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Paul Aston

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  1. Paul Aston


    New to all this but I've converted a ftx vantage to brushless and it works mint other than it takes a few pulls on the trigger to engage reverse. It's not the meshing as I've tried it without the pinion and it still does it with no load.
  2. Thanks guys. Now I've blamed it on the lad and got that out the way I suppose it's time to learn and enjoy this guilty pleasure. So today I'm taking delivery of my broken brushed vantage I got for a bargain. Last week I stupidly built a mardave mini with a brushless system and its uncontrollable so my idea is to swap the bits with the brushed vantage and hopefully end up with 2 good cars for our collection 😀
  3. Hi. Myself and the boy have just got into RC game. Have a basic (very basic) knowledge of both RC cars and Forums. Lol.
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