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Status Updates posted by Gaz!

  1. Wishing Msuk forum guys & gals a very merry Christmas and a fantastic new year.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lone-wolf


      all the best Gaz

    3. Mr Brightside

      Mr Brightside

      Merry Christmas & A Happy New year 👍

    4. James.S


       Merry Christmas mate 🎅

  2. R.I.P. Kris Kristofferson.


    a fantastic actor and country singer/song writer.


    think i will watch Convoy tonight…

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. toyolien


      Convoy was one of my favourite films as a kid. That and Smokey and the Bandit.

    3. Yrkoon
    4. Davy Crockett

      Davy Crockett


      @Gaz! Will be doing the same at the weekend

      @toyolien Totally agree, Convoy and Smokey & the Bandit in my top 10


      "Yeah, we definitely got the front door, Good Buddy
      Mercy sakes alive, looks like we've got us a convoy"

  3. Does anyone remember the “Teddy bear” alloy wheels made by Ronal??


    i have a set of plastic ones to suit the Tamiya M class tyres, all four are mint too.


    how much does anyone think they are worth?? I’ve only ever seen 2 sets in the time ive been into rc, the set i have and the other set the guy whom i got them from.


    any help welcomed, thank you.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gaz!


      Wow, never knew they were Hpi, some great advice thank you :good:


      i think i will get them pictured first then have a look at Tamiya club. Not desperate to sell but in the everlasting thinning out quest, i keep finding more lmao…..

    3. 53HRA


      I’d be interested Gaz, shoot me a message when you are ready! 

    4. Gaz!


      @53HRA have you any idea of value mate??

      not had chance to do any research on them…

  4. We seem to be having a lot of new members joining posting links from viagra to time shares and a bottomless pit of just the right rc bits thats been advertised as wanted…..


    Please may i ask that if any of you come across such a post or member, please hit the report button, that way we can deal with it asap.


    thank you guys and gals :good:

  5. Seriously considering getting the pliers round a wobbly tooth…

    the pain is immense and im back onto baby food.

    anybody here tried/done it, is everything ok now??

    had some teeth out at a dentist in the past, cant be dealing with all the faff trying to get a NHS dentist and i dont have the money to spend getting it done privately.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Gaz!


      Much better now thank mate, its healing quite nicely and im steadily getting on solid foods yay!!

    3. Stormbringer
    4. Davy Crockett

      Davy Crockett

      Bloody hell pal!! Rambo stitched himself up but never tried to pull a tooth! 🤯

      Hope you're on the mend :good:

  6. Anyone going to the “scale” nationals???


    if so and you have any Traxxas Trx4m bits you no longer require, take them, and it will be easy enough to find me.

    they all know me a race control and will point you in the right direction.


    lets hope it dries a little before the weekend, dont fancy a wet one lol 

    1. Lone-wolf


      Not good timing for me to go so wont be there, i did a listing for the esc and TX out of my hi trail but no interest in it

    2. Gaz!


      Unfortunately its one of those things with stock Traxxas electrics, wait for a eBay coupon popping up, i hate having to use eBay to sell on but Traxxas stuff always seems to do well..

      i have 3 spare sets of them now lol, plenty to keep the youngest motoring on….


      think its going to be a wet one, no cars allowed on camping field as its “waterlogged”.

  7. Merry Christmas to all Msuk.


    hope Santa brings all your rc desires. 

    If you can, spare a moment for the more unfortunate ones at this time

    Thanks guys. :cheers:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. froggy8


      back at you mate and to everyone aswel 🙂 

    3. Davy Crockett

      Davy Crockett

      @Gaz! same to you &yours pal, best wishes to fellow asylum members :lol: :good:

    4. Shergar


      Happy christmas all!

  8. Birthday time again and i think my dear wife is the greatest!!! 


    My birthday present from the wife and kids,




    Awesome!! Shame the weather is terrible for outdoors running….

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. 53HRA


      Happy birthday pal! 

    3. Nitroholic


      Happy Birthday!

      1/18 Chevy K10 ?

      Looks nice

    4. Gaz!


      Thanks guys, appreciate the kind words.


      happy belated birthday Alex :good:


      definitely a keeper, she’s not going anywhere lol.


      loads of hints and keep showing her the pics on Modelsport, its actually rare me getting any presents on my birthday as i keep it for something i see any other time of year. Other than the token gifts of course.

      cough** socks… :rofl:

  9. The Hermes/Evri curse strikes again…….


    ”parcel delayed” popped up in tracking, thankfully its moved along tiling after a 2 day delay.


    must be celebrating a full moon or the eclipse thats just happened.


    never mind, not like im desperate but i do get impatient lmao, i know, third world problems and all that.


    were going through some bad times as a civilisation at the moment…

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gaz!


      Hopefully so mate, ive not checked as yet this morning so could be out for delivery.


      plenty to get on with meantime though, getting kids cars prepped for nationals etc. 

    3. Lone-wolf


      Looks like its due today 13.30-14.30

    4. Gaz!


      Yep and arrived perfectly on time, over the moon with them too thanks mate :good:

  10. Found out a load of build manuals from rc i dont have anymore, is there a market for them on here??not going to venture towards eBay lol….

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 53HRA


      Anything Tamiya I’d have mate :good: 

    3. Gaz!


      I know some collectors go crazy for them especially if they already have the model, box etc. the manual would increase the value of the set.


      i get that you can download manuals, i do sometimes reference them online when looking for some obscure screw or part, but how would you reference the actual screw size, link length bit thats there as a guide?? Anyhoo, im “old school” now, still prefer cd’s to digital for music.


      @53HRA most of them are Tamiya to be fair mate, loads of truck manuals too. If i can get chance tomorrow ill start to sift through them and list what ive got in a pm, if thats ok mate??

    4. 53HRA


      Yes please mate drop us a WhatsApp when you’re ready 😛 

  11. Can anyone help??


    i’m looking for a set of crimping pliers to do the servo/esc/receiver connectors but i cant seem to find anything specific, the ones ive seen on eBay are a bit vague, the ones i have are only for the blue yellow and red automotive types.


    appreciate your time in advance. :good:

    1. monkeyboy_uk
    2. Gaz!


      That’s spot on, thanks mate.


      they look identical (apart from handle colour) to my Sealey automotive ones. :good:

  12. Quick query to ask,


    will i have any hidden charges buying from Germany on eBay??


    thanks in advance :good:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nitroholic


      Orders from Germany would be subject to UK VAT being added, plus a potential handling fee.


      If I am buying from overseas now, I look for places that are registered for UK VAT, so able to add it to the initial price. Then it is not subject to further charging and customs holdups.

      Depends also on the value. and how annoying it would be to get hit with fees.

    3. Gaz!


      I’d be looking at approx £60 vat and whatever charges that would be applied for handling etc.

      bit the bullet and ordered from the U.K. now, id be guessing but i think it would have been between 40-60 dearer if caught and only £25 cheaper than buying from the U.K. should it have slipped through.


      thanks for the advice guys, appreciated. :good:

    4. rushboy2004


      If its a business seller normally eBay adds the VAT at checkout. (well thats what happened for me recently had the following text on the order screen - *VAT collected by eBay on this transaction based on applicable laws.)

  13. Another year,  another day…..:boohoo: :rofl:

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Lone-wolf


      belated mate hope you had a good day

    3. Davy Crockett

      Davy Crockett

      Belated birthday wishes me owd pal :topbanana:

    4. Yrkoon


      happy birthday 🙂

  14. Is there much call for a set of mechanics tools (eBay aside)?


    contemplating whether or not to let mine go, they aren’t getting any use as I can’t manage to do anything for myself anyway.


    I just think the money being in something a touch more useful or just keep them in case one of the kids takes “interest” in mechanical work?


    im thinking, tools or a Traxxas u.d.r

    id never afford one otherwise……

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bert_w164


      I wondered the same about my set I bought on a whim...then found with the right tools I can carry out work on my own car instead of paying mercedes £200+ an hour...


      If they're truly useless to you, then sure sell up, but with the monies saved using my tools it meant more monies for RC cars 😁 just out of interest which make/type of tools are they? 

    3. Gaz!


      There is all sorts, the roll cab is by “toptul” then there is Snap on, Halfords pro, toptul, vise grip, sealy, Clarke etc.

      total cost including the roll cab I’d guess cost would be 2.5k approx.


      due to health issues I can’t really do much myself other than check the levels, bulbs and that sort of stuff, also the garage where I worked do me “mates rates” plus a courtesy car so I don’t pay huge labour costs.

    4. mydoddy69


      Secondhand tools are hard to shift I’d pop round your local garages see if any apprentices want them probably your best option. I sold all mine that way and got a much better price than I was getting offers on eBay 👍

  15. Tired of gardening at the minute, feel proper drained, only managed to put one pack through a new Rc too as I can’t be arsed to charge lipos and go out with them….


    it needs to change sharply though!

    1. Lone-wolf


      Rest up man, and wait till you feel more up to it

    2. Andy20xe


      Same here, I charge lipos then can't be bothered so discharge them again! 

    3. Davy Crockett

      Davy Crockett

      Have a rest while your lipos charge and then get some RC R&R! :lol:

  16. Can all users of the sales section please refresh yourselves of the rules. The rules are there to keep everyone selling safely.

    Thank you. :good:

  17. The wife didn’t approve the new fruit bowl suggestion.....



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bajadre


      no pleasing some people aha 😅

    3. Stormbringer


      Huh women i bet she wants something made of glass or ceramic :rofl:

    4. Davy Crockett

      Davy Crockett

      Convert it to a drinks 'caddy' :lol:

  18. Woo-hoo! Order placed!

    not a blizzard but it’s a trail king.


    chuffed to bits and already excited.


    big thanks to all my buyers, you made it all possible :cheers:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. willb


      Very tempted to get one myself! Always wanted one since I first saw the nitro one years ago.

    3. Gaz!


      It will be with me in the next hour.

      is it daft that I didn’t sleep properly last night, lol?

    4. m4inbrain


      I did barely sleep the night before i drove to pick up my X-Maxx.


      It's entirely normal for someone who's got a few screws loose. 😛


      edit: lol, i just now realised that you're talking a very different Trail King than i thought. I assume you're talking Kyosho Trail King, i thought you were talking SSD Trail King. 😄


  19. Now it looks like all the Rc projects will have to go on hold.


    been suffering with a sore finger to the point yesterday my entire hand was swollen and I couldn’t move it (wedding ring finger, left hand) I thought I’d broken it, turns out I have damaged some tendons and have to go to see a hand surgeon Monday morning in Sheffield.

    Happy days..... :banghead:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tug


      Maybe "finger's crossed" isn't appropriate here, but best of luck!


      I can see specialist help being needed sometime soon as my feet are a constant source of pain. 

    3. PraetoR


      Get well soon!

    4. Davy Crockett

      Davy Crockett

      I never thought!!! 🤯post edited. Apologies Gaz

  20. Lol, when did Germany take over the FIA


    if it were the other way round, Ferrari would have slagged off from here to Montreal and back.


    seriously thinking of cancelling my sky f1 subscription....

    1. Tug


      It's that Merkel woman, meddling again. 


      Not watched the race yet, refuse to pay Sky ransom.


      What's your beef? I've heard about the result and how it came about. 

    2. RCbutcher


      Slowly taking over everything business as usual. Once people stop signing their papers. We'll see. 

    3. Tug


      Not sure I agree with the penalty, he had little chance of slowing the car down, and I can't stand the guy! Like Schumacher before him, he has no track etiquette, but that was harsh given the circumstances. 

  21. Looking for a new set of files, preferably hobby sized.

    what should I be looking at?

    cheers :good:

    1. stonedef


      I use a set of Draper needle files, they do the job

    2. Gaz!


      Cheers mate, I shall look into those. :good:

    3. markymarky


      I bought a set of these a while ago, only needed a couple really but didn't think the price was too bad for the amount, 70p each.



  22. No broadband for last 4 days, my goodness, it’s good to be back :bounce:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Davy Crockett

      Davy Crockett

      Funny how you miss things and realise you've become dependent on them without knowing!

      I was the same when I binned BT, 5 meg max speed for £38/month and no chance of fibre... I haven't got gas up here!

      Without BB for a week until I went 4g, 4x faster and half the price

      Glad you've broke radio silence pal, thought you were on a covert manoeuvre :D:D :rofl: 

    3. Fly In My Soup

      Fly In My Soup



      Download WiFi analyser, check which channels are congested..Log onto your router homepage by typing your IP address in your internet search bar, go to settings, change channel to a less congested one.


      That should help.


      Glad to see your back Gaz! Bet you where thumb twiddling there !

    4. RCbutcher


      Nice one mate ill give it a go. 

  23. Lmao, PayPal have locked a payment until I send the goods and include tracking info.

    since when has this started?

    meantime paypal are reaping every drop of interest out of my money whilst on hold. Money for old rope really.....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Gaz!


      Thanks chaps, I’ll get onto them in the morning and see what occurs. :good:

    3. froggy8


      just play hell with them, if it works for OHO then might work for you too.

    4. Tug


      Had that years ago, got home from the post office to find an e-mail stating they'd frozen the payment. Turns out the lad buying my Slash had used his sister's PayPal account without permission! Got it sorted, but it was a pain because it meant we couldn't use PayPal for anything until it was sorted. 

  24. Another eBay voucher 10% off.



    happy hunting :good:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rover Man

      Rover Man

      hope there is a 20% offer as ive got my eye on a gearbox and tank guard for the D2 lol 

    3. Oh How Original

      Oh How Original

      Shiny bit won't make it any faster Dave :P 

    4. Oh How Original

      Oh How Original

      No 20% code off today, well at least not yet, unless it's going to be one of those 8 hour ones from 12-8pm.

  25. Anyone had any dealings with eBay seller, crookedimaging???

    bought a drone from them with next day dpd delivery and it’s not even been dispatched according to my eBay purchase info....

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Bajadre


      enjoy Gaz GREAT BIT OF KIT THAT :)

    3. Gaz!


      Cheers mate, no doubt I’ll be full of questions after Christmas, lol. :whistling:

    4. Davy Crockett

      Davy Crockett

      Give me a shout pal if you need any help, can show you what's what and what not to do! :D

      Flown a couple of them drone things!  :rofl: :whistling: 

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