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Everything posted by wolfie1

  1. by looks of it santa has been already!
  2. wolfie1

    show ur cat

    i seen a thread about dogs so thought i would start 1 about cats here is mine his name is miki
  3. can lid is what i use with no issues and its free:good:
  4. where is everybody getting the cpi pipes ang gear plates from? i ordered mine about 2 weeks before my blackout came and i still havent got mine yet!
  5. the madforce is a project i have going on at the moment when i have time, my other cars are keeping me well busy at the moment. i bought the blizzard for the snow last year cause i couldnt get any of my other cars out but by the time i got it, assembled it the snow had all gone, so this year i was prepared:good:
  6. i have a savage and its rubbish in deep snow in fact all my rc are except my blizzard 1 of my mates has a revo and its rubbish in deep snow in fact all his cars are too in the deep snow................................ so deep snow def = blizzard or something with tracks or that video on here just now with that speed boat thats just amazing
  7. thats well cool just a pity none of my boats would do that:lol:
  8. am liking the baja with all the wheels the same size
  9. me and 1 of my mates were out today i had my trophy truggy and he had his revo but the snow was way too deep for them so there was only 1 vehicle up to the challenge and what fun we had with it here are a couple of short videos of it in action
  10. stressed out with having to go back to work on mon and work alongside my absolute tool of a supervisor, i so wish he would disapear permanatly
  11. you are able to get a screwdriver onto them at an angle cause mind the screws only go into plastic, if you push down firmly and turn they will come out, i usually use a thin shafted screwdriver
  12. i is a bit insane with the 5.9 in it i am needing to upgrade to a 3 shoe alloy clutch cause it keeps eating them was going to put on fastrax shoes and a savage flywheel and nut but thats only since ive put the badlands on, i have got some plasticard and at the moment thats whatnim working on at the moment making guards to stop stuff getting caught up in the rear driveshafts. I am presently running a 17t bell i reckon i could go bigger but thats the biggest that will fit without modifying the chassis
  13. put me on it please i have 2 savvys an xl and a 25
  14. the screws i am on about are the servo ones if it wasnt too clear posted above
  15. no just take the lid off your batterybox so as to get at the receiver to unplug the servo, turn ur savage upsides down unscrew the screws and its out, when you install the new 1 just make sure the trim tab is centered on ur tx and put the servo horn back on so the wheels are as straight as poss
  16. def a radio controlled monster truck like bigfoot oh and it would have to be 1:1 scale
  17. thats a hard 1 to answer its been a really good year for me, prob would have to be buying and owning my own house, have rented for years but owning my own space nobody can chuck me out for being late for rent, so i suppose its security
  18. its not something that would that i would have thought of doing to be honest, i do see your point of view:good: roverman u are not that much older than me and i was taught respect as a child
  19. i had a bearing go on the shaft the other side of the brake disc the day before i reckons thats what went the gears, i have vented the cover and cut up an outwears pre filter and glued it over the holes to stop sand and stuff getting in, i have had a few teething problems but im working my way through them
  20. 2 flaws there my dad never played golf he was into rc boats and he died years ago when i was a kid so i couldnt answer that scenario most weekends when we go out with our cars there are folk there with scramblers and quads and they havent spoilt our fun, quite on the contrary but seriously you would have thought they would have seen the funny side its not like life and death if you were at an actual rc club track and somebody was doing something like that to be annoying would you have taken that sort of reaction "smash it to pieces"
  21. poor guy about his car, if he did that to my car i would have bent his golf clubs and then if he was gonna hit me i would let him (i would like to hit him back but i wouldnt just cause he is old) then get him charged with assault sue him then use the money to buy a new better car:good:
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