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Everything posted by Sk8inDuck

  1. Hi all, I'm looking for a dirt cheap (No pun intended ), mini on road car.
  2. I'm sure your all right in it's design flaw's, but I have to disagree when you say it's ugly....
  3. Bodyshell's? Anyone know some different bodyshell's that fit the e firestorm? :yes:
  4. Has anyone ever made a e firestorm into a on road car?
  5. I got april fooled today. Not by this though....
  6. Yeah. I thought as much. Thank's anyway....
  7. I made a iMovie edit of myhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6D7QQ7B3lw. Thanks for everyone's help on deciding!
  8. Thank's all you guy's for your help! is a iMovie edit I made of my E-Firestorm. Mine is the red.
  9. I would SERIOUSLY recommed the E-Firestorm. is my one. Literally my one. Although I would back up what the other guy's said. Consider what you will be doing with your's, if you get one.
  10. Hi all, I was hoping to make my own custom bodyshell for my E-Firetorm. I know it's easy enough to get a clear bodyshell, but I'm wondering if I can use these Enamel sort of paint's, 'cos I have TONS of the stuff!
  11. Ok. Thanks guys, but I'm a bit of a noob, so could you explain what s "60a" esc. is? And waterman said "this is old version!" Erm... What does that mean? Like I said. I'm a noob....
  12. Hello again MSUK. I'm sure this question has been asked on many occasions, but I can't find any threads for it, so I shall ask anyway. I recently got a HPI E-Firestorm Waterproof. I want to upgrade the motor to a brushless. What would be the best Motor-ESC.-Battery Combonation for my E-Firestorm. Thanks.
  13. The only problem, is that you can't tell if the truck is going rusty or not!
  14. SERIOUSLY!? Who in there right mind would put something like this up for sale? Now I'm no expert, but I think it's gonna be a flop.
  15. Ok. When I tried driving it round my room last night, I squeezed the throttle as little as I could and the truck would blast full throttle. After 30 seconds or so, it work fine again. I tried this on several occasions, and It's the same thing everytime. But it ONLY happens in the first 30 seconds or so after I've turned it on. Should I be worried about this?
  16. IT WORKED!!!! Itworkeditworkeditworkeditworkeditworkeditworkeditworkeditworked!!!! Thank you SO much! Your brilliant dude!! You've made my day!!! :yahoo: Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!
  17. Ok... um... How do I do that...? I'm a noob when it comes to RC cars
  18. When I aplly pressure to both the wheels at the same time they DO both turn, but its hard to turn them there's alot more resistance than there should be.
  19. Yeah, I thought it could have been an ESC failer aswell, but my problem is when I turn the car off and try to spin the rear wheels by hand (so moving one wheel and the other will turn in the opposite direction) , it dosen't turn smoothly and it feel like something is jammed in there.
  20. Ok. So I got my new E-Firestorm on boxing day, a bit weird I know. My dad wasn't around on Christmas so we postponed the prestents. Anyway, because we get sucky weather in wales I had only got four proper runs. On the fifth run I was driving with my friend and his E-Firestorm. I skidded to a stop and went to accelerate again and all it did was judder slightly. The stearing was fine but it wouldn't go, forwars or backwards. Later I opened it up and found that everytime I used throttle the fail safe LED would flash. So is the fail safe the problem? PLEASE HELP ME!!!
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