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Inside the 3 speed box (adjust 2ed gear)


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(Built the 3 speed up from kit, it also has the reverse in situ.)

I have had to strip it back down to adjust the shift point for first to second a few times, usualy takes 1/2 to 3/4 hour from test drive - strip down- ajust -build-and back to test drive.

The video starts at holding the first gear cog and clutch holder for the second shift.

Then the second gear, third gear and then the third gear clutch

(note the correct way round for this or it will not shift from 2ed to 3ed.) finally the box is reassembled.

I have chosen to use synthetic PTFE grease inside the box casing etc.

:blink: just noticed the heading was too long and it’s been cropped down at the end, so it says ‘for t’, I haven eaten It. lol

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I adjusted the 2nd gear clutch by half a turn clockwise (for now) I did'nt touch the other one

the guy at hpi said I shouldn't bother and that the 1st gear is for roar power but everyone says it changes too quickly, to the point u can't even hear the change

Edited by Mad Hatter
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Thanks for the feed back on the video!

As the shift positions are preset for the 25 engine, both in the kit, and pre built 3 speed box. They will probably need tweaking to suit your engine and preference.

Shift position for 1st to second is very quick/short (almost instantaneous) in the factory set position, so I decided to have it changing a bit later; it’s a fantastic hill climber now.

If I set off gradually, just to avoid a wheelie/back flip then go to 3/4 WOT on grass it will shift to second gear in 2 seconds, and third in 4 from setting off.

But in that time it as covered a lot of ground lol, so I will probably be adjusting things again.

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