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Come on go faster

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Everything posted by Come on go faster

  1. my dad thas gone to a place in london call STO models, here is the link they said that if we gave them the car they would run the engine in for us is this a good idea? so far the car has been through 2 tanks of fuel 1 flooded engine and a melted glow plug but things seem to be looking up
  2. ok im ready to go but a problem has come up! the controler does not conect with the car and we cant get the car to start any way is there something that i have missed in the instructions? help is needed robert
  3. I have just received my Hyper 7. I have put on all the details, threaded the wire and put in the glow plug. Nearly all set to go!
  4. ok i have just orderd a hyper 7! £275.00 my first nitro car now i've got to worry about finding time to break in the engine :death:My friend is going to have a hard time cause he cant get one!! I like anoying him thanks robert
  5. what about the M-troniks micro fail safe will it go on any car? robert
  6. is 'Dynamite Race Formula' any good ?? how much fuel does a Hyper 7 take?? robert
  7. i had loads of problems with the computer so i have not ordered it yet but i've made my choice and im sticking with it will be ordering it today how loud is it?? and how much fuel fills the tank because once i got the car i wount have alot of money left? thanks robert
  8. cool! I'm ordering the car today I'm going to take it to a fate where i can use it but i got to break into my engine first right? How long does it take as I go alot of places this week and may not have loads of time thanks robert
  9. sorry that was my friend bob (as he calles him self) but at least it was a good question so im not going to have to add or remove anything just drill and thread the arial ive never noticed the arial before is it posibal for it to fall out because that happend on my electric car and i lost the tube ok thanks robert
  10. ok! im ready to go! just one thing by 90% does tha mean that you just fit the engine?? or is it the shell that needs painting and fitting?? my friend are not quite sure thanks alot bob(roberts friend)
  11. Thank you for all the information, I will be buying the Hyper 7 Buggy. Do you think it is a good choice?
  12. well my budget is £270 and i would like a buggy and i wil be using it for just driving around in fields, maybe on a track sometimes. and i would find all the stats and stuff myself but i dont have time so i ask you robert
  13. hi, can someone post all the stats for hyper 7 and 8 like spped and stuff like that?? as i am torn between the two thanks robert
  14. ok thanks for all of your suggestions! Ill try different mags until I find one that suits me thanks robert
  15. what mags are recommended to buy?? right now i am buying radio control RACER which is pretty good but im wondering if there are other good mags that you use thx robert
  16. Thanks, Ive senn it advertised though "modelsinmotion" but thanks any way. Ive been looking my self and I think the cheapest is £189, £20 off. ok thanks for your help. Robert
  17. hey, just a quick question, could someone give me a rating on this car; nitro x-cellerator, Xtm racing i cant find it and i need some help. thanks
  18. oh yes well that proves that i am the wrong person to ask about cars. i just read posts and try to comment (which im bad at doing) but yes a hyper 7 does look good and is, i understand, a good reliable car (sorry about last post)
  19. what about a savage 7? i know im not the best to ask (by far) but it seems a good car to me im lookin to buy a car and from what ive heard a savage 7 had a good rep.
  20. you can get a rush evo for like £190 - £205 and they look nice *.-
  21. hi Ive found braxted and it looks like a realy good place I went to als hobbies but they didnt sell HPI stuff Ive emailed modelsport again but this time Im seeing the best price they can give me robert
  22. hi all I think that the Hong Nor X1CRT does not look that good And the engine is not suppplied with the kit for £306 and the Ho-Bao Hyper 8 Pro UK Competition Kit looks ok but still no engine, but its your choice and I havnt realy looked at it so what do I know but I would go with the HPI MT2 18ss robert
  23. ok first up that car is mine next up if Im alowd to use the track in braxted that will get me closer to getting that car and I cant find those wheels anywhere but the HPI website can some one tell me where robert
  24. Im going to buy from benracing but I was just seeing if modlesport could beat them. they said in the email that and it isnt just the aria that is damaged im going to als hobbies in essex today so lets see what happens
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