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MAZ last won the day on May 14 2023

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About MAZ

  • Birthday 25/12/1978

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    Sci-fi, films, books, keeping fit (when I can), gardening, DnD, boardgames etc etc
  • RC Cars
    Currently building a Hyper ST Pro
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  1. Had a look at the nitro Hyper ST that I picked up recently. It has a Macstar28 engine - they take normal glowlpugs don't they? 

    Edit - looks like it can use turbo plugs depending on the head button (is that the right word??) 


    1. locky


      Newer ones are normally turbo plug, the head button will have a T mark on it when you remove the cooling head. But you should be able to see the tapered plug hole on a turbo with finer threads.

    2. Nitroholic


      Just take out the glowplug and have a look. If it has a square shoulder..normal. Tapered, and it;s a turbo.


      Never liked those Macstar engines. Always found them harder to tune and keep in tune than most of the other options out there. Kyosho, OS, Force, LRP ....HPI, Thunder Tiger ... Even the Hoboa .21 motor was better. In fact, about hte only nitro motors that ever gave me grief were .28 Macstars.

  2. Well, that's interesting.. I just bought a nitro rc from ebay. I don't even have the time to use the electric one I've got lol 

    1. locky


      Scrstching an itch?

    2. MAZ


      I wanted a decent donor/spares/roller for my ST. Saw a decent nitro version of the Hyper, decided to have bid on it and ended winning it 🙂

    3. Stormbringer


      apart from the nitro engine all the other parts will fit so win win :good:

  3. God I hate moving.. 

    Been at my place for just over 6 years and have literally just moved in with my partner. All my stuff is everywhere!

    Luckily my RC is in easy reach lol. 

    1. Stormbringer


      Yep get the important stuff sorted 1st :rofl:

  4. Did the drop test on the truggy from about 3ft and it slapped the ground pretty hard. It definitely needs stiffer springs 🙄 I'll also have a look at what shock oil I've got. I might have some 60wt as it goes 🤔 I'm going to head over to my local(ish) model shop tomorrow and see what they're got
  5. Thanks for the replies guys, much appreciated 🙂 The shock collars are fully wound to give as much preload as possible and the shocks themselves are positioned as vertically on the shock tower as possible. The shock oil isn't too thick either tbh I can't remember what weight oil is in them. @wombatand @m4inbrain any recommendations on a good starter shock oil for doing jumps and stuff? I need to mess about with the wheel hubs before doing a drop test (I've got some hub extenders that need fitting) I'll get the wheels back on later today and throw it on the floor a bit to see how it looks. I do think I'll need stiffer springs though @Stormbringer have you got stock shocks on your ST? If so, have you had any suspension issues due to the tanky weight of the Hyper ST?
  6. My Hyper ST build is pretty much done now but I'm having issues with the shocks that I'm using. They're from a Hyper SST which is fine in itself but the issue I'm having is that the springs aren't heavy duty enough. This causes the chassis to sit a lot lower than I'd like. I plan on getting used to jumping the Hyper once its ready but I don't want to smash the thing to pieces because the springs are far too soft Its doesnt help that I think the ST is a heavy beast lol (Pic of the shocks I have for reference) I've tried some Mugen shock springs which were supposed to be quite stiff but they really really weren't. Does anyone know where I can get much stiffer rated shock springs from? Alternatively - how about replacing the shocks for some heavier duty ones? Are the Arrma Kraton shocks beefier with a stiffer spring? I don't know anything about arrma stuff at all so any advice on them would be great. Also any help or tips on what I could do about beefing up the shocks would also be really appreciated Many thanks
  7. I had to glue my Hyper ST tyres onto the rims the other day. First try didn't go well as I used the wrong type of glue (its all I had at the time so thought I'd give it a go) - total waste of time.. Got some gorilla glue to try again and just urgh.. its not gone well Gel glue is not the way forward.. The gel glue is too thick and the setting time is almost instant which isn't what I needed at all l Those blue bits are parts of the nitrile gloves I was wearing so as not to glue my fingers to the tyre/rim I'm just about to order some thinner glue that has a slightly longer drying time - this stuff: SLOW DRY Ammo Mig / Colle21 Super Glue Cyanoacrylic for a slower setting, 15 seconds, 21 g with precision cannula for model making and DIY. https://amzn.eu/d/4WClD8n I've also had a look on youtube at some tyre gluing vids to get some tips - gel glue isn't advised lol Just wondering if anyone has got any advice or tips on how to glue tyres without making an utter mess out of them? Cheers 🙂
  8. 2nd test drive of my brushless Hyper ST went well except for a tyre come loose from the rim. Defo need better glue for keeping the tyres on the rims lol

    1. MAZ


      I might need thicker shock oil for the rear shocks as well. Or maybe heavier duty springs as there was a lot of sag on the rear end 

    2. Vr5fx


      Don't cheap out on the glue you use for the tyres/rims. Made that mistake myself. 

    3. MAZ


      @Vr5fx I got some gorilla glue gel - big mistake.. 


      Don't use gel lol


      I'm going to do a proper post about gluing tyres because my second attempt didn't go well at all.. 

  9. Had a little test drive in the garden with the Hyper ST today. Looks like I may have forgotten to threadlock a few things lol..

    I also still need to glue the tyres to the rims and I'll probably gorilla tape/belt them as well.

    So far so good. More intensive test driving to come very soon 🙂 🙂

    1. Stormbringer


      How did you like it before it started falling apart ?

    2. MAZ


      I absolutely loved it lol. 

      My partner had a little go as well and she liked it too!! 


      I may have to get another Hyper ST now hahaha

    3. Yrkoon


      aye their great fun 🙂

  10. I would've gone for black gorilla tape but the shell is white so I wanted the tape to match it lol
  11. Theres a white gorilla tape thats available so I'll get some of that. It'll look better having white tape with the white shell 🙂
  12. I think I might just go for Gorilla taping it lol.. The shell is Proline Bulldog 🙂
  13. I've got a basher shell that I'm going to be using for my hyper ST. The shell was one of the few things from my old rc stuff that didn't get stolen. There were no window masks or decals, literally just an unpainted shell. I've given it a rough spray in white (its not perfect but it'll do) I'm now wondering what I can use to reinforce the shell. I don't particularly want to use shoe goo and dry wall tape. I've seen some aluminium backed tape on ebay This stuff - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/355961722579?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=zzftkrc2sos&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Yv7kFOI2SSm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Just wondering if anyone has used it before? If so, was it any good? Or should I just get some gorilla tape and slap a load of that underneath the shell? What have you guys tried? Cheers for any advice 🙂
  14. Does anyone else have other hobbies/things that they're into that cost a lot? (especially when you let yourself off the leash)


    Collecting Masterpiece Transformers can be punchy as hell lol


    I'm still getting over coming back from TFNation - Europes biggest Transformers conversation (apparently)

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. steephill


      First it was cars, Subaru's in particular. I blame my hero when I was younger Colin McRae. 

      Then it was off road bikes, KTM 250 exc was my weapon of choice. 

      I'm trying really hard to not hurt myself now so it's RC's and feeding the wildlife. 

    3. Kpowell911


      @Spunkymunky88 Im a massive Wrestling fan too. My friends go to Mania every year but it never lines up with my holidays/plans =/ Theyre gutted that 41 is Vegas, but the dates changed. They work in retail and arent allowed time off in Easter so 41 will be the first one they miss since LockDown Performance Centre days =/


      Massive respect to you getting in the ring. Its a tough old gig. A lad I used to work with does it and appears pretty successful tbh, but its a tough tough world. Respect!


      I just cant get into AEW. Ive tried and I just cant. Other than MJF & Kenny Omega I cant relate to any of it, as good as the talent is.

    4. Tug


      Cordless power tools; rotary hammer, combi and impact drivers. Yes, I need these for work, Yes, spare machines are necessary to keep me working when a machine suffers a failure. However, ten rotary hammer drills of various sizes, three combi drills and five impact drivers is probably overkill. They've become a side Hobby, including watching multiple review channels, I love my tools and what they can do. 



  15. Set it all up with no issues 🙂 many thanks for the help
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