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Posts posted by 100southin

  1. I wonder if they've mistakingly put the wrong pinion in then, or wrong spur?? It's probably worth the few quid investing in a steel rw pinion and a replacement spur, just incase some mixup has occured?

    I have TT-01 and have never had an issue with mesh at all.

    I thought that but I counted the teeth on both and they're correct 

  2. Do you have the motor mounted to the corresponding holes on the motor mount to match the pinion? If you do it should mesh perfectly.

    otherwise check the spur gear and motor are both seated properly :good:

    I didn't know the hoholes were different I have the motor with he writing facing upwards bolts are at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock 

  3. TT-01 isn't 48 pitch. It's mod 0.6. If you've tried a 48 pitch pinion with standard spur, then that's your problem.

    Check out RW Racing for pinions. Steel ones are a must. Standard Tamiya ones are soft as cheese, even though they are metal.

    hi sorry my bad it's not 48 they are the standard spur and pinion as stated about it is 100% stock as it came in the kit 

  4. If they don't appeal then don't do it bud!

    They don't appeal to me either, that's why I play with minis and been through a fair few looking for that perfect car (still haven't found it :D )

    At the end of the day, these are just toys, get the one you fancy and enjoy it :)

    I found my Merv a lot more dependable once I'd sunk a fair bit into it and worked through all the weak points but the support for it is fading as they lose their popularity.

    XS needs a shorter list of upgrades but eats itself making it high maintenance to keep it up and running. Is a stout little thing while you're out bashing though providing you stay on top of it.

    if i had an xs i wouldn't be planning on running it on any higher than 2s does it still how the drive line issues even on 2s? The thing thats steering me away from the MERV is the wheels are smaller so in my eyes i would see it struggling on grass etc. is this the case?

  5. 1/8 scale buggy is the obvious candidate, same physical size as your old slash but more heft and power. EB4 G3, Hong nor X3 or the inevitable Hyper conversion are the usual suggestions but 1/8 scale buggies aren't really my thing, i prefer sending small stuff into orbit at the skate park :)

    i've never had a 1/8th buggy but they have never really appealed to me, i see a lot of people convert hypers and the hong nor x3 looks to be good value for money but what are upgrades like for them and spares etc.

  6. Also been there, run both and the answer is neither!

    Both have serious issues, both are Marmite cars, I love both but they're both seriously flawed.

    Unless you specifically need or want to run something small, you'll be better off getting something bigger. Bigger will work out cheaper in the long run too.

    If youre really set on getting a mini then just do some reading to be sure what youre getting yourself into. Hand on heart, I prefer the Merv but I can understand why others say XS. :)


    if you had

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