A while back I picked up a Thunder Tiger ST1 for silly money, after it had sat at the back of the shop unloved and unwanted. It's a great Truggy, and runs well...but the radio that came with it is shocking kit. It is very glitch prone, and hates running with a failsafe fitted. All the kit 'works' just not when it's all put into the ST1. So, no refund there from the shop ( they're actually pretty helpful overall, so I don't blame them really! )
So, what to do. I want to replace the cruddy 27Mhz AM radio with something good....but cheap. The budget is around £100 and I am windering what you guys would recommend.
I have seen cheap 2.4Ghz kit from ACOM and Ansmann on Modelsport that comes into that price range, but are they worth it? Would I be better off getting a better quality FM unit? The XTM buggy came with a pretty fair FM TX/RX unit that has never given trouble. It's just the ST1 that seems marginal. Sometimes it's fine, others the failsafe cuts in every few seconds and the thing kangaroos like a crazy thing. I am not keen on running it without the failsafe, though, as it's a pretty quick mover!
I also want to be able to get a second RX unit to put in my XTM XT2 to cut down on the number of TX's I have knocking about the place.... the damn things breed and eat batteries, so having 1 unit I can use with both cars would be ideal.
Any thoughts?