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Everything posted by Hpi_matrix_stock

  1. Id hardly say its guaranteed mate and even when you do get a job, a lot of engineers are no where near paid enough in this country.
  2. Would I be serious uncompetitive running anything less then brushless and lipo? Looking at the price of brushless I dont want to invest! Lipo's seems reasonable though, I have an old kyosho TF5, would it need much modification to fit a lipo?
  3. How much would a clone DDM pipe be worth? Its brand new.
  4. All electrics other then tx/rx. Stock set-up.
  5. Whats a 2nd hand chinese 5b worth these days?
  6. Ive never jusitfied the looting, if you read what I was responding to you'll see I think tackling the social and econmic problems is better then hitting them on the head lol
  7. Or maybe try and address the underlaying social and economic issues
  8. Wow, do you just read things in your head? All i've "speculated" is we dont know the truth yet
  9. Ermmm neither did I You do however suggest that the gun belonged to him and that he pointed it in the face of officers, this is what I was responding too.
  10. Korb, can you show me a source of info that says its Mark Duggan's gun? According to one eyewitness, Duggan was shot at close range after he had already been restrained and pinned to the ground. Why would you fight back at police who have surrounded you with MP5's when all you have is a converted pistol? Any fool would give up. Of course without the facts from the IPCC this is all speculation, the fact is police do make mistakes and have killed innocent people. Heres Massive attacks (the band!) take on the riots:
  11. He could have had his hands up in the air saying I give up as soon as he saw the police then they could have shot him anyway. We simply dont know, and because its taking so long to find out it seems suspicious. Police can make mistakes, just look at Harry Stanley or Charles de Menezes.
  12. Nice post happylad, im glad some people can see both sides of the coin. Over on the AX forum I reside in nowadays ive been shot down for trying to even suggest the police might have made a mistake. Im glad theres still some sensible people on the internet.
  13. Because the government always pay attention to petitions
  14. Il be off back to my car forums
  15. Because your just some random guy on the internet, who can't back up any of tripe he's just spouted with any kind of source whatsever. What are you going to tell me next? Jean Charles de Menezes had half a ton of c4 strapped to him?
  16. Only 3 of my car left on the road and I know one of the other guys haha
  17. None taken im not some mega techie but can do most things if theres a guide. Il try out your link sounds perfect, and im sure I can get the full version some how my phone is jailbroken if there is a better programme I can use, but your link sounds perfect.
  18. But some guy on the internet called toys4x4boys, is a better source of info lmao. Every newspaper says the same thing too...I doubt every single source on the internet would omit such a key element to the story
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