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  1. Do you know the range, or just aproximatly? Found it: 300m max which is not a lot, but I guess it's enough
  2. Wait I found the same thing but with more orders: here
  3. Do you see any problems with the one I linked? I'd like to opt for a more popular option, I don't want to lose my money. Thanks for you reply!
  4. Hi! This is a follow up to my previous post. My mtx 242 is basically broken, and I need to replace the radio. I'm on a really tight budget. I was looking at the FlySky GT3B. I was also thinking about getting one from aliexpress, and I'd like to know if there are any drawbacks to these really cheap radios. Here is one for reference. Also if you could help me fix the controller in the prevoius post, that would work as well 🙂 Thanks!
  5. Well, yeah I tried, that as well but upon further inspection I concluded that I should replace the controller entirely, as it's most likely a potentiometer problem. I tried using some contact cleaner sprays, but it didn't help.
  6. My maverick strada xb evo, is doing some weird behaviour. It is really hard to descripe, and I've been trying to figure out how it works, for 2 days, but haven't got to a conclusion, I'm ataching a video, where I showcase the problem. Video:https://sztginfo-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/karaadam_sztg_info/ESVIdCuDMhtMkcM0eGQXIXcBOCFn1kU3GF0WV0S9ZLdF9w?e=tgDJ8P
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