Looks like a decent little truck as regards spec list but overall it looks very toyish with those daft oversized wheels and sacrifices the “scale” appearance.
not one little bit surprised its turned into another slag off Traxxas thread, its getting really boring now. Heard it for years…..
i do love the way mini/micro crawling has come on, however, much like the 1/10 scale, i have one of the best there is already in the stable so no real need for another lesser truck. That said, my daughter won one of the early Hpi Ventures, apart from the “rubbery” links and crap tyres, it was a great little truck!! The biggest downside were the parts availability, it was no existent!!
i too have good stuff to say about Hpi, had a Savage flux hp & 4.6 nitro, Firestorms, Baja 5b and enjoyed owning all them (apart from the nitro, its just not for me).
is the brushless system a rebadged affair?? If so could be tempted to try one of them if they become available.
@Kpowell911, again would have bought your Trx4m in a shot at that price.
@Lone-wolf, if you do decide to get rid of yours, i could give it a more loving home. At least then you can be Traxxas free again…….