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Everything posted by Cambergang

  1. The savage octane is slow when tuned incorrectly or not properly ran in. From what I've seen it takes 10-15 run in tanks to get the best from it. And it may not have the most powerful motor but a 3 speed box helps there. From what I've seen the lst Xxl is no slouch either.
  2. It's a Losi the price is in the name lol. Always will be although there's very little price difference in the dbxl and x2 nowerdays. But after driving my obr 34 reed fullmoded Baja the stock dbxl will seem boring I know it lol. (Although it won't be stock for too long) how does the dbxl jump ? I know 5ives are great in the air. Also how rugged are dbxls? Again 5ives are mega tough and I've seen some take some crazy jumps and bad landings. As for the octane and Xxl it would be a lot more testing of the patience I think but I'm tempted to give either of them a go....
  3. Well I like the idea of getting a new RC, (who doesn't) was decided upto a km x2 so I can give it a good test, but a few things have put me of recently including the paint flaking of the body (not a major issue but if km have overlooked this in the QA what else is going to be abit shabby? Anyway I recently got watching a few savy octane videos and I have to say the "updated" (working) versions have tempted me to buy one and see what kinda luck I'd have with it (and again give it a good test/bashing). Other option is the dbxl, always like them but maybe a tad slow out of the box? Then the wildcard, the new Losi lst Xxl petrol. Just wary that it's too much like a nitro and will lose the reliability and easy of use factor that we all love about petrol. I want the new truck to be 4wd, already have a Baja and around 650 budget. Any recommendations ideally frome people who've had experience with the above models
  4. Are the ball connectors for sale ? Above the shock braces in pics. Are they the parts that attach to the top arms then hubs ?
  5. there recommended, very nice bits of kit.
  6. That's the ones. But mine are the extended ones. Lovely bit of kit.
  7. I've got the km ally upper plate from a 002c if I remember correctly. Silver ally one nicely machine part that's strong as hell. Great for the money. Also my axels aren't held on by eclips. Theres a bolt that goes straight through the centre of the hex and bolts to a tapped rear part of the axel which holds the hub/bearings/hex all together. Nice piece of kit. Not sure what make tho my baja came with them on second hand. Jjdsplace when are u open again for posting parts out etc?
  8. My fast tax one weren't too bad tbh. But as above arrowax are nice. But all small tips if used incorrectly will strip. Also if u think u may get a Losi model 1/10 or 1/8th or smaller you will need a imperial set. I got the purple arrowmax set. Mmr sell a large T handle set of hex drivers too (can't remember the make.) Good for the extra bit of leverage and range from 1.5mm to 5mm iirc.
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