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Everything posted by tonytiger88

  1. Do anyone have experience of HPI quantum XB, can it take a hit. I read that if you hit a tree with the truggy version motor and pinion moves out of place, im just gonna use it for indoor racing but im pretty good bumping into the wall, will it be fine? or is HPI maverick strada XB better option?
  2. Mini z cars still uses Alkaline batteries in 2022
  3. I been very interested in getting a Mini z MR03, the reason i stayed away and just purchased crappy Wltoys cars is the fact that those uses LIPO. I had an Mini z MR01 like in 2003-ish, and i remember those AA-batteries drain so damn quickly, because of that mindset i havent dared to buy the new Mini z MR03. sure technology has gone forward but AA-batteries feel a bit outdated when everything uses LIPO nowdays. How long runtime will you get and will those batteries drain like in 90s RC cars - slower slower slower dead
  4. Yea i think i skip the extra fan, too complicated and you must have fligth radio and i can only use one hand
  5. Maybe im in wrong thread or didnt see it, anyway winter time here in Sweden has tons of snow so i plan on building a hovercraft, i built one last year but it had flaws using just styrofoam and RC plane propeller. this time i plan to add a air cushion and a EDF fan, im thinking of saw a square and use a PC fan, i found this cable https://www.amazon.se/dp/B09BQ9CJCL/?coliid=I3LC3S4Z1QUQ7B&colid=2J0C1P8RQJDIH&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it_im so maybe the PC at fill the air cushion can draw power from batterys balance lead. what do you think, is the idea good? I know nothing about KV so can you guys maybe advice about a powerful EDF and powerful PC fan. maybe this? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003985566437.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.655060d3agL8BJ&algo_pvid=a0f38c1c-cfd9-44be-b5e8-3a8ea1ed0dce&algo_exp_id=a0f38c1c-cfd9-44be-b5e8-3a8ea1ed0dce-0&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000027644527969"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!SEK!329.71!329.71!!!!!%402103399116633969930197598e6cc2!12000027644527969!sea&curPageLogUid=dKbUrWvqbP9o
  6. I accedently got the ZTW to work but i dont know how i did, manual is useless
  7. I just tried Flycolor ESC on my boats and Arrma spektrum original ESC on my Kraton, and both are just plug and play. counting the cells when i press start, i go insane on the ZTW. sure steering work but it keeps beeping oddly and not with a clear counting sound
  8. Do anyone know how to start a ZTW ESC, i been spoiled by FLYCOLOR cuz their ESC is just plug and play, but when i connect battery to the ESC normally it should count the battery cells but it just beeps like it waits for programming and i dont know how to make it work. the manual doesnt really help, do any of you know what to do to make it work? its a ZTW Seal 70A SBEC ESC (2-6 Cells) and the boat is Joysway rocket v2, its a chinese boat so theres no start button it starts when you plug in battery
  9. Im thinking of truggify my Typhon 6S, on my Swedish Arrma forum they have the part list , 4 of these https://www.autopartner.se/bilar/reservdelar/arrma/kraton-6s-18/arrma-ar310484-wheel-hex-alumn-17mm-16-5mm-red-2?fbclid=IwAR0lg_9VodHaCArVY4Qi4EFwfa6Mv7kMFcUboPFl4u6KvALSI9lAwATVPhY https://www.autopartner.se/bilar/reservdelar/arrma/kraton-6s-18/arrma-ar310591-wheel-axle-8x45mm-kraton-2?fbclid=IwAR0-xmc1eGVc0GblUe5RvmV0JB9iARhWL8_NfPP1EGV-mPyYe2ePS0JtYD0 https://www.autopartner.se/bilar/reservdelar/arrma/kraton-6s-18/arrma-ar330505-composite-steering-block-front-6s-2?fbclid=IwAR3Qub8Gfvb0ebanuXS-R4RxtHRJohYDWFNC2-dCRkO97JoloK3lYBDZFX8 https://www.autopartner.se/bilar/reservdelar/arrma/kraton-6s-18/arrma-ar330404-hub-rear-kraton-2?fbclid=IwAR0aVm-nnIsq-L1eUD2BgiZFiJK_SwCoe2Yhw-Yd83vwflG5j4H5uZlulD8 https://www.autopartner.se/bilar/reservdelar/arrma/kraton-6s-18/arrma-ar310590-cvd-axle-8x44-5mm-kraton-2?fbclid=IwAR3G2Ag4wOLxyf_oIOMfSYvM8uF81QMFaZJ6OmvsS1Bb-m04WFafZ36-4hE and they say it will look like this https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10160211771374400&set=gm.1970519059794486 but im confused cuz all images i seeen on internet it seems wider
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