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Everything posted by Gaz!

  1. Another stunner!! i like the details added to the mk.2 Tarantula, interior looks the part too. im thinking about the Mrs. Buying me a set of axles for Christmas, its either those portals with diamond axle or the others without portals. Should work nicely with the below. have you seen the other new Injora shell for the Trx4m??? All im saying is, silver for me please another couple of runs now under the Ir40’s belt with no issues. Only bit i need to look into is the transmission slop, if i can get rid of this and stick in the brushless system in, its done (for now)……
  2. Not sure if this is any use but i have a Dji spark (fly more combo) that ive never used, that has its own camera but can do the follow me thing your looking at doing. send me a pm if it could be something you could use.
  3. Mine still not arrived as yet sadly….. Servo has been tested, all is well now. Swapped out the stock shaped brass hexes to some that look like a brake disc but has a hex on the front, they fit well and after all that, it now runs, articulates and steers much better.
  4. My system is still on back order (2 weeks, yesterday). does the esc change the servo voltage?? also noticed about it recommending 3s power, i only have 2s packs but if its a minimal difference, shouldn’t matter. in other news, the Injora servo arrived, now fitted to the Ir40 and awaiting another run today or possibly tomorrow (once the toothache has subsided). had a little look inside the dodgy tr4 servo, couldn’t see anything obvious so put it back together, fitted a horn and see if i could replicate the issue, its not one of the opposite gear pins but the servo horn out put, move it side to side and it does lock up, maybe the top bearing has let go?? Ill have a nosey when i can to look for damage elsewhere. this is now the 2nd Powerhd Tr4 servo that has failed, think the Injora ones might work better and cheaper to boot. few pics of the modified Land Rover front bumper, need to try it out but no where as clumsy looking now…. Also removed the “squareness” from the bottom of the roll bar hoop.
  5. Welcome to the forum any questions you may have please fire away, I guarantee someone will be able to help, very knowledgeable bunch.
  6. Sorry mate, i wasn’t sure how busy you are with work so didn’t put your name forward and cause a nuisance. theres not a lot available at this scale though so anyone who can do it would be able to make some proper money, not me though as im thick when it comes to computers, just know enough to be dangerous lmao….
  7. Seriously considering getting the pliers round a wobbly tooth…

    the pain is immense and im back onto baby food.

    anybody here tried/done it, is everything ok now??

    had some teeth out at a dentist in the past, cant be dealing with all the faff trying to get a NHS dentist and i dont have the money to spend getting it done privately.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Gaz!


      Much better now thank mate, its healing quite nicely and im steadily getting on solid foods yay!!

    3. Stormbringer
    4. Davy Crockett

      Davy Crockett

      Bloody hell pal!! Rambo stitched himself up but never tried to pull a tooth! 🤯

      Hope you're on the mend :good:

  8. Do you think you could get a Matchbox/Hot wheels car in the little bag?? Would be super scale if they did a little F150… does anyone 3d print a mini chain saw?? That would make a nice addition to a expedition truck
  9. Cheers mate, appreciated. Yes its moving along at a fair old pace, plenty of choice about now though, some from China reasonably priced and the third party support now has exploded!! in servo news, i ordered the 7kg Injora servo from good old Modelsport, I’d hoped that it would of arrived today but postie already passed earlier. needed a fix so took out the Defender for a blast, my goodness!! It does find some of the more insane routes hard (mainly to keep the Ir40/Tarantula’s happy) but did much better than i thought on the hard course, only real downside now is the Injora front bumper end guards, these are machined from the same piece so going to have a go at removing them, silly idea having them but it based on the American market, they like “over runners” on the fenders…… might not end up pretty but i do have a new in pack replacement should i mess up too much…. pics to follow….
  10. Thanks for the kind words guys, very much appreciated. And now as per usual, the “unlucky” streak hits again, started fitting the above links that arrived on the rear of my Defender, didn’t go together very good and once i had finally managed to get them fitted (on one side) realised these are NOT for the Defender/Bronco but instead for the high trail Trx4m…..so stuck them onto my Ir40, unfortunately the rear driveshaft is together (shorter wheelbase length) but im not convinced it will work, so looks like these will have to be fitted to one of the high trail trucks, probably the Chevy. now another issue, the session we had prior to the last, noticed my steering wasnt straight (purely because theres not much in the way of straight running on the course) running on the patio on my way in and didn’t think much of it, yesterday i thought i would sort it while doing the links, what happened shocked me, turning the wheels lock to lock made the lights flicker…..had to check to see if the battery was still in, it wasn't! Also i think from memory on a Savox servo where the pin the steadies the gears opposite the horn goes into a moulded hole in the top casing, that’s what failed and this servo feels exactly like it did on the Savox. So, looking for lets say the top 3 servos i can use that will be up to the job. did a bit of number crunching last night and found the following, Hobbywing 1625 esc with a 5v bec paired with a Power hd tr4 servo equals a little over 1.8kg servo power. Injora Mb100 esc has a 6v bec paired to a tr4 servo gives approx 2.2kg servo power. And when paired with a Traxxas 2065x servo (need to find it as i cant remember) but its better. now i find these a little low on the kg, shopping on eBay doesnt come up with much and when you do find one that you think may suit, then its finding out what horn spline is needed because of the Trx4m needing a specific sized horn. im looking for something i can fit and forget basically, the only issue i have with the Injora offering is it needs the alloy servo stay (already got one fitted but wont fit the Injora servo) and they run smaller splines for the horn although a correct fitment one is included. sorry for the ramble….
  11. Bit more “testing, honest” course is almost complete, just one last little bit needs attention, not detrimental to the run though. the Ir40 is loving the course, found a few questionable lines, once the brushless is fitted along with the new to it links that will be fitted and quite possibly a carbon chassis it should stand a better chance. few pics of the course, Ooh and the postie brought me a couple of bits too, links for my Defender and a hex driver for the Injora motor pinion grub screw. That’s about it for now…….
  12. Ahh makes sense, although at that price they could have used that new budget Vxl brushless system in the rally etc.
  13. Was thinking the exact same thing mate, if i was still into drifting though this could well be the one to go for, i found some brands in the drift scene that made Traxxas look cheap…. £399 would be my guess if brushless
  14. I actually like the look of this, been a while since the open top with cage style has been done. i think a decent paint job and some wheels/tyres to suit would make this a winner!!
  15. Once the dust settled i thought about my previous comments, the Injora diamond axles you have are most definitely the way to go. i bet they will use brass bushings too instead of bearings so will be most definitely a pricey way to go…. The Ir40 is a cracking little bit of kit with the double deck battery tray, as you say, everything in the cab, even the shape of the backside of the cab is designed to sit nice and close to the battery so its perfectly secure, keeping the rear cage uncluttered. I would like a alloy front bumper though in the same style as the supplied one. My only real gripe i have with mine is the colour, i got the green tarantula and was expecting more of the same, sadly its more of a teal, yes i did think about painting it but the windows came already fitted and I didn’t fancy breaking it trying to get them out, at least i wont be shy of “using” it…. i did see a video yesterday, it was a guy who had a Trx4m high trail and to lower the suspension a bit put the Defender/Bronco shock towers on to bring the height down a bit. I didn’t think it was a bad idea to be fair, might have to try it at some point, although at this moment both my high trails are collecting dust.
  16. Ordered the Injora brushless combo, the plan was fitting it to my Defender but i think it will be going into the Ir40 my lad has gone for one of those Injora carbon lcg chassis with double decker battery tray too, both unfortunately on back order so no real ideas on when but at least it gives a bit more testing time…
  17. That looks great mate!! how high would you say it is?? Looks a fair old height in the pics.
  18. Credit where its due! this is another masterpiece mate
  19. Good shout, didn’t cross my mind for some reason lmao…..i think i would prefer the Injora axles, purely for the way they look and they are all alloy, bet there isnt going to be a big difference in prices though.
  20. @steephill, yes mate the truck, although……. Thanks for the kind words too guys, really happy with the course and im properly addicted to the little Traxxas Trx4m’s i like the idea that its almost a straight fit gearbox, but i still dont understand why there’s any bearings, ok plastic gears and case i can get (just) come on Traxxas you can do better than that!! I am very intrigued by the portal axles but not too sure if can swap to them on all the trucks, means that id have to buy c-hubs and knuckles all over again. maybe should have released the Trx4m with portals and 2 speed, bet it would have been a fair chunk more expensive. Might try a set though of portals though….
  21. Yep definitely tempted by this, hopefully some different paint schemes though.
  22. @steephill, i mean no offence mate but…….if the day came and you decide to sell this, i would buy it, 100% guarantee!! managed to do a bit of play/testing done for a hour yesterday, the course is just one wheelbarrow worth of cement need mixing and its done for the most part, need to find a nice plant pot and plant to completely be done. i will try to video a lap of the course if at all possible otherwise it will have to be a load of pics. also it was the Injora Ir40’s maiden run, wow, this will go just about anywhere, the shocks are a little too short (Traxxas shafts in Treal bodies) and the articulation is hampered by the cheap Chinese links, its one the to do list along with a shock swap, also seriously thinking about narrower hexes, i have 10mm at the moment but there’s (what i think) a lot more pressure on those steering knuckle bearings. the yeah racing motor was ok, never got anything like hot but felt a little underwhelming, might try something else at some point, or even run brushless. the Injora esc was great, 100% smoother than the hobbywing 1625 probably ok in a 16th buggy perhaps where the throttle curve isnt as important. I did have a moment though, when the hobbywing hits low volts its cuts power so you can drive it back to yourself, the Injora however just shuts power straight off, first thought was s… ive broken it. Saw the esc light flashing red, phew!! Fantastic esc though, deffo will eventually be running this in most of the trx4m fleet. other than that, was over the moon! bit of a group shot,
  23. Managed a little testing/play yesterday, the course is one more mix of cement left to do but the weather was ok and ive been gagging to test the Ir40….
  24. Ahh man, i wished mine looked like that…..even half as good i would take!! very envious of this rig mate!! Credit where it’s due!
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