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Posts posted by doom56

  1. ok ive phoned USE directly and explained to me whats happend. appertnly ive brought a lefty fork with out a hub but if i brought the lefty fork with a hub the fork is not lefty its standard. and USE dont make lefty hubs for their lefty forks.

    so im now gonna send the hub back to aboulte bikes for a refund as aggreed on the phone. and ive already orded thi http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...N:IT&ih=009

    so looks like im gonna be in for a long wait now :( but like you said its well worth it.

  2. lol i dont like coffee as i dont like the taste or the smell of it cos it gives you very bad breath even if you dont notice it trust me people at my work place stinks like hell cos of the coffee. not sure what the new ones gonna be but im thinking its peanut but they are more soft so i guess ether camerel or nuguart or something softish

  3. bad luck mate. i rember when i went to the track days with dan-wrx (an old member on the forum) and we went crusing in great yarmouth the night before track day and was good got plenty of women and money on winning a few drags lol. anyways he lives in norwich and i live in lowestoft so he droped me off but on the way to mine he heard a clonking noise and said oh noos but seems to only happen in 3rd gear but anways he droped me off and i got the train to norwich the next day to meet him up so when i arrived he was there waiting for me in the scooby and i said have you found out whats wrong he said yes see if you can find 3rd gear so checked it and was compleatly gone when you put in 3rd the stick is flopping around like its nothing there. :S

    anyways got to the track and said he was not sure if he should drive it so he tried to get a refund but he realy wanted to drive the track as there was lambos and farries and notes there so in the end he drove and i got a vid of him and you see him over taking the farries and then i saw the farrie again and again and again no dan. so a few laps went and saw him comming back in slow and its stuck in first gear and we was about 15 miles away from norwich so we slowly drove to the next town and phoned the RAC. 3 hours later they turned up and put the car on the flat bed type truck.

    but he gave me a lift back to the train station in his MK1 golf GTI wow it was fun did a mini drag to a tuned saxso and we won on a stock MK1 golf lol but i hear he had engine problems after that small drag at work cos we knew him lol.

    as long as you had fun but last time i went to a ford fair was good and i got the switchs for my PC and my mate got some new shocks for his Mk2 orion as his was clapsed (it was lowered 65mm) and we was in my mates Mk 3 orion with 3 other people and the rear shocks was gone lol. we had fun tho :) i did get us lost 50 miles from where we was ment to go. lol

  4. you can not complain if they said spare and repairs. as it means selling parts that some are ok and some not ok but if it said ready to go or needs a few parts then its ok

  5. thats what spare and repairs are all about. should have asked before it ended :(

    but we all learn from our mistakes as ivre won a faulty lg KG800 for a tenna and since i repair phones ive brought a cheep flex to fix the white screen and it arrived and it was faulty. so now ive orged a genuine flex but ive now lost

  6. its a hope disc brakes with metel braid and all ready to use but i think the pads needs cleaning and im not sure but i think the rear is leaking but solved that as i found it had a screw bolt missing.

    will inclued an adaptor if the rear disc is to big for your bike.



    ah mate thats a pain in the ass about the hub dude :( be worth the trouble tho when its up and running ^_^ they ride like no other forks. its hard to explain but u will get what i mean when u ride yours :D can u get pics of the discset dude? :D and i will sort out pics of the rims :good: i might be interested in a swap :D as for price im open to offers ^_^


    i have counted the hub and is a 32hole. so make sure its a 32 hole rim lol

    also just noticed cos i forgot that one of the disc is a kustom job as its got my local bike shop name "Street life" on it

  7. How much would you sell them for, that's if you don't part ex them. The diskbrakes that is.

    donno but i will sell so cheep tho maybe a tenna plus a fiver to post. so

  8. neither for me...

    i just plug an adapter in anywere in the house and have instant tinternet, my dad gets all bt stuff free becuase he works for them, we have service pack3 + bt vision, you get these 2 adapters (4 in our case) and you plug one in were the router is, the internet is then sent through the houses electrical circuit so you just plug the other adapter in and hey presto!, is a bit slow at times though, would never have wireless though becuase of how slow it is and the fact that if you dont have a password on it your neighboughs can use it :o

    the mains networking is classed as wired. as your still using wires and cables.

  9. depends how much your offering. :P maybe i can part exchange some parts i found in my messy room (yes im clearing it out) fround think its the old home M4 front and rear discbrake set with metal braid cables.

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