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Everything posted by Promc

  1. So close m8,its just through the gate at the end of the road - I think we may have heard you guys running at one point & we did see someone with a baja,wasnt until 3 oclock ish though.Think we may have missed you because we walked up through the woods.Oh well,theres always next time .
  2. The dunes are good fun......until somebody lands upside down in a puddle - Not a problem though,we flushed some fuel through it & it fired straight back up .In fact,it was the only one that drove back to the car. Have still got to upload the pics & we got loads of footage too,although this is the only one ive uploaded so far - These guys were there too : All in all,a good bash
  3. We must have missed u,have just got back now,got there for about 12.Did you guys make it up as far as the dunes at the top?
  4. Hopefully,we will be there for 12 .There is a bit of light rain forecast,so might be worth bringing an umbrella or something as well.
  5. Was the bit with the humps dry?Thats the best bit,if the puddle in the middle isnt too big we usually race from end to end.Sounds like today was perfect conditions:) PM sent . What sort of time you guys thinkin of gettin there?
  6. Should be a good bash .We will be there at 12/12:30.Hopefully the standing water will have gone & the weather will be nice .
  7. Met you down there before,were the savvy guys,think you gave us the directions?.Sure we have seen you in the carpark down the road as well?
  8. We will be there this weekend - will send the directions & parking etc later tonight . We were there on Monday,but it had rained a few days before,so there was alot of standing water in the bit that we usually bash on - The puddles were this deep There are other big dry bits to run on,but they are a bit flatter - Were hoping with the better weather that weve had the last couple of days ,that its gonna be a bit drier.Fingers crossed
  9. Evenin guys, I did send Josh a message with the location details,but hes on holiday i believe,so he may not have got it yet. The spot itself is located out the back of Farnborough airport (bit further south than south london !) : http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en-GB&rlz=1T4TSEA_en-GBGB319GB320&q=Eelmoor%20Plain%20Road&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl If anyones got any questions feel free to ask .Hope to see you guys there.
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