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Everything posted by baorevo

  1. Changing filament heat the hotend to 170 unscrew the bolt about 1cm on top of the charger (next to the filement entry) and push the bolt down thin pull the filement out (only when the hotend is at 170) push the new filement in and push so it e trudes this is fiddely to get through
  2. Just doing my first ABS prints before going to work , some parts for the dishwasher :/
  3. now thats what i call a great print !!!!!!!!!!!!! When you read how many horror stories about getting a first print to work , im stoked for you !!!! looks like your in the 3d printing business
  4. Just got up sorry i didnt get back to you earlier .... for the bed temp 50 is fine as you dont really need to heat much with pla and for the extruder temp 210 is what i get the best results with.
  5. just got home Vr5fx , the cura compatible is cura 15.04. you wont be able to print fine enough to do the wingnuts im afraid but a little tip once you get the nuts put a little medium threadlock on the bolts and this will prevent the nuts from moving once the bed is level..
  6. I got butterfly nuts for the bed and a short piece of threaded rod got the spool holder. Contact the seller HE is vert quick to reply and very helpfull
  7. For controlling the printer manually you have repetier on the sd card and its with that i changed the extrusion rate
  8. I use cura its a lot better than slic3r i'll tell y ou the version i use as the latest version y ou cant change the settings to match our printers ..... by the way theres nothing shopping y ou printing now the glass is just better. The only thing i has to change was the extrusion rate from 100 to 100.5
  9. Yes the english version has the same sellers
  10. Vr5fx how are y ou getting on? One thin i forgot to mention is the fan on the heatsink need to go all the time so wire it where the 12v goes into the board
  11. I would disable kapersky to make the payment, ive never had a problem with aliexpress in over 50 orders
  12. It got cleaned up after a lot of wire shortening
  13. End of the day tam you are speanding the money so do whats good for you Did you meen this as a birds nest lol
  14. Cool !!!!!! For the hot bed i wired it the same as the power input on the board, same orientation that is in the heat bed plug
  15. M goes on top of the plate with one nut and bolt holding it on through the middle hole and the 2 r parts go underneath the plate and grip the belt
  16. Vr5fx if you have any questions im in all day (i work nights) ....
  17. Yeah the instructions take some reading lol but apparently as instructions go for prusa its normal lol. i got a glass plate to get away from the taping the bed heres a link to a glass plate at amazon uk for you http://www.amazon.co.uk/Velleman-Glass-Panel-3D-Printer/dp/B00ICKHRBA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1442402912&sr=8-1&keywords=3d+printer+glass and you will need these to hold it on http://www.amazon.co.uk/Connect-32mm-Foldback-Clip-Pack/dp/B000KJKIH6/ref=pd_sim_229_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=0QJARSY8MNZB6TF02JVD&dpID=31KYhEnOKyL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_ then instead of tape you use uhu stick glue ( a thin smear)
  18. Tam i got stung 50 euros tax and it still works out a very good deal.. I have a glass plate i paid ten roro's and i use a thin coat of uhu glue stick that works a treat. As for running costs y ou get a kilo roll of pla filement for less thin 20 euros ,i buy esun which has a good reputation and a kilo goes a long way, for an exemple my 250 sized quad frame user 150grs son from a kilo y ou can do quite a bit
  19. Is it really that easy ?................................................ i speant 2 weeks scouring youtube and the net collecting all the info i could on 3d printing and the problems that occur having never touched a 3d printer. I watched loads of vids and then the printer arrived !!!!! 1 day building and then came the test , it didnt print well but all i had to do was ajust the extrusion to extrude slightly more and that was it no other parameters needed changing and my prints are very good quallity. The files for printing dont need anything doing to them apart from slicing them (creating a model of the path of the printer head) and this is done very simply by putting an stl file into a program, the 2 most poular are slic3r and Cura (i use cura). They arent that loud really no .
  20. Yes thats the outside measurements, pretty much standard for prusa i3's. i have mine on a small coffee table in the dining room and i print direct from sd card so no need to be connected by usb to the PC.
  21. No problem , in feet and inches W= 1foot 7 inches h= 1 foot 6 inches l = 1 foot 4 inches Darth vador is done Models for stormtrooper and a lot of other masks/helmets exist they are printed in many pieces then stuck bondo'ed and sanded , painted. Take a look on Thingiverse.com it has a huge database of files to print
  22. Cool the instructions are on the memory card The bearings should pop back in
  23. Any news on your printer Vr5fx
  24. to be honest for the price i wasnt expecting much but over 100hrs of printing later its really doing great, the quallity oft the prints is very good to what i have compared to on the net. The only problems ive come across are user errors like not prepping the bed , i use a piece of glass on the heated bet with a thin coat of uhu stick glue... The printing area is very good 210x210x210 so its well placed in view of other printers ...... i'll probabelly change out the bearings at some time for better ones but they seem smooth for the moment ..... the seller also has been very helpfull with after sales service and didnt just sell me a printer and forget, i asked for some printer files on the printed pieces of the printer he sent me the files and was very helpfull with my questions .
  25. 250 size quad printed in PLA 157grs
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