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Posts posted by wolfie1

  1. So finally got this out today, life has just been too busy this month, i have changed the pinion to a 25 tooth since getting back and hopefully will get out with it again tomorrow too see if the gearing will still be ok, found this ace spot but the grit stuff gets everywhere!


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  2. 9 hours ago, TommyC said:

    Printed the first on the left and it had a slight imperfection on the bottom right screw holes. Second print also did it and seemed to miss a small section (looks like a scratch near the centre hole)


    They look perfect 🙂

  3. I have their hardened shafts in an xmaxx and are doing well, only issue i have had with them is they advertise them with a “replaceable pin” where it goes into the drive cup that is held in with a grub screw, these pins kept moving and sliding out and i even lost 1 but a spare set came in the kit, i got round this by grinding a bit out of each pin where the grub screw tightens against so they cannot slide past the grub screw and then wads of loctite

  4. I have absolutely no idea, battery trays are usually made from plastic and they hold up to plenty of abuse do they not? I am assuming the stuff you are on about is plastic?

  5. I have been fishing a few times, only times i have ever caught anything was up in the west coast, i was the site mechanic on a salmon farm and standing on the outside edge of the salmon cages with a hand line that had 5-6 hooks on it and catching mackerel, funny thing was they were the same colour as the salmon when they were cut open as they were hanging out around eating the salmon pellets that fell out of the pen

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  6. Forgot to take pics but got the front all stripped down and rebuilt again and the rest of it back together, since the motor is bigger i got a bigger heatsink and fans but it wouldnt fit past the chassis bracing so had to mill some off, also had to get creative with the temp sensor to put it back on, just need to try it now once i get the chance


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