Wow, it’s gone a bit quiet in here……lol.
so the tiniest of updates but make a big impact.
have to shout out at @stupar for these Toyota decals, thank you so very much, its appreciated.
Nothing much else done yet, still wanting a brushless system for my Fj40 along with some hardened steel driveshafts (inside the axle ones).
also on a side note, as ive mentioned in earlier posts, i thought i had hit the big time with these Chinese servos, i have 3 in total now and rate them very highly, however the last 2 ive tried to buy (on separate occasions) 1 was “returned to sender” and one apparently “lost” the last 4 purchases were perfect from this eBay seller to which im not sure whether or not post up???
the only difference is these last two were bought when the seller sends you a offer with a percentage knocked off. Seems a little suspicious to me.
so it looks like it will have to be the Injora branded servo whenever possible, id hoped my sales stuff would have gone by now, if it did i could complete all bits left to do on the Fj40 and my Chevy K10.
hopefully a bit more to update soon.