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Everything posted by John_RCModelz

  1. Business is open as I have placed an order with them, but they are only accepting orders
  2. Shouldn't go cheap on 2 stroke oil
  3. Have a look at this as it may give you ideas Just forget the printer
  4. A lot of us just use a keyboard stand as we can work around the car. Is this not an option you could use?
  5. Just noticed you already seen a lazy susan
  6. Why not use one of these http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=141742604866&alt=web With a home made wood stand
  7. The 001 is the 2016 model so has the 29cc 4 bolt and 3 channel radio gear
  8. If you ordered wrong ones off me you can send them back for a refund.
  9. Error sorted it will now show postage (it had the weight missing so couldn't calculate shipping)
  10. All them upgrades have to go on something
  11. It's the UK distributor that may close it's not the end of hpi. We can still push the firestorm it will just be a longer delivery time.
  12. Error on site will be sorted in morning.
  13. We will give the Main chassis and rear plate
  14. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/wZWpVE99ABU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  15. What about using the uber rc filter
  16. Won't happen as we are miserable at the shop and don't do things like that.
  17. http://www.msuk-forum.co.uk/profile/25607-jolly_roger_uk/ On here for the switchblade kill switch
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