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Status Updates posted by Nitroholic

  1. Post house move, I have finally got the shed into shape. So much more space than I had before! The mancave has room for all my RCs, plus space to work. And thats just a fraction of the total. There's a garage....and a workshop area too.
    Having tidied up all my parts and stuff....I need to get a project going to make use of the space!


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stormbringer


      the 1/2 track sounds really cool :good:

    3. Tug


      Moved far? I'm hoping to go south coast when the kids have all left. Question is; do I tell them where we've moved to? 🤔

    4. Nitroholic


      Not moved far ... Literally up the road. But now have a house with a garage, and some extra workshop space. Makes my old little shed look tiny!


  2. Arrgh. ..... was going through the Rc cupboard sorting out a few odds and ends after finding my Baja a new home. Found my oild Spectrum radio. Can I find the receiver that goes with......no. No sign of it. When I mothball a radio, the rx goes in a bag and hte bag gets ziptied to the handle.....or I put the rx in the battery space. No. Somewhere in the shed is a pair of spectrum receivers......maddening!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. danny boy

      danny boy

      What usually happens is I hold on to the radio for a few years waiting for them to show up, finally decide I'll never find them and either bin the radio or sell it for spares. Then they'll show up a few days later after they no longer have a use 😆

    3. Nitroholic


      I know.....that's what I expect to happen here!


    4. Stormbringer


      Prime example of Sods law mate :insane:

  3. Are you trying to buy a Baja?

    1. capri-boy


      I'm perpetually not buying a BL one!

    2. Nitroholic


      LOL ... I can't decide whether to convert my spare one or sell it


    3. Nitroholic


      But shortage of funds says no conversion

  4. Windows 10 .... why, since the last update...have you messed up my sound! Constant volume fluctuations which I can 'fix' by toggling effects on and off.....every day!


    Well..suppose it could be worse. It could be a hardware fault. But I could at least fix that permanently. Googling it seems to show it's quite a common issue. Trying to work out now which update did the damage to roll it back

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rushboy2004


      I work in IT and turn off fast boot - fixes 90% of windows 10 issues I get called to. your computer will take a bit longer to boot.




      * note after the big updates you will have to redo this.

    3. Bajadre


      thanks for that rushboy will give it a try as I have mine asus mobo on fast boot atm and am trying to play that new SCUM game with no sound haha :angry:

    4. capri-boy


      I stuck with Win7 for ages - bought and built more machines than I kept track of.  Resisted the Win10 upgrade till the last min (for the free 'upgrade') and bar my recent issue with homegroup being removed, touch wood, i've had no real problems at all - in fact the only other niggle I recall was onedrive and win10 not playing ball in the early days of win10 - and MS we're quick to get that sorted obv.


      Will bear in mind the fast start up thing though.  ta

  5. I hate E-Bay time wasters. Guy buys a CY motor I had on sale. I send an invoice after 3 days with no pay. I send a message after 5 days. Nothing. No payment, no contact. Finally, after a week...'I don;t want it anymore....sorry. Can I cancel'. NO you damn well can't. Don't want to buy...THEN DON'T BID! Make a mistake...don't wait a week to say so, or you might find a non payment case happens.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. diydrifter


      Easy bro it's mick I'm sorry I've not been on for a while mate but I got ill and then thought that I was getting better and then wham!!! It goes n slaps me right in the face again!!! N it's only today that I'm starting to feel a bit better, n I hope that I've not just jinxed myself by saying that!!! Coz I said it the other week and then the next day I'm laid up back in bed again mate!!! So my fingers n toes are crossed!! :)

      About the guy off eBay, total messer Nitro and that's one of the main reasons that I don't like to use eBay pal!! Only when I've got no other choice really is about the only time I will use it bruv!! How's your hand etc now?? 

    3. Nitroholic


      Good to hear you're feeling better :) I'm fighting fit with nothing worse than a new scar for the collection. Finished the job that did the damage and am now busily engaged stripping the bike engine down to it's basic components. Selling stuff on E-Bay to cover the £70 for a gasket set....or I wouldn't be using it either.

    4. diydrifter


      Cheers mate and its good to hear that you're fighting fit aswell bruva!! :) I ccame across your bike pictures on another thread earlier and there's nothing better than the old bikes:) for me that is :)

  6. Poxy useless rip off garages. Get home and the wife tells me the MOT was passed.....but they replaced the coil pack due to a misfire. £150. At least she got the old part back. One corroded contact. Bit of a clean up and a £10 rebuild kit and it will be fine. £50 buys a good used item. Next time...I am going to take care of it. And them.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Geeze


      Devils advocate but having friends who run garages...

      Most of them won't fit secondhand parts unless supplied by customer. Just not worth the grief if it turns out bad or packs up after a couple of months. And rebuild kits are cheap as a DIY option but often don't save anything for the customer once you add in the hourly labour rate at a garage.

      But mostly this is the fitters vs fixers debate, sadly fixers are a dying breed :( 



    3. Nitroholic


      Wouldn't mind if they actually gave you options. The car was driving fine 99% of the time, and only hiccupped occasionally under load.


      Swapping a coil pack is not exactly ...hard. 2 bolts and one connector.....


      I'm a fixer. Always have been.

    4. Geeze


      Sadly most are now trained as fitters, find borked part, replace it, signoff job sheet and done.

      They should make them all run RCs, teaches fixing :D


  7. Boilers ... I get someone in to give it it';s annual health check, and it's going to cost me £500 to patch it up. £200 last year, and it's 8 years old.


    I know where this is going. New boiler time. Otherwise it'll be the pump, the fan, etc. etc. and I wioll be throwing good money after bad.


    Plans for an RC fleet reshuffle for 2017 have just been wiped out.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. dazp1976
    3. Bigjimknickers


      I fit these: http://www.screwfix.com/p/fernox-tf1-compact-filter-22mm/70208?kpid=KINASEKPID&cm_mmc=GoogleLocal-_-Datafeed-_-Heating and Plumbing&cm_mmc=Google-_-Product Listing Ads-_-Sales Tracking-_-sales tracking url&gclid=Cj0KEQiAzNfDBRD2xKrO4pSnnOkBEiQAbzzeQVVqv8qU7DiAG0IimEZDzVVmcegf6hpYTFuBQDdv0CUaAhz98P8HAQ

      They don't need the top removed to clean them, great idea, isolate, remove magnet, flush from the pressure of the system using the drain off, job done, now I hate magnacleans & there bloody leaking o rings!!

    4. Bigjimknickers


      Powerflush & a mag filter is being pushed my the manufacturers, if it's not done they try to weasel out of a warranty claim it's on the benchmark (filled out on job completion) so it's a must really. There is even a section in the new vaillant manual where they ask you to test the water after a powerflush to check if it's clean enough!

      again, another get out clause imo.

  8. should not be allowed dogs. Just had a close encounter with an escaped pooch that has been boarded up in the alleyway behind my house. Chewed it's way out and was trying to claw it's way into the sheds. Dumb animal should be put down...and I don't mean the dog.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Carpmart


      Does anyone think chemical castration is too severe an approach for some? :D 


      The problem is breaking the cycle... layabout kids of layabout kids of layabout kids...... :( 

    3. Noj


      Only one step further down the line from bromide in beans....:xd:


      Having children is a privilege, not a right. 

    4. RCbutcher


      People are waking up to the idea of abused pets take the place of children. The rspca had dealt with too many people who went on to shake their baby. But I think law is looking into it now. offenders list or something.  

  9. Fallen out of love with 1/5 .... too big, too heavy, and just too damn awkward.

    1. Tug


      You wouldn't sell them off? They're cumbersome to move around, but you know they're awesome once they're on the fly! 

    2. froggy8


       was thinking about gettign a 5th but thats the reason why i got rid of my savage xl

  10. Congrats to Danny Kent...first British world motorcycle champ since Barry Sheene. Good run up to the big one later on....

  11. Yay...snake feeding tongs on the way. That's the last time he'll get my fingers when it's chow time :)

    1. .AJ.


      My ex had 2 corn snakes and the female one would  chase me round the room if it was allowed out xD

  12. Sun is shining, but I'm stuck indoors :(

    Viral ear infection is screwing my balance and giving me motion sickness every time I stand up. I need to test the Madforce.

    1. PraetoR


      Get well soon buddy. Motion sickness is so horrid. Used to get it while working on the ships, it's like the worst hangover x1000. The Madforce will wait for you!

  13. You now you need a break when you spend 10 minutes trying to calibrate an ESC before you remember to plug it into the damn receiver :)

    1. evssv


      lolol!!I spent around 45 mins trying to start me revo the other wk to get it ready to sell....only to find the tank seal had perished so wasn't sealing properly....new seal...fired up in 5 mins!!..D`HO!!

  14. Noj is a witch! Noj is a witch! He turned me into a newt.......... I got better :)

    1. PraetoR


      And he floats like a duck...

    2. -BEZ-
    3. Shudson


      Ah! so he doesn't have a vat, then; its a cauldron! Could Chewy be his familiar?

  15. Shiny new exhaust for the bike. Can't wait to bolt the sucker on. Demon XLS shorty pipes in round polished stainless. Removable 'baffles' for added noisy goodness

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HYPER-BOY


      Nice! - I'll have to look into that then, been looking at some for mine (vfr800 Vtec) and are coming out over

    3. Nitroholic


      For decent budget systems try:

      Blue Flame



      Hawk ( Pipewrx budget systems)

      SP Engineering ( Demon )

      I looked at all those, and they have systems starting around

    4. HYPER-BOY
  16. Marquez crashes....Rossi wins...and Cal Crutchlow gets a podium. A win for Danny Kent, 3rd for Sam Lowes and 3rd for Cal. Fine days racing

    1. PraetoR


      It was excellent. I love Colin Edwards: "The Doctor. The Surgeon. Magician. Whatever you want to call him."

  17. I'm getting old. Buy a 900 Hornet...and what do I do. I fit a centre stand and mudguard extender. One upon a time it would have been loud pipes and a bellypan. I'll be telling kids how things were different in my day next!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. fornowagain


      Aw man I miss my bikes so much.

    3. gofast3r19


      Side stand so much easier too use over centre stand!

      Pipes an essential must if needs be get pipe that offers removable baffle

    4. Noj


      Or, swap it for a Honda 90...nice, steady ride, fairings to protect the legs, nice and light.... ;p

  18. Buzzin hornet :) Just picked up the new ride...CB900 Hornet. 140 miles back from Ripley and shes a little cracker.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -BEZ-


      nice I used to have the 600 12 years ago (god i feel old thinking like that) and it always lacked that bit of umph. Always fancied the 900 ... does it have some nice pipes?

    3. chewbacca


      I'll be on two wheels by the end of the year :-)

    4. Nitroholic


      It's still got stock pipes...but I fancy a set of Scorpion cans when funds allow.

  19. What a horrid week. Everything than can go worng has gone wrong. From a snapped windscreen wiper mount on the car turning into a major PITA to fix to the bike I sold at the weekend failing on the new owner after 5 days. 4 years without so much as a hiccup...and when I sell it, the engine management light comes on and the thing won't start. Legally...not my problem...but morally, I got to try and help the guy. :( This week sucks!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RCpete


      Im a good person but there are alot of scammers and opertunists out there who will mess you over given the chance. I ha a guy that bought a car from me, he then proceeded to destroy the clutch on the quarter mile and tried to get me to pay for a new one!

    3. Bigjimknickers


      I sold an Audi A4 to a guy who was clearly an idiot, limping in, telling me he'd fallen off his bike at 100mph on a corner.. Next day he calls me, I've blown your Audi up, give me my money back. Yea right.bcock even took me to court (& lost!) probably drove it home in 1st gear!

    4. Nitroholic


      Don;t think this guy has trashed it ...just think it's bad luck. Could have happened to me just as easily

  20. Space engineers .... why is it such an addictive game! Must stop playing and go test the servo setup in the Savage...

    1. Thunderwolf


      have a look at medieval engineers, same people but castle building

      has structural physics too so not enough support will see your building colapse under its own weither

  21. Fine morning...off work...sun shining...time to get the cars out thought I...so I did! Blown a steering servo on the Savage, lost a driveshaft grubscrew on the Kyosho, and teh screen has failed on the FlySky GT3B. Couple of hours well spent :)

    1. Noj


      Should have followed my lead and stayed in bed!

    2. Nitroholic


      I love the smell of nitro in the morning :)

    3. Noj


      Ah, but do the family feel the same??

  22. Just what I wanted for Christmas...a banged up right knee. Thanks Ford Focus U-Turn merchant.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nitroholic


      Hooray for legal cover, protected no claims, and the joys of official paperwork. Third party works for Currys.....which I think says it all

    3. Noj


      How's the bike?

    4. Nitroholic


      Still rideable. Luckily I broke it's fall ......

  23. Just had a chocolate lime sweet...from a so called reputable purveyor of sugary comestables...and there was NO DAMN CHOCOLATE. All lime.... what is the world coming to!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nitroholic


      I compromised ... I have taped a strongly worded letter to the pitchfork handle.... all bases covered

    3. Shudson


      Ah, but a strongly worded letter on its own might bring you some "freebies". Profit over principle!

    4. Nitroholic


      Might be a touch tricky to produce the evidence .....

  24. Marvellous....just what I needed... kind soul knocks on the door to let me know there is a large bit of metal in the bikes rear tyre. Again. Manage to extract a 4mm thick metal bar 45mm long. Went through at a steep angle....through the centre tread...and out the other side! By a miracle..it hasn't pierced the carcass and the tyre is still holding full pressure.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nitroholic


      Wonder if I can get closed-cell foams in 170/17 size... Baja never gets punctures

    3. 53HRA


      It might be worth putting the tyre into a bucket of water to see if there are any bubbles - If there are bubbles it's loosing pressure if not then it's perfect ;)

    4. RCbutcher


      I don't think it's worth risking mate. A harsh bump on that spot and pop maybe. Mayb a stone.

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