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wolfie1 last won the day on January 26

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About wolfie1

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    Modifying cars, rc cars, drones and boats, caravanning, e scootering and my cats
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    Too many and not enough!
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  1. It has taken me a week to actually type this as it has been quite painful and once its said aloud it makes it all the more real i suppose, last sunday we lost our poor little kitty jinxy, he was sitting on Elaine purring away very happily and then he juddered and then went limp, our poor wee boy gone


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. steephill


      Sorry for your loss @wolfie1.

      It's horrible losing one of the furry family members. 


    3. wolfie1


      Thank you everyone again, we are going to get another 1 but we are going to take our time find the right 1 for us, we did see a 10 week rescue cat we liked so will see if we get him 

    4. Davy Crockett

      Davy Crockett

      So sorry to hear and know exactly how you're feeling. 

      I had 2 cats (sisters) from 6 weeks old, one made 18 the other almost 20 years and been 4 years without now. I still miss them but laugh out loud when something reminds me of the funny things they did, plus, I take great comfort in giving them the best life they could've had and them sharing theirs with me. Thoughts with you and yours pal 👍

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