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Everything posted by wolfie1

  1. i have always liked hpi blast rims you can get them chrome or black
  2. it really makes you think about the sanity of some people designing an object like that, is that the front or the rear?
  3. a cpi tuned pipe and all the associated hardware, aluminium gear plate and a baja filter all for my blackout
  4. i took apart my servos and put grease on the gears it did quieten them down a bit
  5. ok i just seen the picture and said to myself i have seen that somewhere before:whistling:
  6. its proline badlands on it and yea its a k5.9 i went up to a 17t clutch bell and it still breakes traction on all 4 wheels when accelerating away hard, its a vast improvment over the f4.6 in this chasis. hunter i take it ur talking abour rc universe?
  7. dont nitrotek sell that thing?
  8. here is my trophy truggy so far i have broken 3 rear wheel axles, 1 rear shock cap, a clutch, a front uv joint, the pull starter chord and the front lower arm holder, i have done other stuff like replace bearings cause there was slop in them but on the whole its been a trouble free model
  9. hmm this a tricky 1 to answer i would like to say my dad or mum but i dont have any r.i.p., i dont actually look up to anyone have learnt in life that im the only person i can depend on except maybe for.................. cookie monster, you just gotta love those googeley eyes and his ability to spill cookies everywhere!
  10. ur the lucky 1 then its bloody cold being out in this weather with ur cars
  11. when you say deeside do you mean the aberdeen area deeside?
  12. are they that bad i just have a thing for mk1 escorts i used to have 1 years ago with a cossie engine in it, but i need 200mm so its a no go anyway but thanks
  13. what width is that shell 190 or 200mm also is it standard length? cause im thinking that would look so cool on my hpi nitro rs4 if it fits
  14. is that a new kinda model? i have seen radio cotrolled ducks but a radio controlled ice block!
  15. i have read quality issues about this manufacturer
  16. no they are the same through the whole savage range
  17. i had a problem like that with my trophy truggy turned out the clutch bell bearings were gone, turns out they are not the common size but a weird size, i just put on a savage xl bell cause i have a few lying around and of course the common size of bearings
  18. the springs as stated above have prob lost their tension, the cheapest way to go would prob to get a set of stiffer sprigs
  19. hi all im up in aberdeen, yea it will be the same wolfie1 thats the same user name i use in them all lol, alright leitch i know exactly who you are by all your cars, so you run that waterproofed hong nor yet?
  20. here is my xl that has been totally modded here is it with the lid off this is my 25 its totally standard except for the wheels, pipe and skid guard
  21. i have integy msr8 shox in my xl with 35wt oil in them and have had to adjust the pretension right off the shox so that they sag a bit for decent off road handling with them screwed downabout quarter of the way it does exactly what ur wanting
  22. hi im new to here, am on a couple other forums but have only just got to signing up to this 1
  23. i am glad i read this post cause i went and checked my blackout after and found that mine were all doing the exact same thing so i loctited in the grub screws and put a piece of heat shrink around the cv pins and put a zip tie around the wheel hex pins so save them falling out if they work loose again
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