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  1. Couple more points i would like to add, the whole 5th scale petrol scene has quietened down due to those nervous types that complain, so not having suitable bash spots anymore and the fact they are a (Losi 5ive) best part of a 25kg missile!! lol. the hobby has waves of differing areas, remember the short course craze?? That was a massive shift! Then drones, now it looks like the crawler part of the hobby is flourishing as this was very quiet and niche for some years. I’m absolutely sure the large scale interest will come back, although i believe it will be electric and not i/c which is a shame as i really liked the howl of the engine and smell from the exhaust. last thing i would add regards making stuff, i used to make a kit to turn a Scx10 to suit the popular Defender 90 body, made loads of them and sold like hot cakes but, price of raw materials sky rocketed, as with the electricity hikes made it look really expensive when compared to the equivalent Chinese offering at a ridiculously low price with a overall better finish. i do still tinker but more with plasticard now, that said i have made my own version of rear bumper for the Traxxas Trx4m Defender… after being here for some years, yes the likes of face ache have lured away lots of people, this forum has a wealth of knowledge, changes with the times and will always have loyal supporters. Quality over quantity with members, id rather have 1 decent guys instead of having 10 dicks. sorry for the ramble.
    3 points
  2. I dont actually like the facebook, reddit etc platforms they all just seem too wishy washy, sure i am on a few and look at the pics but dont really post as you always get that 1 slobbering knuckle dragger that posts on everyone’s post saying that 1 particular car is poop and you should have bought x instead, just get lost min if you have nothing constructive to say just dont say anything
    2 points
  3. From doing a reverse picture search I'm getting a Schumacher fusion, hope it helps 👍
    1 point
  4. I've given up using FB, never used reddit or IG either. Used to find stuff just got lost in the ether, very difficult to keep track of a particular issue/subject and much of it was utter nonsense anyway. At least here you can keep up with things easier, and its just simpler / more enjoyable to spend a few mins checking out the latest threads / keeping up with the latest news etc.
    1 point
  5. Bloody hell! I forgot that I made this.. Nearly seven years on, a lot has changed. I moved from Crossrail to the much beloved HS2 in 2021. I am now married and have a baby (neither of which have been good for the hobby, haha!). At HS2, as with Crossrail, I haven't met a single person that is interested in RC. Some people like drones and would like to try them out. There is even a man in my team who's job it is to conduct drone surveys. But I don't think anyone is looking for a new hobby. It's a shame, but my passion lives on!
    1 point
  6. Got it muddy! First winter run for the DR8 and I forgot how hopeless it was traction wise with the stock tyres 🤣. Think I looked at 6s Mojave wheels before but never got them.
    1 point
  7. Try connecting your battery pack straight into the receiver, this eliminates all the rest of the power wiring, servo wires always go into the receiver with the signal cable towards the middle of the receiver, signal is white on most servos, red (live) is always the middle pin
    1 point
  8. So this arrived today. Courtesy of my Daughter who is 10 months old. Not too sure how she managed to order this, let alone pay for it (She probably has more money than me!) I didnt think 10 month year olds understood E-Commerce or had any concept of money but fair play to her. Unfortunately its off to Santa now to be delivered to me on Christmas Day! For the record. “She” paid $210.58 including postage and VAT at checkout on Amain so £171 was the charge all in. No additional charges. It was ordered on the 6th and arrived 10 days later. Id have had no chance getting one from the UK as I was missed the original allocation. So to get one at circa UK retail was great Its also factory sealed in cellophane. I dont think UK ones are?
    1 point
  9. Guys, im not really actively posting much at present due to spare time fishing, however i am still active reading posts and trying to be helpful on here where i can, i will be honest i am considering selling all my RC models and building up a pot of cash to get a pair of 1/10 and pair of 1/18 crawlers and sticking with this
    1 point
  10. Nearly all forums are struggling, simply because every one is now using the face ache, many forums have shut down, this form will pick up again
    1 point
  11. Exactly, the people who moan are the ones who don't contribute,,👍
    1 point
  12. I am on here daily having a read of stuff and posting when i feel a need too
    1 point
  13. Saw this posted on another forum by a guy from Castle and thought it was worth a share on here 👍 This might be a bit much information but I'm going to type it all out so people can reference it in other threads. Two surface product lines; Sidewinder and Mamba. Sidewinder is the value line for low cost of entry. Designed to replace RTR electronics, a huge upgrade from brushed motors, better control and programmability than brushless RTR electronics. Mamba is the high end line. As many features as we can fit in the desired form factor.Sidewinder line has three ESCs(listed smallest to largest):Sidewinder Micro 2: 1/18th scale, 2-3s, 2 amp BEC, Not Waterproof, no fan, no heat sink. 3.5mm motor bullets.Sidewinder 4: 1/10th scale, 2-3s, 2 amp BEC, waterproof, 30mm fan. 4.0mm motor bullets. Handles 3x the power of the Sidewinder Micro 2.Sidewinder 8th: 1/8th scale, 2-6s, 8 amp BEC, waterproof, 30mm fan. 6.5mm motor bullets. Handles 4.5x the power of the Sidewinder Micro 2 and 50% more power than the Sidewinder 4.Mamba Line has five ESCs(listed smallest to largest):Mamba Micro X: 1/18th scale, 2-3s, 2 amp BEC, AUX wire, waterproof, sensor port, no fan. 3.5mm motor bullets. Very similar ESC design to the Sidewinder Micro 2, but handles about 40% more power. Also works in 1/10th scale for racing with 17.5T or 13.5 turn motors on 2s in 2wd buggies and 2wd stadium trucks.Mamba X: 1/10 scale, 2-6s, 8 amp BEC, AUX wire, waterproof, sensor port, 30mm fan. 4.0mm motor bullets Handles 2.2x the power of the Mamba Micro X and about 40% more power than the Sidewinder 4. Also works in 1/8th scale buggies for 4s racing.Mamba Monster X: 1/8th scale, 2-6s, 8 amp BEC, AUX wire, waterproof, sensor port, 30mm fan. 6.5mm motor bullets. Handles about 33% more power than the Sidewinder 8th or Mamba X.Mamba Monster X 8S: 1/6-1/8th scale, 2-8s, 8 amp BEC, AUX wire, waterproof, sensor port, 40mm fan. 6.5mm motor bullets. Handles about 55% more power than the Mamba X and about 20% more power than the Mamba Monster X.Mamba XLX: 1/5 scale, 3-8s, 20 amp BEC, AUX Wire, NOT Waterproof, NO sensor port, 40mm fan. 8.0mm motor bullets.1 Handles about 33% more power than the Mamba Monster X and about 15% more power than the Mamba Monster X 8s.
    1 point
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