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Status Replies posted by Ziggy122

  1. just watched the last ever Hammond/Clarkson/May adventure....


    End of an Era... from Top Gear to the GT...


    Kinda sad, when a good thing comes to an end....

    1. Ziggy122


      Yrkoon - Clarkson has his farm now

      Hammond has his Garage restoration business

      May does alsorts!


      so they aint gone, just Not together 😞


      It was nice to see them actually enjoy a trip! 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Job screening is the most teeth pulling, anger inducting, violating, intrustive process Ive ever had the misfortune to deal with. No wonder UK has a job issue!!

    1. Ziggy122


      companies put up more barriers then they claim to fix....


      all want everything for nothing....


      don't like my job but moving is what puts me off

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Parents worst nightmare when they know something isn't right with there kids.... but taking 5years to get the answer knowing it'll never be good news 😞 But knowing is half the battle, and fight I must for him! 

    1. Ziggy122


      We've known for a while now (he's 5 now), but something wasn't right

      The pregnancy went wrong at week 30

      he was rushed out and was DOA, but they managed to get his little heart going, and onto Life support to breathe and drips cause he was soo tiny and had Nothing to burn


      the thing is, he is 5 going on 2.....

      He has lots of things going on health wise, 1st consultant kept saying its global delay he will catch up, but didn't

      New consultant and well she's hit the nail on the head and now we know why, he was cut short of oxygen and there is brain damage 💔 😢, he is still my little boy but the fact he is long term disabled is scary, and the thought of the challenges its gonna bring... it scares the living crap out for me

      We have 2 other diagnosis coming as well, again common to his scenario, but just means i have to fight for him, he will probably never fight for himself 😞


      Just 2024 has been a super super super duper bu**sh** year and the fans running at full speed and heaps keep getting thrown into it 😞

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. Gutted. up in the North Pennines / Cumbria for a walking holiday, and the nearest town/village has an amazing pump track that would have been good for the mjx, and there are that many old mine workings about for some excellent crawling, going to have to get a smaller scale crawler, lol, 😁 

    1. Ziggy122


      daily...I travel in a van all day doing deliveries and see nice areas to go for a blast.. sadly don't usually have Time, and my vans often upto its weight limit anyway

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Woohoo

    Im a grand dad again 

    My daughter gave birth to a wee girl today at 10:30 am weighing at 9lb 6oz 💞:cheers:

    1. Ziggy122


      and another little finger you'll be wrapped around!


      I'm glad my dad got to see his Granddaughter, it's blessing and run with it! Never know what tommorow holds

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  6. Cooked the new ESC in the new race buggy after three, yes three, practice laps.  Not a happy bunny.

    1. Ziggy122


      I just RMA it'd and boxed it up and into post

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. Does anyone know about the arcade claw machines. "It's the claw!" 


    Like how do they work are they on clocks or something that makes the claw actually clamp every ??£. How many plays until the lock works ect. 


    I put 30p in one yesterday and won a really nice hulk teddy it's amazing I like it my girl loves it. 


    But I thought I would keep playing lol and burned a tenner, every time I grabbed their heads perfectly but they all slipped out. It was obvious the claw was letting them go. 


    So I'm just wondering how they work now. 

    1. Ziggy122


      Didnt brainiac do something like this once?
      where they played and played till they worked it out?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Cooked the new ESC in the new race buggy after three, yes three, practice laps.  Not a happy bunny.

    1. Ziggy122


      im in process of returning an XCar 120A esc.... dead after 5packs :(

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9. Cooked the new ESC in the new race buggy after three, yes three, practice laps.  Not a happy bunny.

    1. Ziggy122


      Capri - they have a years warrenty on them
      Lipo's have 30days only


    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. Titanium bar + hacksaw = slow progress.

    1. Ziggy122


      Seriously get an angle grinder or a Dremel Replica tool lol

      You'll be there for ages.... Been down that route myself... Cutting hacksaws aint fun

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. I'm glad I don't smoke anymore but do think this is silly. No more packs of 10 and the disgusting packages. That's what they think will work lol. 


    A. Rolling back

    B. The Chap two doors down banging out 200 fags for £40 or watever. Who doesn't mind selling to kids either.  

    C. Rolling tins and soon fag tins will be back.  



    1. Ziggy122


      The Curtain door is a pain in the backside when selling fags
      Not been able to show customers product - only a price list is a pain in the backside - its not our fault its the goverments regulations


      they are getting rid of 10's, stopped been produced now or v.soon, and soon as the old stock is gone - thats IT

      They are meant to be just white boxes soon - to make then less "s****y" like that will help....



    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  12. :cold: :puke: The only thing i'll be running tomorrow is the bathroom fan.

    1. Ziggy122


      Bum squits and Birdie Regurgitation?

      Nasty - try and get plenty of water in :)

  13. The sign your wife no longer cares/knows what RC cars you have.. She just spent over an hour in the shed with me cleaning & fettling the new Baja (thanks Ian!) & she never even noticed that it's a new addition, not one question!! Lol.

  14. y rush evo's kicking about these days still?

    1. Ziggy122


      I Still have Mine :) cleaned up and - looking pretty
      Thats all she does now :( look pretty

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. new Esc due to arrive tommorow! HOPEFULLY :)

  16. getting moaned at all because im using the front room as a crawler course. lol  Im sure she complained less  the time i destroyed the Christmas tree with a heli.

    1. Ziggy122


      Pictures of the assult course - or it totally didnt happen

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. 29 year old first car insurance.


    No convictions + normal stuff prob Park on the street altho a private garage might happen (fingers crossed for my recent house bid) 


    I'm aiming for a 2006 fiesta 1.4 ish. 


    But the more I see the new mini the more I like it. It has a 4× safety award I think too. Nice alloys and exhaust could make it suit me. Any ideas what insurance would be estimate. Or should I stick to the festa. 


    I do have a corsa 1.2 but Idk if it will stay around the inlaws want it gone asap and tbh ide rather not have a corsa lol. 

    1. Ziggy122


      If you have NCD you'll be fine with the supplier if you were on a parents policy

      If you go Mini - hell avoid the 1.6 diesels, they are the PSA lump, and they are plagued with turbo issues
      I think they may even be in Ford focus' - but not sure


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. my revo idles just fine now but whenever i i test drive it, it stalls after hitting 2nd gear. i have a feeling it has something to do with the shift thing in the tiny hole on the tranny but im not sure which way to turn though

    1. Ziggy122


      Tranny Not jamming up on 2nd gear causing the clutch to overwork / stall engine?


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. Could anyone recommend a decent house moving team please? No idea what they generally tend to cost, so looking for some names to check out for an idea on price and if they provide boxes and all that kind of thing.

    Been doing some Googling but most I have found just seem to want you to ring them to book, at the moment I just want some general info.

    1. Ziggy122


      Go to your local supermarket - as them to save you some Deep Bannana boxes :)
      And when you pick them up - buy some cheap rolls of cling film

      When boxes are full - wrap em up in cling film - A, should they fall, it wont go everywhere, B- If its raining, they wont get wet

      I recently moved, and everything we could pack up in we did boxes from my work (local supermarket)
      And Suitcases

      We had a van which we luckily got to use for free
      But renting a Tranny / Boxer van / VW Transporter and a few decent runs made light work of it all :)


    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  20. Is any body having issues with faceache right now? Im getting super slow reaction from it


    1. Ziggy122


      been pinging fb, and its either really slow with data loss - or just medium ish ping time

      So it partially loads :(

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. Over 93k people have visited my profile page?! What's that all about then, nothing to see except a cat with a AK47 and a bloody big banger lol 

    1. Ziggy122


      Hi im steven from HSBC, Im currently updating your bank account - can you please confirm you date of birth?

      Pmsl - probably trying to see if you've got owt to work with


    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  22. Any EE customers out there having signal problems today?

    1. Ziggy122


      Im North Notts - Still got my same signal as normal


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  23. Seriously loosing my love for my rustler at the moment....

    1. Ziggy122


      Still got my old school nitros

      Shame the hypers out of action and the rush is a shelfed for life....

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  24. Anyone know about LED Bulbs? I've installed some in my house. 4x Dimmable ones. The switch on the wall is a remote control one with various levels of brightness. However, when I turn them on fully, I get them blinking, and when I turn them OFF two stay on? The old non LED ones were fine?

    1. Ziggy122


      Im using LED bulbs all over the house near enough
      Dont get any flash's or weird glowing stuff

      Cheap bulbs from homebargins to LED's at Ikea, no issues at all

      Maybe it is the bulbs?


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  25. i noticed my nitro goes a alot faster after a bath in 2stroke oil, not to mention if you mix a small amount in with the nitro

    1. Ziggy122


      Nitro fuel already has oil in it

      So by adding more oil there is less fuel - so the engine runs leaner hence why it runs faster, but there is still extra oil to lubricate

      Watch the temperatures and ensure the tune is still good

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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