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Status Updates posted by bertberr

  1. Finally got round to pressing the button on the new Rlaarlo Rog1 from Ali, and the damn thing has gone up £30 in just a few days...!!! My own fault for not buying when I first looked, but being a stubborn old bar steward I'm now going to resist and see what happens after xmas. Hopefully they'll come down again, the crazy price spikes and dips are one of the things that frustrate me most with Ali.

    1. Lone-wolf


      worth waiting a week or two see if price drops

    2. bertberr


      Yeah I'm in no rush, got plenty of other toys to keep me entertained. Prob a blessing in disguise...

  2. Why is it people on FB think they can buy an RC, use/abuse it, then sell it for more than a new one... 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. steephill


      They add up the cost of rc and all the upgrades and somehow think it's worth what they spent. 

    3. Nitroholic


      I was going to say it's because they are idiots.


      Then I reconsidered...because if it's stupid to SELL your beaten up truck for more than a new one, what does that make a person who BUYS said truck?


      But in all probability, they don't sell. These guys used to fill E-Bay up, but fees mean they go sell on FB instead. I avoid Facebook period. Not just marketplace.

    4. bertberr


      Ebay just now - pair of used 2.8 Trenchers, worn but still very useable - £40 inc P&P...


      New (Jadlam) with the latest Raid wheels, one pair - £35.95 inc. P&P...  Hmmm which to go for?

  3. Forgot how much can be saved on Tamiya when buying from Tamico...  After all taxes/delivery, can save 80 quid on a BBX.

    1. Yorkshireman


      That's interesting to know. Can I ask how much tax/shipping was ?

    2. bertberr


      Shipping on lighter kits like Tamiyas is usually around 17-20 GBP, taxes would just be approx +20% of invoice total (inc. shipping).

  4. 3 x little 1S 1000mah lipos, £4.26 each at a UK model shop, fair price I thought, I'll order those...  £6.50 postage... maybe not.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shergar


      Seems about right for battery postage?

    3. bertberr


      Maybe... guess I haven't bought any lipos for a few years now...

    4. Alex97


      Unfortunately some smaller shops just offer a flat rate on everything and quite often it's massively overkill. Places profiteering from shipping always really annoyes me. 

  5. Evening msuk brethren, hope everybody  is happy and well. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stormbringer


      Evening mate hope alls well with you :good:

    3. Yrkoon
    4. Bajadre


      Afternoon all

  6. Wife & daughter asked me to shut myself away somewhere for half an hour while they finished wrapping some presents.  I chose the hobby room.  Half an hour may become an hour. Or so.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bertberr


      Yes it was. Worked on the Maxx and the incredibly bad HPI E10 Drift. Back to reality now, no RC for a while… prob better put the kids first seeing as its Christmas 😂

    3. Stormbringer


      Merry Christmas mate :cheers:

    4. bertberr


      Same to you, hope you have a good one!

  7. Facebook MP does make me chuckle.  Used Maverick Quantum MT Brushed - £250.... (new £150 from MS)...  Let me think about that for a second???!!!  Have to hand it to them though, I just wouldn't have the neck to even try. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lone-wolf


      There some dreamers out there, when i list an item i tend to go around half its purchase price, and still no one buys

    3. Lone-wolf


      just been trolling through MP and some folk are just of there tree, i am seeing somethings that are more expensive than new on china sites, some other rigs close on new price, just never gonna sell 

    4. ed1


      i bought a ftx 2.0 micro from banggoodCZ last month for £42 shipped.  yet i see them stock/2nd hand on MP  for £45-£70.if i pm them and point it out,they get offended!

  8. What is it with FB Marketplace?  Just seen some joker asking £530 for an old Traxxas Nitro Stampede including various bits of tat with no real value.  And the amount of times you see tired / abused stuff listed at or very close to the new price staggers me. Particularly when its also in stock at MS / WS... 🤔🤪

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Scottyb


      I know what you mean, been after a Hyper ST Pro for a bit but they have all looked like a dogs chew toy and not far off a retail roller price wise.

    3. turok007


      Prices are strange at the moment.  The cost of living has gone up  but we have had shortages so people are asking more

    4. Bajadre


      not just the price turok bro the state of some crap on there deserves the bin tbh 

  9. Are dboot backflip LP pre-mounts 1/4" or zero offset?

  10. Appliance Electronics?   Can't remember if they're looked upon fondly amongst the msuk brethren?  Always getting them confused with MIBI...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BigGinge


      I’ve had all the stuff I’ve ordered from them turn up quickly and without fuss. Never had any reason test their customer service but I’ve never heard anything negative about them so wouldn’t be worried about that. 

    3. Bert_w164


      AO on the other hand are annoying, made me wait 3 weeks for delivery of a fridge freezer, to then tell me on the day it's out for delivery, that it's out of stock, and they don't know when it'll be in stock. 


      AO FTL. 

    4. Kpowell911


      AE are currently having a re fit, and their store is closed (well the RC part) dont think it affects online orders mind

  11. Just dug out an old Bosch 'green' router that used to be my dad's, must be at least 35 yrs old if its a day. Powered up just fine, quick look at the data plate, and it says 'made in Switzerland'... don't see that much anymore ☹️

    1. Stormbringer


      No its all China or Taiwan these days 😞

    2. .AJ.


      I’ve got a old Black and Decker Proline rip saw that’s around 40 years old, it’s a beast compared to the modern rubbish 

  12. Spotted some bargain solder in Lidl the other day, flux cored to boot!  £4.99 for 100m. Result!  Got home, mentioned it to Mrs Bertberr, passed her the box, she said "wow that's heavy for solder - looks like you can weld with it too..."


    Turns out its welding wire not solder. Grrrrr 🥴

    1. Bajadre


      just have to wait for lidl to have a welder sale now brudda and your sorted haha 😁

  13. Forgotten how much it hurt to get hit by your RC at speed....in flip flops...  Initially, other than the pain, I thought I'd got away quite lightly, flap of skin and some  ketchup, but within half an hour looked like I had two ankle bones on the same side of my foot...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stormbringer


      Ouch mate yep it tends to be sore when run over by an rc at full pelt

      Ran my self over with my nitro trophy truggy ,it hit my ankle ,knocked me of my feet , i went down tx went flying and when it hit ground all the batteries went flying , it damm well hurt and of course Yrkoon was rolling about laughing 😃 

    3. bertberr


      Yeah, if my wife had seen it she would have been laughing too... 😁  So was I for a short time...

    4. Stormbringer


      Till the pain set in :rofl:

  14. Any suggestions for some decent (but not mega pricey!!!) wireless headphones?  Want to get my lad some for his birthday that he can use for listening to music in his bedroom and also connected up to the soundbar when he's playing on his xbox in the lounge. Thanks 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ostewart


      Honestly you cannot beat the Final UX3000 at the moment in terms of value for money - I've got a few people in to them

    3. bertberr


      Thanks.  Can you get them from the usual suspects like JL, Argos, Richer Sounds etc or are they a bit more specialist? 

    4. ostewart


      @bertberr you can get them from Amazon, but not high Street retailers currently. 

  15. Anybody know any decent bashing spots in/around Dorchester?

    1. Shergar


      Hyde Park? Or am I thinking of ‘The Dorchester’

    2. Rjs1882


      I was in that part of the world last week in weymouth but didnt look out for any bashing spots. hopefully you will find some good spots

  16. Any BT / Openreach engineers on here?  Or even Virgin Media?  Just want to know if they are likely to agree to run fibre cables around the side of the property to enter into the property round the back, where the lounge is, as I really don't want a load of holes / disturbance to the front room and the lounge / front room wall as we've just recently finished decorating both rooms...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shergar


      It depends on the engineer, I had a contractor fit the BT cable and and Openreach/BT make the connection. However when presented with a trunked cable run (with plenty of slack) from my connection box in the correct cable, the contractor happily made my cable off at his end and ok’d it for the BT engineer 😉


      As a rule they go to where your existing box is, not where you’d like it.

    3. bertberr


      OK, thanks for that.  Guess I can always cancel the order if its not possible and just go back to Virgin.

    4. Nitroholic


      I had no issues with Virgin when I had my fibre hooked up at hte new house. The old box was downstairs in the sitting room...I wanted the new one upstairs in the front bedroom.

      The guy had no problems installing it where I asked.


      I guess you would get issues if you wanted the cable run excessive distances or through multiple walls or under floors or whatever.

  17. Thought after all the doom and gloom of the last couple of years, I'd treat us all to a trip down to the Goodwood Revival meeting later this year.  Used to go quite regularly back in the late 90's / early 2000's, when I seem to remember tickets were around £30 for general admission.  Just priced it up for a family of four for one day, including grandstands, and it was 447 quid...  Hmmm, well it was a nice idea at least...!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. bertberr


      I'll check out Blenheim Palace & Caffeine & Machine too.  Yes, Combe is a great track, used to visit regularly when we lived in Chippenham, mainly just low key owners club & local motor club type events, but always a good, friendly atmosphere and some lovely cars. 

    3. jariworsley


      only been to goodwood revival once, and it was worth every penny. one of a kind event.

      yes an expensive day out, but so much going on... managed to blag my way into the proper inner paddock. Where else on earth can you see a whole line of Ford GT40 waiting to race? next to another line of Ferrari 250 GTO, a few lambos, some 1930 racers etc. half a dozen genuine AC cobra. 

       totally overwhelming the quality of the cars not just on display but being raced hard round the track. 

      throw in the period dress and the quality of cars from people attending? and it really is one of a kind. just dont take the whole family of they wont appreciate it 😄 


    4. bertberr


      I know its a great event, I've been probably 6 or 7 times during the first 10 years or so it was on (we lived about five miles east of Goodwood), but back then I paid 25-30 quid for my ticket and the grandstands started at less than 20 quid.  Just don't think it represents decent value for money anymore, but each to their own.


      It was the same great event back then, probably better actually, as it all seemed just a bit more accessible, bit more intimate?  Did the FOS a similar number of times during the early years, but preferred the format of the Revival, and the close on track racing.  Just think its time to try something else, particularly now I have the kids.  The FIA Masters events are equally well organised, or at least the Silverstone event was that we did a few years back, just with less of the trimmings, and under a quarter of the price.  Sure we'll all have a great day. 

  18. This made me laugh... not only is it 50 quid more than a new one (its used) but the nice succinct description should undoubtedly seal the deal...!!!



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yrkoon


      haha wall of text super boss 😛

    3. Stormbringer


      Wonder what Tamiyas he has if he thinks it is tougher than them lol :rofl:

    4. Alex97


      I gave up the 2nd time he said his other tamiyas are faster! 

  19. Anyone able to suggest some decent shock pliers / tool?  Don't really want the 10/12 quid chinesium ones off ebay, prefer something a little better finished (ie a slightly better class of chinesium...😆)  Not sure I want (or need) to spend 50 quid on the Tekno ones - anything much in-between? 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bertberr


      Out of interest what's the biggest diameter shock shaft they can handle?  The Maxx has huge shocks on it (for a 1/10), think its 4.5 or 5mm shaft.  Most of these pliers have either 3 or 4mm options, guessing you just use the 4mm slots for anything bigger too?

    3. .AJ.


      Yeah, I used mine on 5ive shock shafts with no issues and they have 7mm shafts if I remember right 😂

    4. lorrylemming


      I've got these, they work well for me. As long as the pliers are softer than the shafts I don't think it really matters what you buy.



  20. Anybody know who's the current UK Traxxas importer / distributor?

  21. Pick up my new (well, new to me) RC on Saturday, really quite excited, excluding micro/mini, it will be my first bigish RC for about four years now.  Feel a bit 'dirty' though..., not sure I can forgive myself...!!! Anyone care to guess what it is?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bajadre


      enjoy her brother !!! 

    3. Yrkoon


      have fun bud 🙂

    4. bertberr


      Picked it up earlier, seems like solid little tank - it's no longer than my 1/10 ECX Ruckus, and just a bit wider (std arms), but seems to weigh about half as much again!

  22. Just an observation... looking at MX / Enduro boots at the moment, and the two I'm most interested in are the Leatt and the Alpinestars.  First is made in China, second in Thailand.  Now, in the US, by far their biggest market, the 5.5 for example are circa 300 usd, in the UK they are circa 220 gbp.  Near enough the exact same price converted.  What else can you think of that we like on here that are made in the far east, and cost... 50-75% more on average in the UK than they do in the US...???!!!

    1. Nitroholic


      I've been wearing a pair of Forma Terrains for the last few years...and they have been really good.


      Made in Europe. Took awhile to break in, but the level of protection they give is excellent.


      Just don;t look at any boots made by Traxxas.....

    2. bertberr


      They look like a really nice boot, unfortunately they have no stock - in any size!!!  And I can't find them anywhere else in the UK...

  23. Anyone ordered a Sketer yet?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. bertberr


      Not sure I'd be welcome now...just agreed a deal on a used Maxx - should I hang my head in shame now...???!!!

    3. Darren Frosty

      Darren Frosty

      I just joined, it's run by the same crowd as the arrma one I suspect.

    4. .AJ.


      Yep it’s the same person 

  24. Who do you guys with motorbikes use for your insurance?  Any rec's much appreciated (or ones to avoid!) 👍

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darren Frosty




      I have never had to claim though so...........


      Also just get full comp, well, for me anyway, it was literally like £10 more.

    4. bertberr


      Cheers guys 👍

      Had a decent quote from Hastings and skipton so far, 85 quid fully comp, still got to try bemoto.



  25. Our family cat (my avatar) died this morning.  Went to let him out and he was just motionless in his bed.  Seemed fine last night, must have been a heart condition we weren't aware of.  All devastated, particularly the kids, he was one of the family... ☹️ 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Nitroholic


      sad news. always tough when a pet passes, especially when you have had them for some time


    3. Kpowell911


      Weve got a 16 year old Jack Russell, Im dreading something like this 😞


      Sorry for your loss, hopefully your cat is pushing things off tables and smashing blinds in cat heaven now

    4. MrCake


      Really sorry to hear that 😔 We lost both of ours in 2020 and it really was a horrible time.  

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