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Savage steering servo


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hello again...you must all hate me by now, but...whats the best way to replace the steering servo I powered up the electrics for the first time tonight and the futaba s3003 couldn't move the wheels looked it up its 4.1kg/cm at 6V so no wonder, I have some plastic geared sg5010 (11kg/cm) which I really rate for £5 a pop but whats the easiest way to install ?? Is it battery box off or front skid plates.


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no just take the lid off your batterybox so as to get at the receiver to unplug the servo, turn ur savage upsides down unscrew the screws and its out, when you install the new 1 just make sure the trim tab is centered on ur tx and put the servo horn back on so the wheels are as straight as poss

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I stripped the front end on mine roght down to overhaul the servos. It's really not a hard job to do. The whole front assembly comes out of the TVPs easy enough. Slacken off the screws all along one side of the TVP chassis and then you can loosen one sideplate and just slide out the complete front assembly.

While you are at it, you can inspect the front diff and bevel gears or make an afternoon of it and strip and check the front diff as well :)

With all that off and the front driveshaft out of the way, you have plenty of room to swap out the servo.

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