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Status Replies posted by Yrkoon

  1. Been fairly busy with this cute little dude... 

    Volador builds & Benny Volador builds & Benny Volador builds & Benny Bella, Benny & Ralph Bella, Benny & Ralph

    He's 11 weeks old, called Benny. He's confident and unbelievably well behaved so far for a puppy. 

    He's now got a thing for going after my tiny whoops. 

    1. Yrkoon


      im more a cat person but love puppies, your dogs look adorable 🙂

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  2. Been fairly busy with this cute little dude... 

    Volador builds & Benny Volador builds & Benny Volador builds & Benny Bella, Benny & Ralph Bella, Benny & Ralph

    He's 11 weeks old, called Benny. He's confident and unbelievably well behaved so far for a puppy. 

    He's now got a thing for going after my tiny whoops. 

  3. Massive Traxxas end user recall, this could be huge 


    1. Yrkoon


      traxxas need a kick up the ass tbh hopefully it hurts them a bit but not enough to get put out of business.


      knowing them though they will just raise the prices again to compensate for any lawsuits or fines.


      i like their models but not the business practices, only got a rustler, bandit and trx 4 in my large collection.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. Massive Traxxas end user recall, this could be huge 


    1. Yrkoon


      looks like my bandit has asbestos going by the video.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Happy Christmas folks

    It's not always what you got, but not what you haven't got!


    Remember what you had and cherish what you have


    2024 for me Can do one, as we rebuild in 2025

    1. Yrkoon


      yup my highlight of the day was seeing my neice's and nephew unwrap stuff and a bit of a  free lisence to get pished afterwards lol 🙂

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Just watched the New Wallace and Gromit film, and I think they did a brilliant job finding a replacement voice for Wallace, since the passing of Peter Salis


    Forever a Wallace and Gromit fan tho!

    1. Yrkoon


      not seen it yet, surprised dad hasnt commented, he enjoys them 🙂

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. Wishing every one every where a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

  8. Just been looking at my fcx24m and don’t think I’ll be able to work on it being so small just got a load of brass upgrades for it as well


    I’m jutted 😩

    1. Yrkoon


      i have the axial scx 24 and yeh its so tiny to work on, thankfully the only thing i had to do to mine was use a wee bit nitro fuel tubing to stiffing up the shocks, doing any thing else to it would be scary with out quality drivers for the small screws.


      made shock spacers out of nitro tubing 🙂

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. Well we finally got some of this snow here in Chichester. Unfortunately it only lasted for about two hours and didn't lay as the ground is too wet 🙃

  10. Who has a go in the snow with the RC today?

  11. Who has a go in the snow with the RC today?

  12. Guys, im not really actively posting much at present due to spare time fishing, however i am still active reading posts and trying to be helpful on here where i can, i will be honest i am considering selling all my RC models and building up a pot of cash to get a pair of 1/10 and pair of 1/18 crawlers and sticking with this

    1. Yrkoon


      fishing is good fun, just need to get some full fingered neoprene gloves now 🙂

  13. Who is staying up for the fight

    1. Yrkoon


      hear it was a bit of a let down and most possibly scripted 😞


      it followed the plot off rocky balboa lol

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. alright guys


    another thing i need is a transmitter and wondered what people would recommend please?


    cheers again guys 🙂 

    1. Yrkoon


      yeh was already pricey then they chuck that extra cost on and to top it off the last one i tried when building my wild one buggy had range issues.


      might go dumbo next time, had a spare 2 at old price but one has stupid range and had it sitting here for a while so cant exactly claim warranty lol 🙂

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  15. alright guys


    another thing i need is a transmitter and wondered what people would recommend please?


    cheers again guys 🙂 

    1. Yrkoon


      36 quid a pop now for 2 channel speccy rx 😞  used to be 26.99


      if i was buying a new transmitter now it wouldnt be a speccy and im using a dx5c 😞

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hobby after leaving RC  No place to run RC cars in my area so trying to find something to do in its place.  Tried lego, but gave that up quick. A bit about my history,  I have been messing with electronics my whole life  and  im good at woodwork & metal fabrication.  Just like working with my hands.  I was also offered a place at art collage when it really meant something.

    1. Yrkoon


      i just looked back at some of my old flys i made as a kid, they are truley shocking and fish took them lmao

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  17. as you can tell from my last status update, i am comtemplating getting back into rc. i dont have anything really and wondered if its best to try buy a bundle of cars with lipos? they do that all the time on ebay. what do you guys think?

    1. Yrkoon


      a corally brushless triton is also good and light 🙂

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  18. Been concentrating on rc racing for the last couple of years and now looking to get a buggy to go bashing with again. After numerous searches and YT reviews I am looking at the Corally Syncro 4, any owners on here willing to pass judgement ?.

    1. Yrkoon


      10 scale corally tritan converted to brushless in snow, i love corally cars.



      i sent that vid to the head of corally and he responded telling me i should replace a bushing with a bearing in the gear box since its brushless now and gave me the dimensions for the bearing i needed, now that is customer service 🙂

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  19. Been concentrating on rc racing for the last couple of years and now looking to get a buggy to go bashing with again. After numerous searches and YT reviews I am looking at the Corally Syncro 4, any owners on here willing to pass judgement ?.

    1. Yrkoon


      i also said i love corally models heres my kronos v1 🙂



      its a super tank 🙂

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  20. Been concentrating on rc racing for the last couple of years and now looking to get a buggy to go bashing with again. After numerous searches and YT reviews I am looking at the Corally Syncro 4, any owners on here willing to pass judgement ?.

    1. Yrkoon




      hyper vse's in action, cant really do better than that for bashing 🙂

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  21. Been concentrating on rc racing for the last couple of years and now looking to get a buggy to go bashing with again. After numerous searches and YT reviews I am looking at the Corally Syncro 4, any owners on here willing to pass judgement ?.

    1. Yrkoon


      the hyper vse is a great basher buggy as well, not familair with that corally one but i rate corally pretty highly 🙂

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  22. Hobby after leaving RC  No place to run RC cars in my area so trying to find something to do in its place.  Tried lego, but gave that up quick. A bit about my history,  I have been messing with electronics my whole life  and  im good at woodwork & metal fabrication.  Just like working with my hands.  I was also offered a place at art collage when it really meant something.

  23. Just checked my email and I got a dispatched email from modelsport. 

    Hobao hyper tt2.0 is on the way! 

    I've got a few different motor and esc's to try. 

    Pretty quick servo, I think it's 0.8 on 7.4v.

    A set of the older version Proline badlands and trenchers. 

  24. as you can tell from my last status update, i am comtemplating getting back into rc. i dont have anything really and wondered if its best to try buy a bundle of cars with lipos? they do that all the time on ebay. what do you guys think?

    1. Yrkoon


      since u like small and light a brushless mini b, i love my mini b i converted to brushless 🙂

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  25. as you can tell from my last status update, i am comtemplating getting back into rc. i dont have anything really and wondered if its best to try buy a bundle of cars with lipos? they do that all the time on ebay. what do you guys think?

    1. Yrkoon


      the new hyper tt 2 looks like a decent truck for the money 🙂

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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