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Everything posted by Dazzi0

  1. Ino its hard to say but wot is a running serpent 710 worth roughly? i used to race these many moons ago and got afew lying around also the hyper 7 8 port model like new?? any help would be thanked...
  2. had it afew months ran it 4 times its just sat here doing nothing.. its a lovely piece but if somebody is after one i will let her go for
  3. been offered 1 of these and i like it... anyone got one or know much about them? any advice would be great
  4. Dazzi0


    Staff Note to user: [1.]Info Add as much information as you can. Condition, price (where applicable), details, payment methods and contact info. Photos must be visible in the advert, not linked elsewhere, and not taken from the manufacturers website. If you cannot post photos when you want to post the advert, wait until you can, so no ''Pics coming soon'' or ''PM for pics''. To learn how to add photos, click here. The only excemption is items under
  5. is it a truck to avoid?
  6. wud you swap for my fg onroad and a little cashio?? id proberly come down and pick it up,, i fancy a little road trip...
  7. just keep all your screws together so you know were they go, been reading the thread so i guess your new to rc, they break all the time so you will need to know how your car works matey.. its all about stripping them down and see how they work.. you will get pretty used to it and you will do it without even thinking about it...
  8. iv herd the fg lorry's ie caterpillers trucks arnt very good? iv been told from about 3 people to stay away from them but iv never got a reason to back this up..??? i cant see them been much different to my marder and merc clk for durability etc??
  9. you should of baught my fg onroad. i bet yours cost alot more than what mine is up for...
  10. what hyper is it like? if its what im after i may do a deal with the hyper and abit of cash????
  11. middlesbrough way mate, i aint too far from whitby on north east coast
  12. 23cc engine runs very well with tuned pipe, all radio is included hitec servos and receiver etc, also has a custom roll cage.. car is very clean and starts first time..comes with 2 bodyshells, 1 mercedes clk which is in good condition and 1 m3 bmw which is abit battlescared but is ok.. i can post pictures from my phone later if anyone is intrested.. im wanting collection only please, but if your after a fg onroad this is worth traveling for.. im looking for
  13. was after a set of these, just baught a set of slicks now or would of have you a good price for them
  14. Dazzi0

    Ho-bao gpx4

    rather hang onto it,
  15. haha pure skill lol jk....
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