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RC Model News and Community
Status Replies posted by wolfie1
I am now finished with Injora, latest order from them is more than likely going in bin, one wheel wont disassemble to get tyre on so money wasted again
So I have an RC on the way from California. I've paid (A ludicrous amount to be honest) through eBay's Global Shipping, so all fee's/customs etc are paid in theory. It left California on the 29th Feb, and it arrived at the ParcelForce Depot 3.6 miles from my house at 10am this morning. Wehn do we think it'll be in my hands? Place your bets!
So I have an RC on the way from California. I've paid (A ludicrous amount to be honest) through eBay's Global Shipping, so all fee's/customs etc are paid in theory. It left California on the 29th Feb, and it arrived at the ParcelForce Depot 3.6 miles from my house at 10am this morning. Wehn do we think it'll be in my hands? Place your bets!
Has anyone tried community WiFi? Virgin media want to up our bill to £52 a month however community WiFi is offering gigabit speeds for £32.
With this weather we need RC Boats not Trucks haha
I want what this guys on to think this is worth over £5k - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204296370633?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Z-fvreJIRd-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=pflrb5mospu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Im so proud to announce the birth of my Daughter. Born Friday 5th January at 6:36am. My greatest ever contribution to life ❤️
Mother & Baby doing fine. Daddy’s tired
Just had a Whatsapp off the owner of my local model shop, informing me the new RC I pre ordered a while back is due this week….. I didnt budget for that this side of Xmas 😂😂 Ahh well. Itll help them out and I guess its only money. Any guesses?
Pro Tip. Hide your Mrs Christmas presents in an old Tamiya box. Hidden in plain site!
arrghhhh cats, as soon as one is better another one acts up 😞
good news about elsa but less good news about her brother
elsa is recovering awesome and is back to her normal self she just needs her fur to grow back in from where she was shaved
i noticed gizmo curled up in front of my room door earlier, nothing unusual in that apart from he seemed extremely docile, usually hes pawing at my door meowing to get in, a few hours passed off me passing him coming out room etc and thought something might be up with him.
i picked him up and put him on the windowsill and he just lied there streatched out instead of his usual getting up, he would have fell down if i hadn't of supported him, took him through to dads room and put him on the bed saying theres something wrong with gizmo.
he ended up trying to walk and kept falling over, seemed to be mostly focused on one leg at the back but the other back one was also seeming to give him trouble.
ten mins later he was in the car going to a pdsa vet for a out of hours appointment as our local vet was shut, they ran bloods and couldnt seem to find any thing and they dont think hes broken any thing, only thing they noticed was his bladder was pretty full, so were to take him back there the morn if he hasnt done a pee by noon.
they gave him a pain killer as well which seems to have helped a bit and hes eating and not throwing up at all, just hoping its nothing serious, he done a poop earlier but no pee
hopefully he pee's soon and then we can take him to our proper vet on monday and find out what is going on with the poor guy.copy paste from a thread i made on ocuk. -
arrghhhh cats, as soon as one is better another one acts up 😞
good news about elsa but less good news about her brother
elsa is recovering awesome and is back to her normal self she just needs her fur to grow back in from where she was shaved
i noticed gizmo curled up in front of my room door earlier, nothing unusual in that apart from he seemed extremely docile, usually hes pawing at my door meowing to get in, a few hours passed off me passing him coming out room etc and thought something might be up with him.
i picked him up and put him on the windowsill and he just lied there streatched out instead of his usual getting up, he would have fell down if i hadn't of supported him, took him through to dads room and put him on the bed saying theres something wrong with gizmo.
he ended up trying to walk and kept falling over, seemed to be mostly focused on one leg at the back but the other back one was also seeming to give him trouble.
ten mins later he was in the car going to a pdsa vet for a out of hours appointment as our local vet was shut, they ran bloods and couldnt seem to find any thing and they dont think hes broken any thing, only thing they noticed was his bladder was pretty full, so were to take him back there the morn if he hasnt done a pee by noon.
they gave him a pain killer as well which seems to have helped a bit and hes eating and not throwing up at all, just hoping its nothing serious, he done a poop earlier but no pee
hopefully he pee's soon and then we can take him to our proper vet on monday and find out what is going on with the poor guy.copy paste from a thread i made on ocuk.-
Its probably cystitis, which is crystals in his urine which blocks and stops him from going to the toilet, apparently is quite common with male cats, we have it with 1 of ours and the last time he had it when they put a catheter in they took out 350ml of urine which is more than whats in a can of coke which is a hell of a lot for a little cat which must have been really painful, he is now on medication for the rest of his life which has really seemed to have sorted him out, to begin with we had to give him metacam and feliway cystesase, now he just needs the feliway stuff and a urinary food as well, wet food and human food with a high salt content triggers it, hope this info helps
Whatever happened to new members having 1st few posts vetted by mods ?
A very worrying week for us
Wee Elsa took ill and had to get her to the vet
She wasnt eating or drinking so now after 3 days in vets and an operation to clear a blockage in her stomache and intestine she got home last night and now eating and drinking small amounts without being sick
Really is a relief to have her home and on the mend
Ohh what caused it
A very worrying week for us
Wee Elsa took ill and had to get her to the vet
She wasnt eating or drinking so now after 3 days in vets and an operation to clear a blockage in her stomache and intestine she got home last night and now eating and drinking small amounts without being sick
Really is a relief to have her home and on the mend
Ohh what caused it
Hate to post this but feel like this forum is going downhill, we seem to be losing stalwart members fast and for me the forum is sooooo very slow to load on each page/section, hope im wrong