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tt-01 mamba

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Everything posted by tt-01 mamba

  1. it's about kv and voltage. If you have the 5700kv motor on 6 (2s lipo) cells it does 41041rpm if you have the 7700kv motor on 6 cells(2s lipo) it does 55440rpm this makes the 7700kv motor run faster on 6 cells but the 5700kv motor can run upto 9 cells. so the 5700kv motor on 9 cells (3s lipo) is 61560 rpm. This is just over the 60krpm limit of the motor. If you tried using the 7700kv motor on 9 cells it would shatter the motor. the cheapest place to get them in the uk is www.rcdirect.com they sell for 150pounds each
  2. if its that esc get a tamiya rz motor. it's 23 turn but quite expensive at 32 pounds
  3. for 4wd if your into the top end stuff go for the tamiya trf501x. but if you want something a bit cheaper go for the tamiya db-01 chassis. modelsport uk has them for about 130pounds. Both of these are belt driven kits. For two wheel drive go for the team associated rc10b4 or t4
  4. annsman racing?? i dunno if they are british but i only see them on uk sites
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