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Everything posted by Ziggy122

  1. Ziggy122

    The Price!

    So not gonna lie, after been out the hobby and several things that will be affecting pricing (recession / lockdown / lack of them? etc) But is it me that models prices have gone up alot? And 2nd hand (FB stupidity) making them not worth getting.... Alot of Cheapo brands I've never heard off as well hitting around Some popular some not What's Hot to trot and what's NOT? Traxxas as still running hot! Hpi seem down in the dumps FtX seems to me like a good all rounder? Ziggy
  2. Parental Life, Kids and Life come first before Dad needs.... it's part of life, your needs go to the bottom The grass needs cutting! The garage needs clearing out.... oh kids need taking somewhere.... ontop of work.... never ends... Ziggy
  3. So from what I can see... My gut feeling is this is a ""Toy"" Rc why? 49mhz is not a common frequency frequency hobby rc (27mhz 40mhz and 2.4ghz) The steering adjustment been on the bottom is abit weird? I've see them on kids toys Google aint been help for an actual conformation tho ziggy
  4. is the body ""fixed"" to the chassis? can't see like any body clips Maybe some more pictures of the chassis underbelly / under the shell if possible? The body may be worth something, but maybe not if its a "toy" rc underneath
  5. FB market place is a Love hate place...

    keeping an eye out for a cheap model!


    So much a free Revo(nitro) with spare was put up, confirmed free and available!  it's sounded took great!

    yeah it was, seller stopped responding and It was suddenly removed....


    Oh well I'll keep looking

  6. just watched the last ever Hammond/Clarkson/May adventure....


    End of an Era... from Top Gear to the GT...


    Kinda sad, when a good thing comes to an end....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PraetoR


      It was a wonderful episode, though. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

    3. KevB


      Yes, great final episode.... no 'tasks' just cars, scenery and banter...  And what made it even better for me was that I used to have a 3.0 GXL Capri back in the 80s....  very nostalgic

    4. Ziggy122


      Yrkoon - Clarkson has his farm now

      Hammond has his Garage restoration business

      May does alsorts!


      so they aint gone, just Not together 😞


      It was nice to see them actually enjoy a trip! 

  7. Welcome back Ash! its been a while! Glad to see you got bitten by the bug again! tracxas drive shafts have always been weak point, I tended to split the cups/UJ areas... rather than the actual shaft itself - Iirc didn't you do photography at one point too? either way! looking good! keep going! Ziggy
  8. she's getting alot of Backlash, but I think it's just settling time keep saying she's replacing Chester, when reality is, she the New beginning for them She doesn't fully suit there older songs, this first song of the album certainly fits them all together well Ziggy
  9. Setups have different benefits but also negatives extreme toe in or out will just scrub tyres, kill your ability to be agile and drag/loose top speed on an RC it's important when racing, but bashing not so much, mines got so much steering slop, I don't think it's affecting it anymore 🤣🤣 on a 1:1 vehicle tho, way more important!!
  10. Love to hear Linkin Park is coming back, No Chester Bennington, But Emily Armstrong joined to be co-Singer Takes me back rocking out whilst browsing forums and working on RC's!
  11. Do they have their own garage? 🤣🤣 Petrol was I'm my opinion super cool, but the cost to buy and the fact they were way louder than Nitro meant they were a limited market.... never could afford one... I'm hoping to make a guide of places to play with RCs in my area since I travel to different places around my county I spot open fields / near forests / large parks where you could have some fun 🙂 Still remember @HappyLad with his Baja? been mega loud at the old TM bash I'm going back some time tho! Ziggy
  12. I've had the threats of calls by to police for noise, but not much they can do tbh.... Karen's weren't a thing just grumpy old people back in the day... I did enjoy Nitro for the fact its mechanical, you can see it all working where as Electric is very little see and do.... but goes like stink.... I'd love to get the nitro going, but I do like the ideal of brushless Hyper 7! I've got a local park where I think nitro wouldn't be a problem! just shame about the fuel thing.... It was like the TM bashes were nitro filled and Hpi Baja's 🤣 and a few electrics as they were showing some promise.... I might be heading for a midlife crisis 🙄🤣 Nitro is a dead as Scottt Kilmer if you get the reference we can be friends 🤣
  13. The ease of speed and cheapness to run vs Nitro I see why electric is winning hands down Nitro will always have my heart tho But I see online (Face ache for reference), people saying its going down/dead The fuel market is dead (only seems to be Optifuel?) More Electric models been sold vs Nitro (based on my FB market place viewings) is it done for? There will always be some Nitro out there, but it feels like Nitro is just ""poor man's RCs"" Share your thoughts Ziggy
  14. Linkin Park were Big when I did RCs as a teen, had them on alot when I was on the forum too!

    To Hear they are back with a new singer (who will never be Chester) but she seems to carrying LP forward! can't wait to hear more when they release the album! espically as I get a RC in the near future again!


  15. I Used 16% & 20% Torando fuel back in the Early 00's however, they had a known reputation of it causing rust in engines, and well yeah I had where there was evidence where rust was present on my crankshaft 😞 Warranty was nearly void because of it too OS engine iirc? I swore by Byron Fuel, however I googled it and it appears to be finished? So yeah, I'd be curious when I hit back Into the nitro scene what I'd go for As sadly no local models shops near me, so I'd have to it delivered 😞 Ziggy
  16. When I was a teenager, it was literally Everyday! Eat sleep breath RC cars Now - Never 😞 I need ££ 🤣 to restore them or put them aside for now and go New
  17. Need to win some money, I really need a working RC.....

    1. Kpowell911


      What do you need go get up & running?

    2. Gaz!


      Yeah dude, what is it your after?? 

  18. The rush wasn't a bad chassis, it's just a shame they didn't take off, it needed a much better engine and steering setup Nice to see one still going, mine got tarted up to look pretty and well it just sits in a box since the big house work
  19. because you said..... I don't want my tyres rotating cause they do what I drive to your mechanic
  20. The car will always run with the ignitor when the fuel ration is rich cause the fuel is meant to reheat the plug but when it's super rich (during break it's not uncommon to cool the plug more than heat) Having the heater attached means it's always hot regardless Run in is always the worst time to keep the thing running, don't stress it's a phase you have todo Not uncommon to destroy a few plugs Things I've done in the past to help Pinch the fuel line for 1 second MAX when it's struggling this will allow it to use the excess fuel up before fresh is arriving - and more air in! Upping the idle, often I did it via the remote setting the break in settings on the HSN&LSN but then leaning them out abit again to prevent excessive over fuel - don't go mad tho, it needs to be oily to work Preheating the engine is vital, it aids starting and helps keep things going in the right direction (warming up) I used an old cheap hair drier ziggy
  21. Not gonna lie, I do have a super soft spot for the rush evo, it was my first! Just wonder how the diff/gearbox is gonna hold up? cause those middle gears were fu....rs for stripping... often taken the diff teeth with it.... How you finding parts? as afterall it's been discontinued for quiet a while now 😞
  22. Banned just because you were on this page!
  23. my hyper I ended up using a small piece of aluminium to become the body mounts as the plastic cracked/enlarged/rattled around Using 2 screws to hold it in place helped as well the hyper tho the body sits lower vs towers/spoiler on a MT / Stadium I can just see the aluminium become overkill and Sheering posts off instead....
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