2 new arrivals this festive season!
First up, a little co-ax Blade Scout. Didn;t have one...and this turned up for less than £10, so I had to rehome it. Came with original box and packing, but the canopy was split quite badly along the underside. A replacement is on it's way. It's not really a regular flyer, but it fills out the collection.
Second new arrival was an absolute bargain!
Blade MCPx. New in box. Box had been opened by heli never flown. You can tell it hasn;t. Not a mark on the blades, canopy or tail, and the gears have no marks to indicate wear or use. No grubby marks or fluff anywhere. Came with DX4 TX and a couple of batteries. Have bound up the TX, charged a battery and run it up on hte deck, to make sure all the controls work as they should, and it's all good. Everything works. Even had the still packed TX batteries, though these wre unservicable and have been sent to the recycling.
She's a little beauty. £50 paid. It was on E-Bay BIN, and I wasn;t going to wait and try and snag a lowball bid. I know a good deal when I see one, and if I didn;t jump, someone else would have. This one wasn't going to hang around.