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  1. it's quiet but not dead, be glad its not gone over to facebook and faded into the masses like so many have
    2 points
  2. Took the UDR out around the quarry after work and some local yoofs have made a ramp on the little hill I jump over πŸ˜„ perfect for RC trucks. Have not missed cleaning this thing over summer, winter time brings the muck 😭
    2 points
  3. Tight lines mate
    2 points
  4. brilliant reels them, i used a similar one on my first ever rod a green millbro fibre glass one, i used one of they reels and a rod for perioid correct spinning πŸ™‚
    2 points
  5. Looks like you guys have had some good fishing, well done, im out for the day at local lake but gonna fish the small pond using light rods and will have my new silky smooth centrepin reel on one rod using old school bread flake on the float for carp also later im gonna have a couple of hours on the canal fishing on the bottom using an old mitchell 410A reel that is near on 50 years old and still in perfect condition
    2 points
  6. Done a few changes and stripped down all 3 diffs on my maverick Quantum truck before i even used it as I read they come empty. I've never had to do diffs on a brand new rc car unless I've built it from kit form both front and rear diff were like this Centre diff Threadlocked the driver cups as they are known to come lose Added my ddf-350 radio gear Added body retainer clips Quick change of the settings and it's now ready to go πŸ™
    1 point
  7. I am on here daily having a read of stuff and posting when i feel a need too
    1 point
  8. Mines β€˜been collected’. Funnily enough I wasn’t expecting it until just before Xmas. I thought these were Traxxas First Delivery Program. Did you collect yours in person?
    1 point
  9. Bin the engine and convert to electric
    1 point
  10. had some fishing earlier at the harbour and caught a small fish on each of my pike rods and dad caught a small one on his 14 foot beach caster, ironically i was down there for quite a bit waiting on them to finish a opticians appointment after going first and seen 3 fish jump what i beleive were sea trout at the side of the harbour where it is super rocky and weedy. some pics of when i was waiting, wish i brought a rod and some spinners πŸ˜›
    1 point
  11. No problem! I’ll get this done tomorrow
    1 point
  12. Finally fitted the new rear drive shaft on the UDR even added little boot thingy to hold the grease in even adds a little scale touch to it me thinks πŸ˜ƒ. It'll probably fly off in the first 5 mins but at least I tried πŸ˜„. I really need to give this truck a clean 🫣
    1 point
  13. is there a dial to adjust steering amount on the tx ?
    1 point
  14. yeh been a fun week down the harbour as the weather and tides were perfect for evening sessions and those wee fish really do rattle the tips of those beech rods
    1 point
  15. we have been busy boys, been out 3 times this week with almost no wind or rain at the local harbour, tonight we caught about 10 fish each or more and some crabs, all small cod or cod family fish either polloc or whiting etc in the 3 days we havent had any worth keeping but its been fast and furious running between rods its like one rods going and ur watching it then the other one goes, so a lack of pics lol new rod i got earlier today 150 quid down from 300 abu garcia beast x pro 150 gram casting weight yesterday the daiwa moonraker dad gave me with my beast x 220 gram rod and reel i mentioned in another post πŸ™‚ new rod in the dark, keep looking ill get to fish soon πŸ˜› dads new blue beach caster there might be a bridge as well not sure? guess its time for midget fish πŸ˜› ok i hear you all cry i will stop codding about and show you the best fish i caught which i havent caught down there since i was a kid. i present to you mr flounder πŸ™‚ the little flounder lied to me yesterday he said if i let him go he would bring his big mates to see me 😞
    1 point
  16. we went to parkley earlier and had loads of bites, a dang rainbow trout came near the surface and went for a wriggler lure, i seen it but it came out of know where but it never connected 😞 dad caught one though on the float, and he got to try out his light up float in the dark πŸ™‚
    1 point
  17. first succesful test on new rod and reel, i think im in love with them πŸ™‚ used 60 gram wriggler lures and 85 gram ones and a big sinking 125 gram one and perfect casting every time, that reel is perfect size for that rod with 50 pound braid πŸ™‚ i can really chuck that rod and reel and 0 zero chance of birds nests plus its a lot lighter than my beach casters that i find to be too heavy but can do casting weights getting up to them with my new spinning rod 220 grams πŸ™‚
    1 point
  18. Yehh its a bit smaller than the 6500 reels we have
    1 point
  19. yay new reel came and seems the perfect size for the new rod πŸ™‚
    1 point
  20. I guess nobody uses this forum , Where is everybody at?
    0 points
  21. Just realised today that this model shop closed down on the 1st November. Shame really, it became my go to website whenever I needed servos etc. Used to be very easy to see what sizes and specs etc from their diagrams.
    0 points
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