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Everything posted by beyondRC

  1. This was bought on 23rd Feb from Toys R Us brand new as a bundle for
  2. need a new soldering iron any ideas? about 30-40 to spend

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stebro


      i got a 30w from homebase. Didn't think it would be much but it a great iron for

    3. Baja 5b

      Baja 5b

      I use an 80 watt iron, its a weller iron i think. works a treat on anything, tips a bit big though.

    4. beyondRC


      stebro I got their 40w one earlier today for

  3. hey anyone near ilford essex? I found a nice bashing place not far from redbridge station just off Royston gardens. Every time i go there seems to be completely empty just a few people walking their dogs. The only way in is through the hole in the fence at the back is two empty tennis courts good for on-road. So yeah pm me if you fancy it some time I go mainly in the weekdays before work about 9-10ish but can do weekends. Been running the baja there and had no complaints.
  4. hostile extra hard best tyres for my baja?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Thunderwolf


      yes, tarmac works so well with them... it like the car is on rails...in case you can't tell i'm being sarcastic... ;)

    3. Highlander


      Mini MX are Great.

    4. beyondRC


      cheers guys buying a pair next week :)

  5. waiting for my iphone 4s to come dpd are taking ages :/

  6. k will stick to 4s atm then move onto 5s
  7. thanks tingting yeh will defo get some then but gonna test someone else's first at the track to see how they are. I'm on 4s which is still plenty powerful how do yu run 5s? 2s and 3s in series?
  8. k cheers guys will have a look on the American forums any ideas on truggy wheels/tyres?
  9. hey i recently went down to my local track at fairlop and for a first timer i was pretty decent. Now im in two minds really as to whether to take the mmm out of the revo and put it into a nitro roller which would handle the track a bit better. It was ok around the track but was horrible in certain areas and generally bouncing about all over the place. I was recommended by one of the guys there to try some truggy tyres on it as im running 17mm hex but didnt get a chance so will try them next time. Is there anything i can do to make it a bit more track worthy? Im running proline big joes on it atm as i mainly bash in fields etc never on a track. Is it worth spending more money on it or just get a nitro roller say and 8ight or hyper and convert to brushless using the mmm and a conversion kit? If i do keep the e-revo for a while to get used to the track layout what upgrades should i be looking at? I will need a new shell, tyres, anything else? And any recommendations. Will these work: http://www.modelsport.co.uk/ansmann-racing-1-8-truggy-tyre-rim-set-dish-terra-white/rc-car-products/37965 cheers Ricky
  10. upgrading soon might get iphone 4s but white or black ???

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. beyondRC


      There is no app that officially makes android better ;) Most of the good stuff is on both platforms?

    3. RooBoonix


      Android is soo much better, iOS on iPhones is featureless, you need to jailbreak it to make it good, you cant customise anything except.... the wallpaper :/ get a Galaxy S 2 if you can, amazing phones, iPhones need to be killed :D

    4. ravenguard


      Get an arc s. Much better :-)

  11. dont think so the travel is set to 100% and so is steer rate ??
  12. Little update on this recently fitted killerbee vs-2 as recommended by gav and it was the easiest option and also one of them dom clones from rcmodelz which i ordered just in time as they have gone up in price. I think its a km tuned pipe? Anyway heres a little vid and first little test out on the street. Im faced with another problem now i have tried everything to get the steering just right but just fail every time. Servo seems fine to me but the turning circle is still huge it was only turn sharply if i brake and turn quickly. Anything i can do with this? The pack is fully charged and still the same. As for brakes i put some nitro fuel tubing on the linkage and thats made a huge difference in the stopping power. Any ideas?
  13. killswitch finally installed and what a pain it was lol

  14. Killswitch and pipe ordered for baja ;)

    1. norcoforever


      what pipe mate?

    2. beyondRC


      one of them dominator clones from rcmodelz ;)

  15. yeh looks really strong how many you got? let me fit everything up when it comes and i will prob take one off you if you have any left i get paid in a few days
  16. yeh thought it might just need a tune seen a few bumpers but they cost more than the actual pipe itself lol
  17. hey had my baja a couple weeks now and its on about 3rd tank atm. Took it out for a while today and noticed if i blip the throttle while its going fairly slow its starts bogging down? It was fine at first only just started doing this. The needles are still at factory settings so could it just need leaning out a bit? Im ordering one of these dom clones tonight: http://www.rcmodelz.co.uk/product/Tuned-Pipe-Exhaust.php as heard many good things about them and also a killer rc killswitch v2s for my dx3s. Im thinking wait till the pipes fitted then start tuning? cheers hope you can help!! Ricky
  18. which baja tyres should i get? The stock dirtbusters are already worn out :o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gavin3171


      Hostile mx is a name that apears alot



      what surface are you running on ???

      I have hard hostile mx nightmare on mine and there superb for grass and loose gravel

    4. hebby


      I just demolished a set of proto's today

  19. is the one it came with no good? theres some in a red bottle and some in a tube?
  20. hey just came back from bashing the baja in a local field (with permission), anyway i noticed just as i was ready to leave the exhaust was sort of shaking about and very loose? Is this a common problem on these only just got it a couple days ago and its on its 3rd tank? im guessing i just take the bolts out and threadlock them? cheers Ricky
  21. nice tt01 had one a while back was my first rc
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