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Everything posted by jonmiller

  1. Thanks guys Cheerz Jony, probably still broke, who knows really..I don't think it has healed properly but I have most movement and am riding the bike so all good! Animal - I would generally say don't waste your time but feel free to give it a go. Use brake fluid method does work but you may be left with score marks, colour stained lexan, fogging or if really unlucky all of them.
  2. Thank ya buddy! BUY ONE GET A DUPLICATE FREE on all decal orders and paint mask orders placed before midnight GMT 31.7.13 (offer applies to plain/normal sponsor and name decals only - does not include tx, wing, carbon, holo etc) 20% OFF ALL BANNERS http://www.rcsgraphicworx.co.uk/shop.php
  3. Too kind good sir, thank you! For all your custom needs http://www.rcsgraphicworx.com/ Where's the blush smiley..haha Hey bud, glad to hear mate. I think the 1/8 buggies were my favourite of that series
  4. Has it really been that long since posting on here!! Well, thought I would drop by to share a few bits and pieces I have done inc clothing, decals, shells etc Cheerz, Jon
  5. Thank you guys! Matt, glad you like it and yes, the flake is hard to pick up. Correct e13 It was a comprimise between replica and budget
  6. Hey Gang, Been a little while since posting so thought I'd grab a couple snaps of some recent work to show I hadn't run off to the woods just yet. Cheerz, Jon
  7. Yes you can. Although I will have to alter the design as that was a custom order for someone. Perhaps on the front have the ghosted dc shoes lettering from the sides in place of the subaru logos. Maybe add some other bits. Feel free to drop me an email to discuss further Gav [email protected] Cheerz, Jon
  8. Cheerz for the comment Gav £12 for set designs - inc 2 skin sets(colors are able to be customized) fully custom designed £27 inc 3 skin sets
  9. seeing as the weather is a bit crappy out i thought i'd get the wing template for this one done
  10. cheerz for the response guys sure, will be doing custom stuff indeed
  11. cheerz buddy. apart from the off center 'graphic' haha. it was late and had been a long day. just wanted to get it printed quickly to test the size/fit.
  12. Hey Gang, Thought I'd share my first venture into custom decals etc. Completely new to it all so is alot to take on board but it's fun...albeit a little fustrating sometimes Amongst other things, had a play with this Losi 8 wing wrap. Nothing in particular really, just seeing what's what so be gentle haha Cheerz, Jon
  13. awesome, thanks guys! vood2oo - cheerz buddy. not sure which one that was, sounds like the demo shell i did to show the 5b paint masks
  14. Hey Murat! Cheerz buddy! Hope you are well mate..
  15. cheerz guys. yeh, enjoyed the frog one, something slightly different from the usual stuff which makes it more enjoyable.
  16. Hope everyone is well. Not been posting much but have been busy still. Thought I'd share a few largescale shells done for a meeting this weekend. Cheerz, Jon
  17. Check out my site for paints and masking fluid etc www.rcsgraphicworx.co.uk
  18. Just give me a shout in the meantime if you want to get some mate. I am currently having a new site built. Can't wait! RCS will be stepping up a notch and shall also be doing decals and banners etc... Great, all I need is more to do. Haha
  19. lookin good buddy cars one makes ya smile, goofy sod
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