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Everything posted by Yrkoon

  1. just bear in mind if dad stormbringer did tune it, it can go out of tune With the weather, example we set up get stuff tuned in right then the weather changes and goes much colder been scotland and we have to adjust the tunings, nitro engines are so tempermental πŸ™‚ is there any compression when you turn the large fly wheel attatched to the engine? it should go smooth then resistance like going over a bump then smooth again then another bump, if not could be a air leak. the bump would be the piston hitting max height as far as i recall and have you tried different glow plugs? hard to see what were dealing with your pictures arent showing up, try https://imgur.com/ and do the direct link option to get a link that works on here πŸ™‚ imgr pic with direct link option πŸ™‚
  2. nice collection of cars there πŸ™‚
  3. convert your hyper 7 to brushless and you have the best basher ever πŸ™‚
  4. welcome back πŸ™‚ quality pic, i love a bit of nyan cat in space πŸ˜„
  5. awww elsa got in my room earlier and started doing this, it was very painful for me as she had her claws out lol wee darling, its hard to work out her eye colour, some times she looks orange and other times green depending on the light and theres a bit blue as well lol
  6. awesome i still have my xl-5 bandit and converted to brushless, the only thing i broke on it was the rear suspension tower and its about 15 year old and heavy used, i love the bandit coz of its unusual handling, its like controlling a long bath tub on wheels with 2s and 3300kv, its just fun and unbreakable nearly with the rpm motor guard which doubles as a wheely bar and the rpm bumper πŸ™‚
  7. i would chip in a few quid at a chance to win a rc 10 gold tub from here πŸ™‚
  8. you loose the light up writing on your gpu if i give u mine when i upgrade πŸ˜›
  9. nice sleeper build, would be interested in more pics of it πŸ™‚ some pics of mine with extra 2 light strips and back rgb fan πŸ™‚ think its more or less finished untill the upgrade itch hits me again lol
  10. prime 95 wasnt working properly with this cpu it was sitting at base clocks for some reason so i got cine bench and tried that. no game is gonna give me any bother with temps on the cpu πŸ™‚ all cores kept flickering between that and 4815 mhz while at full usage on every thing and max my cpu hit was 79.4c overall in a warm room, always feel the urge to max out a cpu and see the temps and boost clock speed in case of any problems, all seems good and looks like i have some head room for overclocking which i most likely wont do, maybe some undervolting though, idle temp is 36c πŸ™‚
  11. differnt colour and specs, i really love how the light shows up the white πŸ™‚ lian li lancool 3 white case same as dads but white cpu cooler is a thermal right peerless assasin 120 se white ryzen 7800x3d gigabyte b650 aorus elite ax v2 motherboard 32 gig corsair veangence 6000 mhz cl30 same as dads ram sapphire pulse 7800xt 16 gig 4 samsung evo ssd's and 2 nvme drives corsair 1000 watt rmx shift psu same as dads but white creative soundblaster z carried over a lot of stuff from my old one as well πŸ™‚ ill have another play at setting up the lights when the extra 2 light strips and back fan come, temps are good so far with that cpu cooler for 30 quid πŸ™‚
  12. looks good dad πŸ™‚ bought a rear rgb fan for mine and more of they light strips lol edit: the lancool 3 case is a joy to work on it is very well thought out πŸ™‚
  13. new am5 build finished finally and in a new case now πŸ™‚ will probably get a rgb fan for the back and possibly more light strips πŸ™‚
  14. tamiya kits usually have a wee bag that have screws of various sizes and types just for the servos. just see what sprew part on the servo one fits your servo spline then use that one to build up the servo saver on top, pro tip from an autistic person have the servo powered up and centered before putting on the servo saver and most screws i have encountered for servos are the machine threaded ones, the opposite of the ones that dig in on plastic that are all over the kit πŸ™‚ edit: heres a pic of my left over servo sprue after a recent tamiya build. i just put all of them on top of my servo till i found the one that fitted then cut it out and built the servo saver with that, you got any pics of the finished build? πŸ™‚
  15. keep them all i know you will regret selling them from experience 😞
  16. gonna upgrade computer soon, think ill go amd again, thinking of the ryzen 7800x3d on am5 πŸ™‚


    this cheap msi tomahawk b450 max i currently have has served me well over the years bye bye motherboard soon.


    started with a ryzen 3600 and on a ryzen 5700x currently and on my 3rd graphics card on it lol

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Stormbringer


      hope its a bit tidier in new case tho:insane:


    3. Yrkoon


      dang straight i knew i was gonna get a new case, just wanted to make sure the other components worked and set up windows after the parts sitting here for a week waiting on a case which still hasnt appeared πŸ™‚



    4. Stormbringer


      Well his new case arrived today but not the Evri 1 we been waiting on they still telling me out for/attempted delivery lol

      Once Amazon refunded it i got 1 from Overclockers delivered by DPDΒ :good:

  17. fitted the hobbywing fusion to the trx 4 yesterday πŸ™‚ also spent a bit of time tweaking the shocks on the wild one and got it handling a bit better today πŸ™‚
  18. just bought a brushless system for my trx4.


    one of the hobby wing 2300kv 2 in one systems.


    hopefully when im fitting it i can find out whats going on in the gear box on low gear as i get a weird noise from it unless im on high gear, maybe the servo is pushing a gear in too much or not enough πŸ™‚



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kpowell911


      Just make sure you have the old school LED Program card to change the motor rotation. Can post you mine to borrow if you need itΒ 

    3. Stormbringer


      Thanks for the offer but we have a couple of them kicking aboutΒ :good:

    4. Yrkoon


      Appreciate the offer bud but we have a few hobby wing cards lying around πŸ™‚

  19. if ur looking to get into racing hunt down a local club and see what they are running and what their opinions are πŸ™‚
  20. yesterday i let my niece use the ftx mini crawler i won from here and she loved it, still a long ways to go for her controlling models properly but she had a blast and the wee transmitter was a lot better for her πŸ™‚ fitted a alloy gear box guard to the wild one which looks like it should provide a lot of protection to it and the motor πŸ™‚
  21. does your grey one love home made jerky, mine goes nuts any time i eat some around her lol
  22. cheers bud, yeh the bbx is tempting me as well, i really want the team associated rc 10 gold tub re release but its over 400 quid so i went for the wild one instead πŸ™‚
  23. just got some pics of the lights, that should be good for late night or winter driving, just the cheapo fast trax ones plugged in batt channel on rx πŸ™‚ dark room pic πŸ™‚
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