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Best Monster


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I'm thinking of getting my first Monster early next year, I'm wondering if anyone could recommend me one.

I was thinking Either a Savvy 3.5 or a Traxxas T Maxx. Theres not going to be raced or anything fancy like that, there just going to be for me to have some fun with.

I also want something that wont break the bank to much, which is why I'm edging towards the T Maxx.

Are they any good, or could any suggest an alternative?



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I'd go for the sav, awsome truck but I'd try to raise enough funds for a better version : 25

Nitro MT's are pricey, you can get the T Maxx for around 240, personally I'd bump the budget and go for the 25. Its an all round good truck, big strong and fast enough, endless amount of hopups availible or the 4.6 which you can pick up for £340 but its in kit form and needs radio gear (ebay)

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I was stuck in a big rutt when I wanted my first MT, I got it down to the sav 21 and the t maxx and could'nt decided, I'd never seen an MT before let alone used one, I knew nothing about them and choose the sav 21 at the last min based on looks alone.

Since then I've seen and used a t maxx aswell as learning a lot more about nitros and imo theres no comparisoin between the two, I made the right choice, the sav is the best rc I have ever owned

Dazz (HPI Fanboy)

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LST2 is coming out near the end of this month apparently. Info:


Slightly costly i know, but its an extremly good truck. However at the end of the day, if you go for any of the big guns (mgt, revo, savage and lst) you will be very happy. All good in thier own ways and you'll have no regrets! Just get one asap and bash it :)

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Well I'm going to upset quite a few now, but I ordered a T Maxx today after taking one for a bash this afternoon.

It turns out my mahe has one lol! I thought it was brilliant fun and is fine for me to muck about with.

I know the Savvy is better, but hey, I can get one next year ;)

So much for waiting till next year to gte a monster eh ;)


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Lol I know, but hey :)

I'm getting the Pirate on Saturday (Yay)

I do like the Savvy I admit, but at the moment I can't really afford it.

I am waiting for the payoff from my bike accident which I should get early next yeah, I will probably invest in a savvy then :)


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Ahh fan boyz, they get everywhere :P

If I wait to my money comes through, I will try and get one of the special edition ones.



i would have a go with the pirate 10 first and if you like it get a revo(i hate savvys, worst RC i ever had)

takes a man to be able to handle on thats all


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I have used nitro RCs before, just never owned one myself :)

I think there great fun.

Takes a man to handle a Savvy, thats ok then, when I get mine next year I will tell the missus she ain't man enough to use it :P


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I have used nitro RCs before, just never owned one myself :)

I think there great fun.

Takes a man to handle a Savvy, thats ok then, when I get mine next year I will tell the missus she ain't man enough to use it :P


good man


When it comes to women you need to put your foot down, prefrebly on their neck :lol:

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good man


When it comes to women you need to put your foot down, prefrebly on their neck :lol:

Lol, is that after you unchain them from the kitchen ;)

She would probably drive the cars OK, slower than slow. Everything will be fine as long as she doesn't have to reverse into a car parking space.


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