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mydoddy69 last won the day on December 14 2024

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About mydoddy69

  • Birthday 15/02/1969

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    Somewhere beating my rc's
  • Interests
    F1 BTCC in fact most motor sport rc cars and my much loved rotti mike
  • RC Cars
    Had a few sold a few still got a few
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  1. If anyone is interested in my Arrma outcast 8s send me a message before I post it on eBay as the sales section on here seems pretty slack now 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. mydoddy69


      Yeah get what you veterans are saying but what is a fair price on over a £1000 worth of rc ?  There is nothing on eBay for me to even gauge it I was looking at £700 but you guys think that’s too much ? 

    3. Lone-wolf


      for really good used sales 2/3rd of original value is a close marker

    4. Gaz!


      Someone on here said to me (years back, mind) half the original purchase price for a used rc but then add onto that price depending on upgrades/extras/condition accordingly but knowing you and how you treat your rc then i would say £700 isnt a bad price.

      That said though, there's a lot less people with that kind of money to spend at the moment, maybe a dozen or so folk on here would not have to worry about price i guess, but most now (myself included) just cant go a blow a good chunk of money on a indulgence, £700 for me would be split between the 3 kids for Christmas.

      stick it up at the price you want for it but be prepared that you may have it for a while, but eventually someone will see it and buy it. All down to how desperate you need it gone?? Or if you can drum up the interest, you could part it out??

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