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zebrevo last won the day on November 20 2012

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About zebrevo

  • Birthday 13/12/1975

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  1. Had to get out early yesterday morning - hoped for a sunrise, but the mist was out again, and the sun was very weak.... thought I wouldn't have anything but managed to pull these out of the RAW files. Definitely gives much more scope than JPG's. Link to SOOC JPG's below if anyone's interested. SOOC JPG SOOC JPG
  2. Nice one TS - only member of ZZ Top without a beard?????? The drummer, Frank Beard!
  3. Not at all RC - you're dead right about the power line though. And hey - anything that I can do - anyone can do!
  4. And from me, HDR panorama. Ok - only two images - shot the tree and thought this isn't going to work, so I swung round a bit to the right and got a frame of sky. Tundry pond tree by Mac 2012, on Flickr
  5. that's looking pretty good for a 250mm lens - at 1/1600 and ISO 100, you've room to close your aperture a bit, to get into a sharper area of your lens... a bit of PP to boost contrast and sharpen (slightly) is about all there is left to do. good shot .
  6. One from yesterday...... Toward Farnborough airport by Mac 2012, on Flickr And an attempt at B&W, did a bit more that just desaturated it. Created layers for the sky, the stone and the foreground, and used channel mixer to convert and then changed curves and contrast on each individually. Toward Farnborough airport by Mac 2012, on Flickr
  7. dead right Ting - that barn has great potential.... take (quite) a few steps back, a few round to the right, catch a bit more of an interesting sky.... and you'll get a cracker of a picture.
  8. blimey tam - beats me how you tell anything up there - all just stars to me! and ting - I guess you could call it HDR.... here the original jpg - think I might have overdone the brightening of the foreground... dunno.
  9. meant for the portraits of the kids for the aperture settings - I didnt think youd catch Jupiter with a 50mm lens! I was a bit late out to catch the best of the afternoon light - had to race up the hill to try and catch something! 2nd one was from three exposure, blended together. First was 2 exposures stitched! From that hill - there is a massive like 270
  10. Hey Ting - Good work on the stars and Jupiter - you should be rightly pleased, esp with Jupiter. And good sharp shots of the little-ones too. Don't the nifty fifties get even sharper when the're not fully open?? So f/2 or f/2.8 rather than f/1.8?? One good thing about the shorter days, is that sunset comes early in the evening, when I can actually get out. Caesars Camp view towards Aldershot by Mac 2012, on Flickr Not sure if the're a bit much saturation on this one or not?? the sky was pretty orangey and purpley, and I've tried to keep the greens real. Caesar's Camp sunset by Mac 2012, on Flickr
  11. not quite - they don't seem to drop as many as they used to though - got about 50 one day about a year ago. Now its only 2 or 3 a time. Very nearly developed into an OCD for me, as I couldn;t walk past one without picking it up.
  12. Just a few other equally random things from around the house - not really allowed it till my birthday (4 weeks away). Cheers.
  13. Excuse me.... but look what I got.... Hint >>>>>>>>>>>>>......Check the EXIF.......by clicking through to Flickr.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  14. i agree with that Rich - when I was stitching my last panorama - I had all 4 cores working at 100% (for the first time ever), temps on each up to around 50
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