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Status Replies posted by wolfie1

  1. Happy New Year tae yin and all

    Hope its a good ,prosperous and happy 1 for every one :good:

  2. Merry Christmas Guys! You're a brilliant bunch Im genuinely glad to be a member here! 

  3. If anyone is interested in my Arrma outcast 8s send me a message before I post it on eBay as the sales section on here seems pretty slack now 

    1. wolfie1


      Yea gone are the days of finding bargains where a kid that has just discovered boobs and wants to sell his collection, these days its usually older folks that have rc’s and are in no hurry to part with them so will quite happily keep them until their asking price comes along.

      Kids these days seem more interested in gaming and making tictocks

      Now dont get me wrong a fair price is justified but a lot of second hand stuff is exactly what gaz has described or if it a decent deal i am scared to buy from far away as it may well just be a scam

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. If anyone is interested in my Arrma outcast 8s send me a message before I post it on eBay as the sales section on here seems pretty slack now 

    1. wolfie1


      Im with bertber it cannot hurt to add an ad, i dont buy much stuff second hand stuff as usually its priced where you add a bit more and you can have a new 1 or its something that im not wanting.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. Who has a go in the snow with the RC today?

    1. wolfie1


      Yea i get to use the kyosho blizzard to its full extent, i am thinking about doing a brushless conversion on it just now but dont want to destroy the originality of it

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  6. Who has a go in the snow with the RC today?

    1. wolfie1


      So we have more snow now but still not enough not to make it into work, we prob have roughly 4” now at home, here's hoping for another at least 2” tonight then maybe there is a chance

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. Who has a go in the snow with the RC today?

    1. wolfie1


      I was hoping for more snow than we got so as i couldnt go to work and have some rc fun, but we only got 3”, heres hoping for tomorrow though

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  8. Has anyone imported something from America and paid VAT at the checkout? Can they confirm there are no more charges?

  9. It's happened....a box has arrived....

  10. It's happened....a box has arrived....

    1. wolfie1


      He is going to mail himself to the states

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11.  wondering what you guys use or recommend for a quad charger?

    1. wolfie1


      I use a sky rc quad charger works well but you can only see 1 battery at a time, you just have to scroll through to bring each battery up on the screen at a time

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Errr i seem to have bought a new car

    Full electric Astra


    1. wolfie1


      You will get wads of rc’s in the back of there!

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  13. Errr i seem to have bought a new car

    Full electric Astra


    1. wolfie1


      We are 99% sure we are going to fit solar panels and battery on our house, we are just waiting on the exact quote from the installer, we have been given a rough price and that price is ok

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  14. Errr i seem to have bought a new car

    Full electric Astra


    1. wolfie1


      now you will need to install solar panels on your house and get free fuel eventually

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  15. Errr i seem to have bought a new car

    Full electric Astra


    1. wolfie1


      I was a die hard manual car owner until i got my first auto and havent looked back since, so much more convenient and just great in traffic and on the open road i dont drive like i used too and suits me just fine, an all out sports car i get the whole it still has to be a manual thing but all the rest of the time an auto is sublime

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  16. Errr i seem to have bought a new car

    Full electric Astra


    1. wolfie1


      So what esc and motor combo you going to fit? 🤣 looks nice

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  17. It has taken me a week to actually type this as it has been quite painful and once its said aloud it makes it all the more real i suppose, last sunday we lost our poor little kitty jinxy, he was sitting on Elaine purring away very happily and then he juddered and then went limp, our poor wee boy gone


    1. wolfie1


      Thank you everyone again, we are going to get another 1 but we are going to take our time find the right 1 for us, we did see a 10 week rescue cat we liked so will see if we get him 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. It has taken me a week to actually type this as it has been quite painful and once its said aloud it makes it all the more real i suppose, last sunday we lost our poor little kitty jinxy, he was sitting on Elaine purring away very happily and then he juddered and then went limp, our poor wee boy gone


    1. wolfie1


      Thank you everybody, we had him cremated and am going to put him in a ginger cat toy once we find something 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. As I’m sat here deciding what would be the best buy, a Turbo Scorpion or a Javelin I’ve just realised when I started looking it was for a new dual charger to replace my current two singles that are gettin old. 

    So now I’ve got to decide if I need a charger or a buggy🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    Anyone else end up going full ADHD on shopping plans?

    1. wolfie1


      Well yes, my birthday is coming up and my wife was asking me what i wanted and limited to £100-£150 and i said  “xmaxx upgrades” which i was excited over and now somehow i have a brand new arrma notorious sitting in a box in my hallway with me paying the difference, how the hell did that happen!! 🤣🤣😇

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. Sad times are with my family, my daughters snow white cat Albie is to be put to sleep on Monday, we are so upset, he is 11 years old so not that old but he has just stopped eating and is losing weight, vet says its a cancer

    1. wolfie1


      When your daughter eventually gets to heaven god will say to her “someone has been waiting for you” and from behind him albie will come running

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  21. OMG, i have done a very bad thing, maybe i need trussing up in the stocks and pelted with rotten fruit.....placed an order for my first ever Traxxarse

    1. wolfie1


      And an xmaxx, maxx, udr, slash and whilst your at it a spartan too

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  22. OMG, i have done a very bad thing, maybe i need trussing up in the stocks and pelted with rotten fruit.....placed an order for my first ever Traxxarse

    1. wolfie1


      Quite fancy the exact same 1 and make it look like the fall guy pick up

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  23. OMG, i have done a very bad thing, maybe i need trussing up in the stocks and pelted with rotten fruit.....placed an order for my first ever Traxxarse

  24. I am now finished with Injora, latest order from them is more than likely going in bin, one wheel wont disassemble to get tyre on so money wasted again

    1. wolfie1


      Thats a pity as i would have got you to send it to me if you wanted and i would have drilled it out for you, i still can if you want?

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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