buy an electric buggy.It's great if you know what you're doing.And I dont. I know it can be bought for
  7. I bought this 3 weeks ago.But have no idea what i am doing with it.Cost me £225 So grab a bargain-not even broken in yet as i cant get that far---comes boxed with extra glow plug and unfitted failsafe,all batterys.Nitro starter set and everything that came in the box. I will just stick to electric buggys in future. Any offers considered. Staff Note to user: [4.]Bumping - If you want to bring your thread back up to the top, you may bump, but only once a day. Thats from 12 midnight to 12 midnight. You can't bump a thread the same day its started! Please read our forum guidelines.
  8. [mod][1.]Info - Add as much information as you can. Condition, price (where applicable), details, payment methods and contact info. Photos must be visible in the advert or it will be deleted, not linked elsewhere, and not taken from the manufacturers website. If you cannot post photos when you want to post the advert, wait until you can, so no ''Pics coming soon'' or ''PM for pics''. To add photos, click here. The only excemption is items under
  9. I bought a mini st a couple of weeks ago but have no idea what i am doing. I can start it ok but it speeds away at full revs every time,so i dont know if there is something simple i can do to stop this and just get it to sit there revving away. Any help as to where the needles should be and switch positions on the ht-2 handset would be a great help. HELP...............................
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