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MAZ last won the day on May 14 2023

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About MAZ

  • Birthday 25/12/1978

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    Sci-fi, films, books, keeping fit (when I can), gardening, DnD, boardgames etc etc
  • RC Cars
    Currently building a Hyper ST Pro
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  1. Had a little test drive in the garden with the Hyper ST today. Looks like I may have forgotten to threadlock a few things lol..

    I also still need to glue the tyres to the rims and I'll probably gorilla tape/belt them as well.

    So far so good. More intensive test driving to come very soon 🙂 🙂

    1. Stormbringer


      How did you like it before it started falling apart ?

    2. MAZ


      I absolutely loved it lol. 

      My partner had a little go as well and she liked it too!! 


      I may have to get another Hyper ST now hahaha

    3. Yrkoon


      aye their great fun 🙂

  2. I would've gone for black gorilla tape but the shell is white so I wanted the tape to match it lol
  3. Theres a white gorilla tape thats available so I'll get some of that. It'll look better having white tape with the white shell 🙂
  4. I think I might just go for Gorilla taping it lol.. The shell is Proline Bulldog 🙂
  5. I've got a basher shell that I'm going to be using for my hyper ST. The shell was one of the few things from my old rc stuff that didn't get stolen. There were no window masks or decals, literally just an unpainted shell. I've given it a rough spray in white (its not perfect but it'll do) I'm now wondering what I can use to reinforce the shell. I don't particularly want to use shoe goo and dry wall tape. I've seen some aluminium backed tape on ebay This stuff - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/355961722579?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=zzftkrc2sos&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Yv7kFOI2SSm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Just wondering if anyone has used it before? If so, was it any good? Or should I just get some gorilla tape and slap a load of that underneath the shell? What have you guys tried? Cheers for any advice 🙂
  6. Does anyone else have other hobbies/things that they're into that cost a lot? (especially when you let yourself off the leash)


    Collecting Masterpiece Transformers can be punchy as hell lol


    I'm still getting over coming back from TFNation - Europes biggest Transformers conversation (apparently)

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. steephill


      First it was cars, Subaru's in particular. I blame my hero when I was younger Colin McRae. 

      Then it was off road bikes, KTM 250 exc was my weapon of choice. 

      I'm trying really hard to not hurt myself now so it's RC's and feeding the wildlife. 

    3. Kpowell911


      @Spunkymunky88 Im a massive Wrestling fan too. My friends go to Mania every year but it never lines up with my holidays/plans =/ Theyre gutted that 41 is Vegas, but the dates changed. They work in retail and arent allowed time off in Easter so 41 will be the first one they miss since LockDown Performance Centre days =/


      Massive respect to you getting in the ring. Its a tough old gig. A lad I used to work with does it and appears pretty successful tbh, but its a tough tough world. Respect!


      I just cant get into AEW. Ive tried and I just cant. Other than MJF & Kenny Omega I cant relate to any of it, as good as the talent is.

    4. Tug


      Cordless power tools; rotary hammer, combi and impact drivers. Yes, I need these for work, Yes, spare machines are necessary to keep me working when a machine suffers a failure. However, ten rotary hammer drills of various sizes, three combi drills and five impact drivers is probably overkill. They've become a side Hobby, including watching multiple review channels, I love my tools and what they can do. 



  7. Set it all up with no issues 🙂 many thanks for the help
  8. Urgh, very close to finishing my RC but life keeps getting in the way!

    I did manage a very small test run in the garden. The car didn't explode so that's a win :) 

    1. Stormbringer


      always a good sign when it doesnt go boom:rofl:

    2. Yrkoon


      hehe cant wait to see a vid of it ripping about, gotta love hyper's 🙂

  9. Finally getting my butt into gear and getting my brushless Hyper ST build finished 🙂 

    1. Stormbringer


      hmm i think i will go dust the cobwebs of your build thread :rofl:

    2. MAZ


      lol! I’ll give the build thread an update this evening 🙂 

  10. This is an old post but it’s pretty good. I’ll be doing this to my RC shell very soon https://www.msuk-forum.co.uk/forums/topic/151251-strengthening-my-body-shell/ Hope that helps
  11. This is a pretty old post but it might help https://www.msuk-forum.co.uk/forums/topic/108043-guide-for-belting-tires-for-use-with-high-power-rcs/
  12. Hello all 🙂 Just a bit of advice needed please.. I’ve (finally) nearly finished my Hyper ST build and I’m wanting to try out the new radio gear and esc/motor combo I’ve got. The radio gear is a Spektrum DX5 Rugged and the esc/motor combo is a Hobbywing Ezrun Max8 with the Hobbywing 4278 motor Thing is, I really need some help and advice when it comes to using both the radio gear and esc combo. It’s been absolutely years since doing anything like this and I really don’t want to mess it all up before I’ve had a chance to use it. I’ve also never used any Spektrum stuff before. Neither the radio gear or esc are plug & play are they? I’ve had a brief look at the esc set up and I think I need to calibrate it first but I also think I need to calibrate the transmitter too. Is that correct? If I need to calibrate them both does it matter which one I do first? @Stormbringer I think in my build thread you said you had the same radio gear setup? Was it easy to Calibrate or did you even need to do that? Feeling a bit frazzled by technology so any help from you guys out there would be really appreciated Many thanks
  13. As usual it’s been ages since my last update.. life and stuff and more stuff etc etc.. 🙄🙄😒 I purchased a traxxas receiver box which should be arriving soon. Once that’s fitted I think that should be it for the truck. Although I’ll need to sort the wiring out and put new connectors on the lipo’s. Actually theres probably loads of other little bits that need doing lol Eventually, at some point and many moons from now it’ll be ready to go 🙂
  14. Receiver boxes for 1/8 scale..

    Trying to find one I like for my Hyper ST build is more difficult than I thought it would be 😕

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Stormbringer


      hope its been of help 


    3. Stormbringer


      Well have you decided on a box ?


    4. MAZ


      Doh.. Totally forgot to say that no, I've still not decided on which reciever box to get 🙄

      Maybe the traxxas one if it fits nicely on top of the servo or the centre diff


  15. Its been a little while since my last update so thought I'd pop back here and upload some progress pics. This build is very much a slow burn and it'll take as long as it takes, which I'm fine with 🙂 I've recently bought a few more essential bits.. I always wanted a Spektrum transmitter and really liked the look of this one. The one handed control option, impact protection, and water resistance definitely made me want this. I needed a charger as well I think this one is pretty decent? Got myself some batteries from Amazon as well. Hopefully they're not too terrible.. They came with Deans connectors which I don't think is ideal, especially as the esc is fitted with xt90 connectors. I've bought some bits that need soldering up Its been a few years since I've done any soldering and yessss I know that I could have purchased pre-made connectors which would've been cheaper and easier but I wanted to do it this way lol I'll be doing a bit of practice soldering first but that'll happen once I've decided what solder to buy/use I've got a couple of other bits and have done a little bit more on the truggy too but I'll post those up this evening if I get the chance. Its getting there slowly 🙂 🙂 Cheers 🙂
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