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Showing content with the highest reputation on 18/10/24 in all areas

  1. 27 years ago someone impaled a 60 pound pumpkin on the top of a spire at Cornell University in the middle of the night. It's over 170 feet off the ground To this day, no one really knows who did it, why, and how this was accomplished without anyone noticing. On October 8, 1997, passersby noticed a pumpkin on top of the tower's spire. Because of the danger involved in retrieving it, administrators decided to leave it until it rotted and fell off. However, the pumpkin rapidly dried out in the cold air and remained on the tower until it was removed with a crane on March 13, 1998.
    2 points
  2. If the brushed was actually readily available in the UK, and the brushed/brushless price difference was greater, as it is/was in the States (they were blowing the brushed version out at Tower for some crazy low price, 179 usd springs to mind - £140!!!), then I'd defo go brushed and pop my own 3S system in. As it is right now here in crazy old UK, for 20/30 quid I'd just pony up for the Brushless.
    2 points
  3. I got to say this thing is a lot of fun, only thing that concerned me was temps, so hopefully thats has been remedied with these rocket fans, i had to grind a couple of slots so the fan would fit secuely/clip in to the shround on top,of the esc
    1 point
  4. So pretty much every time i have had this out something hasnt quite worked out, well its fixed and back together again now so fingers crossed for tomorrow
    1 point
  5. How the hell?!?! 🤩 There are pranks, then there's this ☝️
    1 point
  6. yay new reel came and seems the perfect size for the new rod 🙂
    1 point
  7. I’m in the same boat, i desperately want one but would have to try and sell on other rc to fund it. I have no first hand knowledge though. I do think that it would be better than most of its predecessors, the gyro in particular otherwise, id be as interested as you to find out.
    1 point
  8. Obviously you'd need a hobby grade charger too if you went the new route, but if you plan on staying in the hobby then that's a must anyway. They pop up used on here from time to time for 20-30 quid (for a basic 50w one).
    1 point
  9. The car price difference is only 20 quid (280 vs 300), and the standard battery that comes with the brushed is only a 3300mah, so won't get much run time out of that before you and your lad have to trudge home to wait the 15 hours before the battery charges back up again on your rtr charger... You can get a 5200mah Zee hardcase 2S lipo for a little over 20 quid from amazon, so for 40/45 more you have a much better car and a much longer lasting / better battery. Obviously if the used one checks out then that's a bigger saving, don't use FB now so I can't comment. Good luck.
    1 point
  10. Given the extra info, and that you got the stuff available....I'd put it up for sale as is, see how it goes. If you get nothing, paint it. You can always offer a buyer the option of painting the shell if they haggle the price.
    1 point
  11. Personally...I wouldn't care. For some, a painted shell would save them doing it, but how good a job are you going to do just to sell it. Just giving it a quick blast over with one colour might put folk off as well. If you do paint it, then it needs to be a good job, with backing etc. Pick out the details and get a good finish. Sticker it properly and make it look nice. Otherwise..,.leave it clear and let the new owner do what thay want.
    1 point
  12. Quite impressive rod and reel you found Im that impressed i got same myself lol
    1 point
  13. Seeing some of the absurd prices people are asking for (well) used examples, I'd be inclined to just bite the bullet and buy new, seen them for under £300. Lot less stressful and removes the risk of buying a lemon.
    1 point
  14. Fitted my favourite 80kg servo along with an more solid mount for it and an alloy servo saver, now usually i am not a fan of these things but since it adjustable will give it a try Its starting to come along nicely here, i also swapped out the wheel mounting hex as the oe is thin and these ones i have fitted are double the thickness Had to get 1 of these as it looks well cool, how long it will last no idea, but i used adhesion promotor on the chassis before i stuck it on so it def shouldnt unpeel And finally all back together in time for friends coming over for an indian takeaway 🥳
    1 point
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