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Everything posted by rcrallyuk

  1. Hi Hi I have been running me electric Rally car for around a year now and i muct admit i love it. I love the scale speed it goes and now well the electric can handle. Problem is, I live in an area that has a lot of bashers who run buggies. I don't really like buggies as i like the idea of a car so i don't want to spend a lot of money on this. Can anyone suggest a good starting point for a buggie. As i said i don't want to spend a lot of money. I have radio sets but i think i would like a RTR version. I have checked the "welcome thread" and there was some good reading. I don't need a lot of speed but i would like a fast-ish car that i will notice the difference changing from electric. Thanks Andy
  2. how would you do that mate. I only know how to take it back to factory settings and then how to amend these settings. Is there a reset i can do or something.
  3. Hey mate. I was wondering. My and a couple of guys run TT01 Rally conversions and we would love to get a "rally cross" kind of event going. Would the tracj be ok for cars like ours. we are in no way fast. Ta Andy
  4. Clyde. That sounds like an epic idea. I know the bit your talking about. Its a great spot. There is also the old ground at the back on the gorbals. That copuld also be used for some good ground. I know a guy who made a music video so a song i produced and it was filmed there. Im sure he just spoke with Glasg city and they said no bother. I think they want people to use spaces like that as they look a riot. Andy
  5. Hey mate, Im from East Kilbride and we sometimes treck up to prestwick or largs for some beach action (with the cars) We run Tamiya TT01 Rally conversions so we can't do much in the way of jumping and going fast but we would be game to meet with you guys sometimes for a crack on the sand? Andy
  6. lol haha Stop spending... The best thing i do is actaully tell the Mrs how much you are spending and i promise you will at leave half your Rc outgoings haha Enjoy the new money
  7. Hey guys. I am posting this out again as i cant find the original one done about 2 months ago. I have an Etronics Probe ESC and an Etronick 27T Sport Tunes Brushed motor. I have been running this for the past year with brake and everything was ok. I got a hold of the settings card because i wanted the car to have a slower reverce. I set this up and again everything was ok. Ran the car for around 20 mins with brake an a reduced reverce speed. Then the car just stopped working a brake. I called CML dist (i think thats what they are called) and the guy said that he has never heard of this. Has anyone had an issue with this and does anyone know what could be the problem Also another thing. if the car was going foward and i change straight to reverse. Will this drain the battery more than having a brake? Thanks Andy
  8. Hey guys. for my sins i work for a bank and i just thought it would be good if people had a place where they can ask questions about their money. Just a wee note. I will not advise on financial situations and i cannot advise of spacific products but i can give you the Pros and cons of each question and you can make an educated decision. Please do not post details of your own financial accounts but you can PM if you are looking for a more in depth question. Hope this might help some people. Thanks Andy
  9. Hi peeps. My and my wee "rally buddy" were out on sunday explaoring the woods for new rally locations and we came across an area of the woods where people use for mountain biking. The place was amazing. The have spent a bit of time building wee jumps and small wall rides. The cars look amazing going round it. i will up load pictures. Does anyone have any pictures of their rally locations. If you can include where this is so other members can find it if they live near. Andy RCRallyUK
  10. http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=111005046291 These are the ones I have. If u can get a couple of sets. Comes with its own oil. The oil is a great balance and these should be a lot more. They have never failed me and one set has lasted for over a year.
  11. Its just the stock tamiya shocks that are on it so really any tt01 or m series shocks will fit. Your looking for around 50/60 mm clearance try these Alt URL: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/4-x-TAMIYA-TT01-TL01-M03-ALUMINIUM-ADJUSTABLE-OIL-DAMPERS-SHOCK-ABSORBERS-ABSIMA-/400382969038
  12. Defo. I would collapse doing a long stage. What about a rallycross and we can get a good 4/5 cars on at once.
  13. I would like some input from guys who would like a rally event. - What kind of rally's would u all want -Would you like a nature trail kinda track or just some tracks through the woods. -Will me use the wrc format of racing As much info would be great
  14. Nice one. If u need any help then just pm me mate. I'm trying to sort some events out so I'll keep u posted. Get liking the Facebook page for more updates
  15. I am in the process of building n intro to rally post (on the rally front page) it will hopefully contain. Links to posts that clearly set out guidance to modding the car for rally. What you have been talking about is great but a 12 page guide could become too much reading after a while. If a single thread could be done to let people know what you need to do as soon as you get the car. Things like: Suspension Wheels and tyres What upgrades are needed Diy amendments Tips for setting up the car And just general upkeep Also a good idea to have a section to tell people what kind of spares they need to think about Thanks Andy
  16. Hey guys i have posted a couple of times around my ESC. I have been playing about with the settings on the ESC to ensure the best performance and battery use. I think i have ended up doing something to the ESC to stop the brake. I have played about with the ESC settings and i cannot get it back on at all. I have a probe ESC with a sport tunes 27T motor. I had it working about a week ago and there has been no changed to my set up. All batteries have been tested or are new. I have been using the attached document to achieve the factory settings. I would like to know how to put the brake back on. Thanks https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/?ui=2&ik=b168965bd6&view=att&th=13d96c1b82ef0937&attid=0.1&disp=safe&realattid=1430293205151121408-local0&zw&saduie=AG9B_P_AH-Z6W2MjJdOT7L2Mw9Kt&sadet=1364034570040&sads=r2BPX0eZw8tmFnVHrPXU-oTC7fs&sadssc=1, https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=gmail&attid=0.1&thid=13d96c1b82ef0937&mt=application/pdf&url=https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui%3D2%26ik%3Db168965bd6%26view%3Datt%26th%3D13d96c1b82ef0937%26attid%3D0.1%26disp%3Dsafe%26realattid%3D1430293205151121408-local0%26zw&sig=AHIEtbQy8IkYBGbiifyw921xDDIAQHAVBQ
  17. haha i have over 400 records. Some are 12" singles with accapella mixes and remixes so some good ones.
  18. Loads mate. Ill post up some names tonight mate
  19. Unfortunately raking though broken arms and out of stock parts is not my thing...I don't have a WR8 so i have no idea what is needed for WR8 rallying. Hopefully someone will take the time to promote the use of WR8 in rally. Ta Andy
  20. Would someone be able to do a wee post or pm on the WR8?
  21. I have sent a wee note to the Scottish and the british forums. I cant get onto FB on this comp.
  22. Brilliant Alfa, Im getting on to that the now. Just to let everyone know, I have done some updates and also added some chassis links at the top. Andy
  23. Thanks mate. I will get a link on the intro page for this. Thanks Andy
  24. Great idea Alfa. This is the feedback I'm looking for. I'll get onto that tomorrow. Andy
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